Does she want to be on a team that beats everyone 10-0? As of now, we do believe that we are pursing the wisest course. Its not for every child or family, but we have enjoyed allowing our child to play travel ball, at least today. Really great article Dr. Hamilton! I agree with some that was said. You can argue all you want and say you go to church when you travel, but the first time you skip church because it interferes with game time, you have taught your child that a game is more important than worshipping God. 10 types of CRAZY baseball parents & how they're RUINING If youre a parent who never played a sport competitively, you might not understand her desire to spend every waking hour at the ballpark. I enjoyed my time as a travel softball player, but it wasnt always easy for me or my family. At the same time, they also want to focus on player development. Even though my son showed to every practice and gave 100% effort, it didnt matter. Developing skills in (or at least having exposure to) music, art, great books, drama, theology, politics, or science-and-math-related activities makes us better, more empathetic, engaged human beings and citizens, and better leaders. Using our tools you can find travel or club Softball teams in spring, summer, winter, or fall near you or across the country in just a few minutes' time! Character Development: Arguably the most important aspect of a program is the character and personal development that will take place. A few coaches who work for franchised organizations will get paid and actually make a small profit for their time. The Holy Spirit leads us all differently. How many travel baseball games are played in a season? If you're acting like your son has already made it, then you are killing his drive. This is how travel sofball is. Jesse played baseball for many years, served in the U.S. Army for 15 years, and began officiating 32 years ago. Youre all running on less sleep than usual and even though its only 5 am, theres no more rest for you. Softball teaches you how to communicate with those who are in authoritative positions about something you really want. Maybe families should pray over the decision that best suits each individual child. Its also likely that kids will need to miss school for team commitments. This is mainly to get those on the fence to really question if this type of play is a good fit for them or if maybe rec ball would be a little more suitable for them. Rec ball. Often this will vary from league to league and from coach to coach. And given the number of kids playing and the number of available spots, even a partial baseball scholarship is terribly unlikely. Crazy Baseball Parents #2 The Helicopter parent How dedicated is your child? Cost: Figure out what your family can afford before you even start looking at options. Educate them. And for the good of rec ball leagues everywhere, for the good of your family, and for the good of your kids, I would urge you to avoid travel ball until the kid is old enough to commit to a more demanding regimen. God will open doors to tell others about Christ as we are faithful to follow Him. Travel Baseball Teams Near You | NCSA You have to trust that all decisions are made for the good of the entire team. I talked to a dad who was committed to having his family in church even when they were on the roadand he said they traveled as a family as often as they couldfor tournaments. Parents also will also have to give their own free time to volunteer. This not only applies to the sport of baseball and softball, but in all sports where a dad coaches their own son or daughter. When you go to a game, you are there to support the team. Travel softball can become quite expensive. I could rest. What are they learning? Learn from others short comings and honor God with your precious time on the field. Some of the thoughts overlap what was already said. Problem 1: Specializing to get a head start We are in such a rush to do more, more, more at younger and younger ages, and as a result, our children are getting injured at an unprecedented rate. Catherine Holecko is an experienced freelance writer and editor who specializes in pregnancy, parenting, health and fitness. I see quite a few girls that are not willing to put in the extra work to get better. Travel ball softball is the next step up from recreational softball. We only have 1 high school senior playing basketball. While thats not very common, driving three hours one way for a practice is totally commonplace. They learn to be a part of a team effort and that there are sacrifices that need to be made for the team (for instance being pulled during a game). This includes the travel teams, specialized . Kids are smarter than what we want to give them credit for. While rec ball was enjoyable, the ever changing pool of players, coaches and parents made for inconsistent experiences for my daughter, some good and some bad. First up, travel softball is a lot more intense than traditional one. Thank you for writing this. Plus, thats in addition to fees and travel for camps, which many top-tier players also participate in. 7. Its also important for everyone involved to be honest about the players skill level. I can say without a doubt that I wouldnt have made it to the level I did without travel softball. I never felt that way until I got to college, but looking at the demands of travel ball, I totally understand how the kid feels. This is very true for our daughters as well. For every 10 players that are forced to play at the highest level for their age, 6-8 will quit by the time they get into high school. The nature of sport is that participants will learn in the course of their