WebAlex Miller, Asteroid Astrology. WebThe most well-known are Juno, Hera, Eros, Cupido-A, Amor, Sappho, Lilith (NOT the Black or Dark Moon Lilith! Ophelia is an Asteroid asteroid that orbits the Sun in the asteroid belt that is mainly in the area between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroid Urania conjunct MC, ASC, NN, Uranus, the Sun or the Moon. The planets and the fixed stars are used in medical astrology. It turns out that in Synastry I have Ophelia square Ophelia Alex's Asteroid Astrology How you best use your light. 99942 APOPHIS: Keywords: serpent of chaos, dragon, scorpio-like energy Positive: Negative: Neutral: constantly destroying and regenerating, stir up fears 3696 HERALD: Keywords: bringer of news, indicator/sign of things to come Positive: Negative: Neutral: 251 SOPHIA: Keywords: angel of wisdom Positive: above-average wisdom, insight Negative: Neutral: 55 PANDORA: Keywords: curiousity killed the cat, process of change, indication of many abilities (5 = swift change, transitions, movement, 5+5 = 10 = 1 new beginnings caused by swift changes) Positive: impact, adventurousness, desire to make a difference/splash, urge to be all one can be Negative: rebelliousness, troublemaker, unintended consequences, caught off-guard, turbulence Neutral: initiating change through curiousity, restlessness, 38083 RHADAMANTHUS: Keywords: wisdom, justice, judges, connected to beliefs outside mainstream Positive: sanctions second chances, open minded, fair, non-judgemental, seeing the larger picture Negative: critical, judgmental, damning, feels persecuted/persecutes Neutral: courts, karmic penaltie, stern, upright, self-critical, (connection to things asian), 5145 PHOLUS: Keywords: bridges gap between subjective perception and understanding universal laws, small cause-big effect, butterfly effect Positive: just, wise, nurturing, meeting the needs of others while keeping ones own balanced, self-nurturing, attentive, emerging into new states of existance, turning point, curing addictions, swift change Negative: catalyst, sexual issues, opinionated believing rules of cosmic forces not applying to you, addiction to food/alcohol, carlessness regarding weapons, ignoring spiritual needs, indulgent, reclusive, meddling Neutral: rapid transformations, opening to possibilities, release from situations, food/drink especially in regards to celebration. Pandora: heavily-cratered moon of Saturn Phoebe: moon of Saturn, and the first satellite discovered Portia: moon of Uranus, heads Portia group of satellites Rhea: one of Saturns moons Rosalind: moon of Uranus, discovered in 1986 Asteroid Directory EMPRESS ATLANTIS Keywords: seeking of magic and mystery , magician, mystical, occult, alchemy, balancing of polarities within Positive: sculpting, shaping and directing energy with purpose, remembering your divinity, something else to remember/re-awaken Negative: had enough with lack, limitation, work, dis-ease, struggly, suffering, pain Neutral: attune one to wisdom and power of ancient magicians and alchemists, magicians abilities, 10 HYGEIA: Keywords: goddess of good health, daughter of medicine Positive: good health, fitness, hygeine cleanliness, maintaing health through right living with nature Negative: Neutral: naturopathy, ayurvedic healing, homeopathy, natural/alternative healing methods, 432 PYTHIA: Keywords: a seer, prophet, priestess, oracle of delphi, talent for divination, drug usage Positive: clairvoyant, all around psychic power, oracle, interpretation+explaination Negative: neptunian, foggy, halucinogenic, delirious ranting, deluded, paranoid Neutral: someone with psychic or prophetic faculty, detox, fasting, purification rituals, tarot, symbolism, 212 MEDEA: Keywords: princess, wise-one, witchcraft, occult, magickal herbs, natural healing, working with nature Positive: involvement, feeling involved in something, playing around, trying to be attractive/bewitching, controlling the other with charm, bewitching, herbalism, natural healing Negative: hateful attitude, fury, resentment, scheming, murder, revenge, murder own children, misandrey Neutral: strong (or absent) emotions, love/hate relationships, botany, herbs, archetypal witch, exploring ancient feminen, 34 CIRCE: Keywords: greek sorceress/temptress, wields a magic wand, enchantress, magician, solitary existance, one away from society and surrounding self with animals and ones craft, Positive: offering hospitality, spells, passionate love affair, knowing ones passions and beliefe system, own moral boundaries unapologetically, magic, wiccan/pagan