play, practice, games or meets, all about discipline, perseverance, punctuality, teamwork, goal-setting, how to handle disagreements, disappointment and failure, as well as success and recognition. Be a parent. I think it does need to be approached carefully and prayerfully, especially with the demands on the family and commitments that call us away from the church. Thats commendable, but I suspect that those tournaments dont always start the Sunday games at times that make finding a worship service possible. Rec players are given basic techniques and instructions at a pace they feel comfortable with. And with more practice and play time, the risk of injury and burnout goes up, too. Messages conveyed: We parents need to pray daily about what messages we are sending our children by the sports or other activities we have them in. Excellence: Pursuing excellence is important, but be sure you know and your child knows what you mean by that. I dont see anything wrong with having children that play recreational sports. I intend to keep it that way. Back in the day, if you played travel softball, you were a serious player striving to become an elite athlete, and you had the full intention of playing in college. At RIP-IT we match looks with performance to deliver unrivaled gear that protects and inspires. Having said that, below are the top reasons your daughter should not play travel softball. I hear this quite a bit. In general, there is no regular season with travel softball it runs all year long, with club practices once or twice per week during the spring and fall season, and a full slate of weekend tournaments during the later spring and summer season. Of course, we dont love giving up almost every Saturday to softball. Not one. Great post. Encourage her to work even harder to earn playing time. Voddie Bauchams Family Driven Faith. Then, another tournament every weekend from late spring through July or August. Being part of a team, no matter how long its for, isnt permanent, so as nice as it is to identify with activities that we love, we dont want them to define us or our kids. As a follower of Jesus, this consideration is the most important one for me. Toughness is OK (even necessary for some kids and teams), but hostility isnt. *****. Personally, if I could have done things differently I would have kept my child in the rec leagues but I guess Im not sure if she would have learned to pursue excellence in the manner she did had she done so. We love them by showing them that God is infinitely more valuable than all else. Its apparent that wegenerally speakingspend more time encouraging our children to pursue athletic excellence than we do in developing a Biblical Worldview in them. They learn more socially because they have different teammates for each sport and different roles. Thanks for sharing them. (Matthew 6:33) I pray that many folks take heed of what you shared. When children are interested in a particular elite team, it's important to find out in advance what their expectations are. That means that even if your kid is the best thing since Babe Ruth, if he goes off to play major college baseball, the baseball team isnt paying all the expenses. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. I played two years of major college baseball at the University of Arkansas, and Ive been coaching my sons in baseball and basketball for the last 7 years or so. There is no championship, just games. 10 Things Wrong with Youth Baseball and Softball (And How We Can Fix Stop digging through message boards and groups, search and find your next team today! I was asked to join a team but unfortunately my parents liked their weekends at the shore too much, so I wasn't allowed to play. Tendonitis. The Sleep Foundation. 14,539. However, I am concerned about the amount of time spent in preparation, travel, and practice that can rob a family of what is truly important from a Scriptural perspective. We have had a sub par experience, and I have that guilt every Sunday that we are at a tournament instead of honoring God in His house. Now, teams just showcase players instead of playing team softball. Its quality time in a certain way, but probably not in the way youre envisioning right now. Nor am I categorically condemning their decisions and choices. Im embarrassed to admit this, but I accidentally conditioned myself to fall asleep every time I was in a car for more than 45 minutes. Travel with extended families and make bonds with good people. Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Players If your daughter wanted to be a catcher at a higher level of play like travel ball, then shes going to be putting in some work. They stand out on the team from the girls that clearly go home and put in the extra work, the extra exercise, even the extra lessons to constantly improve. If your player doesnt have the drive to get better by putting in the extra work, then travel softball most likely isnt for her. If non-Christians are playing travel ball on Sundays and all the Christians are in church with other Christians, how will the Christians win the non-Christians to Christ? The Pros and Cons of Youth Travel Teams - Verywell Family Encourage her to be a good teammate. She doesnt have ANY of the skills that the other girls have and the coach clearly has their own reasons for letting her ride the bench more than getting play time. Its not easy to admit that you or someone you love is not good enough for something. Families who thought the Sunday game was no big deal slowly dropped out of church because sports came first. Rec ball in many places is competitive. 