roots, exploring natural means of healing, helping others Negative: ill-effects of misusing magic, cunning, bewitching, dark, manipulative, lies, trickery, shunning traditional feminen roles, aggressor with others forming relationships on her own terms, misandry Neutral: where we may attempt to undermind others, as well as ourselves, place where one seeks alternative answers on ones personal journey, herbalist, magician, healer, archetypal witch, doing what one loves in privacy, little desire to be in the public eye, turning men into animals, 1130 SKULD: Keywords: norn of future, determines the inevitable future fate of mortals, north node energies, water-spirit/ valkyrie, swan maiden Positive: awareness in the present thus creating the future Negative: uncertainty Neutral: tending to trees, norse divination system, runes, nordic, past-present-future, divination, our fate, our lifes direction, our future, the outcome, what is to come, prophetic, 167 URDA: Keywords: norn of the past may have relevance to past life recall or retrocognition, energies of the southnode Positive: Negative: Neutral: norse divination system, runes, nordic, past-present-future, divination, our karmic past, our background, our roots/origins, what is behind, remembering, past-life regression. Startseite > Uncategorized > ophelia asteroid astrology. This asteroid being afflicted 673 ASTARTE: Keywords: (Innanen, ishtar, venus, aphrodite) sumerian deity Positive: sexuality, fertility, love, beauty Negative: warfare, lillith/kaali vibe Neutral: 3497 INNANEN: Keywords: (Ishtar, astarte, venus, aphrodite) sumerian goddess, sexuality, fertility, queen of heaven+earth, morning+evening star Positive: love, beauty, sex, strong-minded females, intensity Negative: cutting, demanding, capricious Neutral: warfare, fiery, journeys to underworld involving relationships/partners. It Astrology WebSaya sangat tertarik mendalami astrology terutama lewat astrology chart klien-klien saya. ORPHEUS: Sad, sweet or haunting music, lyrics or poetry; dirges; sense of mourning and loss; grief (for what you don't havewhat has gone out of your life-- might have been or what was); contact with death. Together the transit Sun with natal Lachesis/Wood formed Positive: enduring love found after love lost, hedonistic, fertility, regenerative, opulent, liberating, theatrical Negative: too much of something, alcoholics, overindulgence Neutral: ressurection (DIONYSUS), h60 NIBIRU: Keywords: planet x that hit earth and caused 3 days of darkness, color red, conspiracies, the occult, Positive: other worlds, other dimensions, infernal entities, deep esoteric initiation Negative: doom prophecies, Neutral: extraterrestrials, foreign, polar shifts, revelations, paranormal, ufos, 3671 DIONYSUS: Keywords: god of wine and mystical ecstacy, revered associated with orphic mysteries, ecstatic/divine delirium, god possession Positive: enduring love found after love lost, hedonistic, fertility, regenerative, opulent, liberating, theatrical Negative: too much of something, alcoholics, overindulgence Neutral: ressurection, (BACCHUS), 287 NEPHTHYS: Keywords: egyptian goddess, benevolent protector of the dead, spells help navigate astral realm Positive: devotion, death which is not eternal, soul rebirth Negative: Neutral: death+rebirth, ghosts, sunset, the hawk, force of death and reincarnation, 3258 SOMNIUM: Keywords: dreams, visions, sleep, Positive: Negative: Neutral: neptunian vibes, astral realm, the subconcious. Although asteroid. 264 TELEPHUS: Keywords: to consult oracles, not questioning spirit, far-reaching, tele Positive: trusting ones intuitive processes and warnings, main source of personal intuitive information Negative: Neutral: discovering ones origins, consulting oracles, telepathy, 1912 ANUBIS: Keywords: egyptian jackal-headed god of death, change, embalmer, mortician, serious researcher of science, psychology, mysticism fringe, Positive: weighing up actions/deeds, considering consequences of our behavior towards others, taking responsibility for our actions, protection against grave robberies/ evil acts commited in the necropolis,working at own pace/time, psychopomp, depth-psychologist, change, rebirth, deciding the weight of truth, deals with darkness to bring it to justice Negative: death, funerals, mummification, un-well, overworked, not being able to escape work, unimpressed anger, Neutral: guiding souls through underworld, determining eternal destiny of souls, connection to ancient egyptian rituals, astral plane, sympathetic to underdog, the past, the dead, the hidden, 16 PSYCHE: Keywords: greek:soul, soul-retrieval, transcendence entrance into oneself, butterfly and the star, journey to our soul, the breath and mind, transformation, divine feminen Positive: trust, love, passion, uncovering whom we are, what love means to us, innermost depths, reflection, metamorphosis, Negative: betrayal, jealousy, obstacles to ones soul, shadow work, trials of love, fragility of love, path to true love never runs smooth, soul-loss, fragmentation, where you run away from your shadow Neutral: psychology, psychic, psychedelics, psychopathic, study of the mind, achieving immortality, self-actualization, union of mind-body-soul, where you seek to know the truth, 433 EROS: Keywords: passionate love of divine masculine, pure love and desire, son of aphrodite, two people together to form lasting transformation Positive: eroticism, desire, sexual-desires, erotic-love, creative revelations Negative: Neutral: various manifestations of love, pursuit of love and desire, how one approaches desire, golden arrows, 1911 ANGEL: Keywords: divine guidance, where you may feel watched over/protected, divine intervention, spiritual healing Positive: seeing the light, angelic guidance, enlightenment, cosmic connection, being shown the way, a helping hand Negative: Neutral: surrendering to a higher power, messages from source, angel in disguise, guardian angel, a mirror for the soul, 9770 DISCOVERY: Keywords: to discover something, to reveal something, locating Positive: revelation, recognition, pioneering, light-bulb moment, aha-moment Negative: Neutral: uncovering something, to find something, to discover, origination 5239 REIKI: Keywords: energy healing, channeling energy, energy work, healing with chakras, related to chi, prana Positive: open minded about progressive health/use it Negative: energy bleeds, sensitive to the negative energy of others, psychic vampires Neutral: holistic healthy practicioners, how we incorperate the wisdom of healthy into our experience, 638 MOIRA: Keywords: the three fates (moirae), experiencing universal consciousness of other peoples destiny/fate Positive: where one may feel fated/destined, synchronicites, to see, necessity, ones fate Negative: negative karma, Neutral: governed by fate/karma, one whos life is fated, superior to gods, subject to fate, 97 KLOTHO: Keywords: weaving together all elements that make up the totality of your life, what one is made of, the spinner Positive: ensuring our destiny is fulfilled, initial understanding, first impression Negative: not having the right stuff Neutral: initiating, conditions (fate&expectations) at the beginning, the beginning, the start, 1924 HORUS: Keywords: light bearer, ruler of day, consciousness, identity, what it means to be egyptian (heritage, culture, unity) Positive: mental optimism, headstrong, defeats evil, inspiration, protection, strength, intuitive insight, Negative: warnings, vengeance, farsightedness, defeats evil (set) Neutral: sense of identity, heritage and culture, our connection to traditions and ancestors, 2696 MAGION: Keywords: magion land of the gnomes, mageon, largest tree Positive: enchanted, captivate, charm, enrapture, bewitch, spellbind, hypnotize, mesmerize Negative: Neutral: student, to shaman, to teacher/wiseman, to magician and so on.. practicioners of magick, the alchemist, the magician, workings of the trees, 279 THULE: Keywords: high level civillization, secrets from ancient highly-intelligent beings Positive: Negative: Neutral: masters , ancients, magic-mystical rituals, 258 TYCHE: Keywords: goddess of fortune, spirit of fortune, morai fates Positive: good fortune, success, lucky, prosperity Negative: Neutral: chance, providence, 2598 MERLIN: Merlin represents the occult sciences, that of the mystic arts and alchemy, knowing that anything can be changed, as we return to our natural magical state of being. A Handful of Fun (and Unique) Asteroids in the Natal Chart WebFrom my research the Ophelia (171) asteroid represents rejected love, or love that will turn into dissappointment. Ophelia (171)- What does it TRULY mean in synastry? - Lindaland Negative: Neutral: medicine, medical treatment, internal dis-ease, 55555 DNA: Keywords: genetic code and nature of the individual, explains specifics about genome and knowledge of the molecule Positive: Negative: Neutral: genetics (and things pertaining to them), ones unique identity, genetic memory, genetic tendencies, 171 OPHELIA: Keywords: in need of help or helper , demale despair/madness, duty to the point of driving one mad