12 Consideration on How to Start a Travel Softball Team I dont normally respond to blog posts, but I wanted to respond to this one because I respect you. What should she do? Your email address will not be published. Since tournaments and games are . Thank you! Utilize the links below to browse our Travel Softball Rankings. My daughter has played with the same girls and coaches for 3 seasons now. 3. Enjoyment: Help your children enjoy a sport for the simple joy of the sport. Catherine Holecko is an experienced freelance writer and editor who specializes in pregnancy, parenting, health and fitness. The answer to that question depends on two main things: her love for the game and your wallet! Top 5 Reasons Your Daughter Should Not Play Travel Softball Softball | Definition, Rules, History, & Facts | Britannica That may be the girl were talking about here. Overall, the risks are pretty much the same as regular baseball. We sure miss watching her play, but for the time being, we feel this was a good decision for the entire family. Your marriage matters a lot more than some sport your kid plays. Fun for all, talent levels not seen before. Go to a couple of games and see how the team plays together, and ask to watch the team practice before committing. Its also important that you dont make your child feel guilty if she tries a competitive team for a year and decides its not what she wants. On a competitive travel team, players gain great experience in team play and sportsmanship. Thank you for speaking out and I hope people will take these comments seriously. If you can not recover or a fix an error as quickly as another player then you will be replaced. Christians need to be gathering with the same group of people every week to worship the risen Lord Jesus, to hear his word, and to fellowship with each other. What will travel ball mean for your marriage? But come bracket play on Championship Sunday, the goal is to win and the best players will be on the field with the expectation of dominating the competition. The tournament is 2 hours away and its cold and misty. With travel ball, there is minimal time to recover from errors. Teaches them basic techniques. My daughter is involved in a local homeschool league. Our children assume that Sunday morning is time to worship with our church. I hope that this guide was informative and helped you understand what to look for, so that you can make the best choice for your family and have as rewarding of an experience as I did. Exactly how much depends on the level of competition your daughter is looking for. He didnt make the middle school team as only travel ball kids only made it. Of course our children have bents that we want to nurture, encourage and help them develop, but lets make sure we arent pursuing our own agenda. Shes the one that still plays in the dirt instead of gets in the ready position. (Sometimes you'll find an assistant coach who is a parent, but rarely a head coach.) Well break the costs down in more detail later. Still, I wouldnt trade those times for anything and I wouldnt be where I am today without those experiences. The biggest softball hubs are Southern California, Texas and Florida. There were wide variances in playing . We dont win Non-Christians by loving them more than we love God and his glory. Of course, we dont love those miserable weather days where its cold and wet. You have to grab a quick breakfast to eat on the way. I also need it every day of the week. Michael Hortons Christless Christianity I know you were saying that theres no one answer for everyone. If you find yourself a great group of girls with an amazing coach, then your player can grow like crazy. And there is no guarantee of playing time (unlike in recreational leagues where all kids will usually get a chance to play regardless of ability). We are leaning strongly to go back to his Rec ball league that we enjoyed in the spring. For them, it was a matter of priorities. Lesson learned. It would surely come in handy as a travel ball parent. While you make some great points, let me provide an alternate perspective, even if I appear at present to be the lone dissenting voice. Usually, these teams are part of a private or club sports program, not a recreational league or one affiliated with a school. Many of the assertions in this article are quite true. This causes an influx of these types of players. The only kind of baseball scholarship D1 programs offer is a partial one. If instead you go to games and yell out how to do things to the girls or degrade them or constantly run to the dugout to chit chat, then you are a problem parent. What is the financial commitment? (on which more below). You can tell the girls that go home and dont touch a bat or glove until their next practice. I also grew up watching sports slowly take over Sundays as the team practices/warmups got earlier and earlier until they happened during church times. I do not feel we will ever look back on our decision to say no to travel ball. 3. Feel free to ask about financials (whats included in team fees, fundraising, etc. Sometimes travel teams also change players during the season, adding and moving around players based on performance. They dropped out of church and I think it really showed their kids that priorities of baseball come before any commitment to church attendance or service. The true reality of life is that we arent going to be successful at everything. Accepting players from all over central Florida and have had players from all over Polk County, Hillsborough County, and Hardee County. At tryouts, you should expect to be tested on your home-to-first sprint time, your home-to-home sprint time, and your overhand throwing speed. Who are these kids being forced to play? I