Positive: demolishing the instruments of captivity, exposing truth behind oppression, revolutionary gestures against those whom caused opression, disowning weakneses and taking on empowered role, becoming the elektra complex (logic+revenge) Negative: tragic undoing caused from oppression, maddening endurance, innocence gone mad, duty to the point of losing yourself; driving one to insanity Neutral: Karma involving those who have been hurt/oppressed and in need of help who do not get it and help theirselves by transforming their pain and becoming empowered to help others, 341520 MORS-SOMNUS: Keywords: death with dignity, sleep-aids, ethanasia, uppers, stimulants, sleep-walking, mattresses, sleep platforms, feather-filled pillows, night time light, melatonin Positive: alert, conscious, cogent regarding responsibilities/personal domain, aware of immediacy of life, value every moment Negative: lethargic, inattentive, dismissive of the views of others, wasteful of energy/effort Neutral: meditating into deep states, intentional dreaming, 433 ERIS: Keywords: using chaos and disruption as a method of reorganization Positive: liberation from addictions to success, clear priorities regarding matters of love+money, clear sense of sacred marriages spirit to body, self to source, between soulful companions and personal sense of emergence Negative: greed, workaholism, belief that you must take over for source, general sense of being forsaken, condemned or abandoned, lack of spiritual regard for life, superficial, status oriented Neutral: promises, vows (kept and broken), elections, intervention by higher powers, reorganizing things that overturn, scales of justice, battles, disputes, famine, lies, manslayings, murders, oath, quarrels, gluttony, nurse of war. Portia - French. The fixed stars denote specific parts of the body, and are activated when in conjunction to the Sun, Moon or planets in the natal chart. Web2.Nessus conjunct Dejanira. Asteroid Asteroid Medical Astrology 20000 VARUNA: Keywords: deity of vast power, particularily over waters Positive: soverign, competent, regulating without force, mastery of all tasks accepted Negative: incompetent, blaming, losses, holds resentment Neutral: appointments or elected positions, delegation of authority, promotions, demotions, public humiliation, 28978 IXION: Keywords: father of centaurs Positive: understands karmic wheel, gives and uses a second chance, discerning Negative: lustful, inconsiderate, inclined to repeat errors, learns nothing from experience Neutral: second efforts/chances, reset buttons, study of weather, watching clouds, lust/coveting anothers mate, 50000 QUAOAR: Inspires our return to the sacredness of life and to natural law, to synchronize with and live according to the natural laws of creation Keywords: native american deity of creation, animal totems Positive: creative, inspiring, possibility oriented, uplifts sagging emotion, strong sense of self Negative: doom saying, prophet of armageddon, controls others with fear Neutral: birds, frogs, bears, songs and dances of cultural and spiritual origin, harmony, syncopation and rhythm, dancing/praise of creator, 90482 ORCUS: Keywords: lord of the underworld Positive: a person of ones word, challenges broken promises, aligned with a spiritual creed, accountable for personal thought, word and deed Negative: hypocritical, fault finding in the ways of others, blame assigning, ducks responsibility for words and actions, unable to keep promises Neutral: contracts, oaths to organizations, religions, countries or creeds, 7066 NESSUS: Keywords:sexual or emotional abuse, great power/ need for responsibility/integrity, obsession, awareness of risk, Positive: generous, benevolent, compassionate, willing to lend a helping hand, cooperative, respectful of boundaries, aware of power of life force energy, healthy use of sexual energy Negative: coveting, possessive, vengeful, manipulative, resorting to negative alchemy for personal gain, negative use of sexual energy Neutral: blad blood between parties, feuds over money regarding relationship dissolution, diseases transmitted by blood, transport ferries over water, potions, tonics, elixirs designated to cast spells, therapy specifically designed for healing sexual/monetary issues, 8405 ASBOLUS: Keywords: intuitive auger, wisdom going unheeded, eagle+serpent, magician, preacher, secrets, hiding, mystery, tabboo, confession, alchemy, mysteries of blood Positive: intuitive, claivoyancy, dreams, intrepid, courageous, leading the charge, motivated to reach the top, intuitive, wise, common sense insightful, solid advice, drive for accomplishment Negative: intoxicated, disconnected from the bigger picture, intense, humorless, fearful, serious, bitter, foggylack of sensibility, blind action, failing to follow instincts/intuitions, omens or sensors, easily intoxicated, unable to receive advice from self/others, not following wisdom given Neutral: common sense, intuitive forces, mountain climbing, abstract logic, extreme sense of smell, 10370 HYLONOME: Keywords: grief stricken at the loss of mate in battle Positive: relationship devotion, sense of self with or without relationship, accommodating Negative: grief stricken, co-dependant, sacrificial, self-esteem based upon relationship, self destructive in face of relational difficulty, suicidal Neutral: grief counseling, bereavement work, relationship healing, lost love, 49036 PELION: Keywords: self-confidence for effort/accomplishment in life, sacred space, professional status, gratitude, sense of destiny Positive: driven by destiny, balanced ego in professional status, giving, nurturing, sharing with co-workers with extraordinary generosity Negative: demanding, infantile in work relationships, flaunts social status in result of accomplishments, showcase past laurels Neutral: job recognition, awards/accolades, merits, medals, certificates, 31824 ELATUS: Keywords: expression of self and ego through word and writing, Positive: excellent communication, articulate, precise Negative: verbose, boastful, shallow in conversation Neutral: creative writing, affirmations, self-improvment courses, poetry, 32532 THEREUS: Keywords: relational and professional attitudes based upon others Positive: balance between relationship, work, money and sexuality Negative: object oriented, status seeking, mercenary in work ethics, stunned by glamour and beauty of partner Neutral: resumes, biographies, promotional photoes that project an image, 52975 CYLLARUS: Keywords: handsome, devoted centaur, positive sensual expression, fully embracing physical plane Positive: artistic, soothing, tactile, healing, comforting Negative: shut down, defensive, protected, lack of creative outlet Neutral: any body healing, rebirthing, shiatsu, musical skill, full-body art expression, 55576 AMYCUS: Keywords: longevity and notoriety Positive: intuitive, questioning, insightful, progressive, determined, reliable Negative: doubtful, skeptical, withdrawn, often late, unreliable, lacking resolve, insecure Neutral: doctrines/policies designed to produce a result, any mechanical device that enables a shift in energy, pictographs, petroglyphs, 83982 CRANTOR: Keywords: emotional declaration, what did I ever do to you syndrome Positive: sensitive, emotionally expressive, strong sense of emotional boundaries, nurturing and passionate Negative: emotionally abusive/abuse, manipulation through feelings, projects guilt, shame and blame upon others, substance abuse Neutral: acute sense of emotional motivations, comprehension of emotionally based traumas, grief counseling. Dates before 4 Oct. 1582 are treated as Julian Calendar. Asteroid Online Calculator, Asteroids in Astrology Natal Chart Son of Jupiter Optimus Maximus (the greatest and best of Roman gods), Apollo was associated with the Sun. Her feelings, identified by others as autonomous ravings, isolate her. It can do just about any astrological procedure you wish, and is always getting better and better. Day Month Year Hours Minutes Seconds Sort by Zodiac Coordinates The pure light within the individual, faucet of the personality that is sentient/divine. Chiron 80 Astrological Names for Horses If properly placed, it could indicate employment with hospice or other end-of-life roles, as well as any number of jobs associated with morticians, grave keepers, the morgue, embalming or rituals for the dead. WebIf the White Moon is in Leo, then the person is a generous ruler, a creator who has honorably passed the challenges and temptations of power. Both me.. We remember that our outer world is merely a mirror of what we project from within, awake or asleep to the awareness that we are creators, creating with every breath we take and with every beat of our heartsone moment at a timeas time consists of only one moment. WebThe Asteroid is related to the outer appearance and attraction. The Sun, Moon and planets are using in two ways. Some excellent sources for more information about the asteroids in astrology are Straight Woo, Elder Mountain, and Martha Lane-Wescott. Also things that can also cause us the most happiness but can hurt us the most