was sent the letter about "What if you can't . So Im writing in the hope that youll see that rec ball is a better route. Fridays and Saturdays are pool play games, meaning you play a small number of the teams in the tournament, and then get seeded. On Sunday, you participate in double-elimination bracket play, with winners always taking home something cool like a trophy, medal, plaque or ring. Overall, you want your daughter to have a good experience on the field and off with her teammates and coaches. They use evangelism as a spiritual reason for not being in church. Living in Oregon and playing competitively, I traveled multiple times every summer and fall to play in college exposure tournaments in Southern California. However, there are those few girls out there that just clearly have no business being in travel softball. Learning that excelling takes commitment, hard work, loyalty. My sons high school teammate played in the minors for several years before being cut and at age 26, he is just now finishing college and trying to figure out what to do with his life. Joining a team where youre not among the absolute best players can motivate you and build your work ethic, but joining a team where you get virtually no playing time or attention can hinder your development. There are many benefits of pursuing sports excellence, travel like any other passion filled event children can participate can be an extremely beneficial. But dont hold her back if she wants to push herself. Also, Im more interested and more compelled by Scripture to promote the spiritual health of my own children than of their team mates. So much time was freed up by not having to go to practice. God makes it pretty clear when Paul says, Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus We represent Him, so we will want to do our best and want our kids to understand why. I find it filled with some great thoughts based on extreme examples and false assumptions. On the other hand, dont force her to join a competitive travel ball team if she just wants to have fun. These girls can always work harder to be better. Often, good organizations will reach out to a player that caught their eye and invite them to come to the open tryout. Im not saying that travel ball is a sin, but it seems to be something that Satan can use to tempt people away (especially dads). With the top-tier of competitive travelling softball teams, the coaches are generally not related to the players. It seems to me that time comes in the mid to late teens, but thats going to be a judgment call . They learn to be a part of a team effort and that there are sacrifices that need to be made for the team (for instance being pulled during a game). Our hope as parents is that they think of themselves first as members of Gods family and then our family, and then perhaps as an athlete, etc., after that. It was excellent, by the way. Travel teams are also sometimes calledelite teams, select teams, club teams, or tournament teams. While some languages are much harder to grasp than others, a lack of words is a travel problem with an easy solution. Coaches are more open to the players exploring different positions. Do you know the coach or coaches? Other important considerations are coaching style, character and overall attitude. I dont even want to think about how much parents pay for their 714 year old kids to travel to tournaments, to stay in hotels, to pay the tournament entry fees, and whatever else all this costs. Many high-level programs are fully-sponsored by product manufacturers, or at least get discounted rates on things like uniforms and equipment. For one thing, their bodies just arent developed enough to handle the strain. The low-end travel teams can be local teams going to a few tournaments outside the region. Im betting you would be better off saving your money to help him with college expenses. My concerns in the post are directed not at adults pursuing excellence in their callings but at parents of kids in the 714 age range . Age brackets are 8U (8-years-old and under), 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U and 18U. Problem #2: Athletes need to OWN their decisions, both good and bad We need to put an end to the helicopter and lawnmower parents, those who mow down all the obstacles for their kids, and give ownership to the athletes. They are the parents that try to coach from the sidelines. Bottom line: give your kids a childhood theyll want to replicate with their own children not one theyll react against. That the glory of the Lord might cover the dry land as the waters cover the sea. If you live in a big city, chances are that a good program is nearby. She needs to be developing the leg and core muscles daily to give her the power to play that position to the best of her ability. If your daughter is thinking about playing softball or she has been playing for a couple of years now I'm sure as an involved parent, you have heard chatter of other parents strongly siding with one. If team dues seem ridiculously high, make sure youre getting your moneys worth in terms of equipment, facility use, uniforms, etc. What guides me is Paul in 1Cor9:22-23 22 To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. We still put prior commitments first and the coach understands that we cant make all games/practices as a result. . The only thing you have planned is to lay around the house, relax and watch football. Dads get into it for a little better competition not meaning for it to take over their lives, and the next thing they know their schedule and wallet are dominated by travel ball. Train your coaches and prepare them for every level they will be involved. Thoughts on a 15 year old trying to play for a travel team with no Extend your season, make sure that all teams are drafted equally. Softball Leagues + Travel Softball Teams - Lakeland Mom This mentally effects the kids also with so much pressure to do well. Legalism requires perfection, and Im not perfect, Jesus is. We always had food on the table, but the effort put in by my parents to facilitate my amateur softball career was exorbitant. Every year, most teams host an open tryout, where anyone interested in joining has an opportunity to be evaluated by the coaching staff. This is going to be a big temptation for me because I love sports and am competitive by nature. You as a parent cannot choose the level your daughter wants to play at. Are those stewardship issues as well? My husband also was a quarterback at a Big 10 university, and my dad was a football coach, but we both chose to direct our son away from football and into other sports because of the enormous risk of injury, especially head injury. And it cuts into homework time as well. The journey the Lord had me on led to me being cut from the team after I did not play summer ball following my sophomore year. Our league is like the one you described. Its hard in the county. They also need to learn more about taking care of their body to keep it strong and healthy through conditioning, nutrition, and good sleep habits. James Jesse, Vice President (Umpires) for Grand Slam Tournaments (GS), leads corporate oversight of all GS umpires and directly manages a team of 60 umpires in Atlanta, Georgia. Thanks for posting this. The repetitive throwing motions that softball pitchers perform may irritate the tendons of the shoulder, elbow, forearm, and wrist, causing tendonitis. We will be staying with rec from now on. What to Look For in a Travel Softball Team - The Hitting Vault These reflections grow out of my own experience playing and coaching and watching other families. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. If you are ok with giving away your weekends to softball, then maybe travel ball is a fit for you. Since you are spending so much time with your teammates, long-term friendships are formed more likely than on a rec ball team. Jun 8, 2016. More general instruction. As a mom of a 10 year old girl who has played both travel and rec softball we have seen first hand the pros and cons of both. Very good and same principles work for hockey too. Highly-competitive programs need to have high-level coaches. Travel Baseball - 10 Pros And 7 Cons - Little Ballparks Im not a coach, but I can only imagine that problem parents are one of the most annoying things to coaches. But for us, when you lay everything out on the table, our daughter getting to play this incredible sport with an amazing team outweighs all the negatives that come with it. " (Travel softball) has taken high school softball out of the equation," Hutchinson says. Dont get me wrong there are alot of rec leagues that are great but if you live in the middle of no where lile wr do that was out only option to make her the best that she could be and to teach her to challenge herself and not settle for just good enough. See also: How to Pick the Right Softball Bat. I wanted to play at the highest level I could, and they were willing to sacrifice to make that happen. I do want to finish by saying that we absolutely love travel ball. Be sure to consider these questions. Is the travel ball opportunity your 714 year old kid has more important than Friday nights and Saturday mornings at home with the family? Once we knew about travel ball there was no going back. but could it be said that youre in the big leagues of your profession? doi:10.3390/sports7070171, Merkel DL. They will actually improve more at each sport because a variety of new skills enhances old ones in ways that cant be quantified. Then of course you have everything for your player to use at home to practice like hitting nets, tees, practice balls, medicine balls, balance boards, etc. Do I think that she will go pro? No one wants to admit that the little girl that they love and adore so much, is just not good enough to be doing something. Aspen Institute. In raising our children in a world where developing a one-sport athlete is pushed to the extreme, we both were counter-culture, and we have happy, well-adjusted kids now, all of whom continue to pursue fitness as a lifestyle. The Do's and Don'ts of "Daddy Ball" - Amanda Scarborough Breakers Labs We have truly enjoyed getting to know our travel team family! And at best a professional athlete might play into his late 30s or early 40s, then what? We want girls who are team players, dedicated and committed to playing softball at an elite level. This is a an uncomfortable topic to address given that you are . Ask former or current players and parents to describe the coaching staff, and see if they would be a good fit for your daughter. I think the key is finding the right team and families. It also gave her a place to play when a local rec option was not available and softball was her #1 choice. Coaching: Are the coaches experienced? They need to run and jump and exercise other muscles than the ones required by baseball. I could be wrong. Thank you for this well thought out post. Costs by region (travel mom is from California so these prices maybe a bit higher or lower than what you might spend), but here is her breakdown: FAST, FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS | WIN FREE DIAMOND CLEATS OR SPIKES FOR YOUR TEAM - LEARN MORE, Original Defense Pro Softball Fielder's Mask, Women's Period Protection Volleyball Shorts (3").
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