at the same time. 389 INDUSTRIA: Keywords: industrius Positive: hardworking, diligent, disciplined Negative: Neutral: 430 HYBRIS: Keywords: behaviors that challenge the gods (authorities) Positive: Negative: excessive pride, arrogance, foolishness that leads to downfall, over-confidence Neutral: 494 VIRTUS: Keywords: virtue Positive: virtuesness, power, excellence Negative: Neutral: 902 PROBITAS: Keywords: Positive: uprightness, honesty, appropriate, good, excellent Negative: Neutral: 975 PERSEVERANTIA: Keywords: perservenerance, dedication, Positive: endurance, never giving up, devotion, persistence Negative: Neutral: discipline, 1224 FANTASIA: Keywords: Positive: fantasy, rose-colored glasses Negative: delusions, easily fooled, being manipulated Neutral: living in a fantasy world, dream world, daydreaming, 1930 LUCIFER: Keywords: light bringer, going against the status-quo, most loyal lover of source/god, the ego and pride Positive: reconnecting to your own divinity, facing your darkness, bringing the dark to light, to bear light, illuminating Negative: terror, horror, fear, loathing, where things are discordant, self-serving, where you get in your own way, where you dont follow rules, where you are tempted to take shortcuts, excessive pride, chip on your shoulder, where your ego gets in the way, pride before the fall, where you are wrong where you think you are right Neutral: where you are tempted to go your own way regardless of rules, 168 SIBYLLA/SIBYL: Keywords: woman whom were oracles, seer, prophet Positive: influenced by divine inspiration, foretelling of what is to come Negatve: Neutral: prophecies, priestess, predictions, divination, interpretations, one who claims to have divine/messages or insights. Ozone The Earths stratosphere that absorbs most of the Suns ultraviolet radiation. fite tv not available in your territory; oil painting restoration and cleaning; ophelia asteroid astrology. Portia is one of Uranuss moons. asteroid Basic Resources | Martha Lang-Wescott catalyst for feelings of unfairness/being cut to size that cause one to look at their flaws Neutral: that of which is blamed for everything that goes wrong, punishment of excessive pride, evil deeds and undeserved happiness, noting weaknesses and embracing them, need to stay humble, the force behind karma, where we are our own worst enemy, consequences for persisting bad habits, drawing out the negative debts of what she touches, 211 ISOLDA: Keywords: romantic passion, love affair, love triangle Positive: love, infidelity, new love, love at first sight Negative: affair whilst commited, romantic upheavel due to thirdparty, lies, torn loyalty, cheating on spouse Neutral: true shared love between two others, 1966 TRISTAN: Keywords: the first love, lover that never healed Positive: love, passion, fidelity, dedication, devotion Negative: heartbreak, defeat, broken loyalty, disappointment Neutral: going for a replica, the one you love but cannot be with, 78 DIANA: Keywords: one who loves animals in general and has a passion to protect them Positive: Negative: Neutral: protector of the wild and women in childbirth, defends youngsters, 1488 AURA: Keywords: what we project to the world, whatever the asteroid conjunctions it will project the aura of Positive: Negative: Neutral: being able to see auras, giving off an aura, 875 NYMPHE: Keywords: deep love of natural world, minor nature deity, local goddess, beautiful appearance, fairy-like, sense-indulgent, meeting the nymph individual where they are and appreciate them in their element Positive: sexuality/sensuality, whimsical, need for grounding, seductive, desirable, dancing, jumping, running, hiding, giggling, having fun, child-like, playful, strong pronoun resonance with nature/natural energies Negative: flighty, elusive, unattainable, attracting un-wanted attention/wildly inappropriate or those who take one away from their natural habitat where one would dryup and die, cannot be possessed, sex-addictions Neutral: mating for use of own volition, independant, chameleon-like persona, being in nature, connected to their source, 1862 APOLLO: Keywords: olympian god of prophecy and oracles, taught chiron about healing, Positive: protection of the young, healing, provocation, defying the odds, naivete, being a healer, physical heal thyself, clairvoyance, being a see Negative: plague and dis-ease, being a slow learner, attraction of recurrent and familiar crises; banging your head against a brick wall Neutral: archery, poetrym song, music.
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