Changed names of the Special Megas to make the forms spec work a bit nicer. Added Valentine's Day Discord-exclusive Heart Wings. Added a structures spawn condition, for creating spawn sets within Minecraft structures such as strongholds. It was probably Gabe. Fixed /pokespawn evhp:100 evattack:252 etc. Added rainbow variants of Ho-Oh, Ponyta, and Rapidash. Fixed Crowned Zacian and Zamazenta typing in battle. Fixed Obstruct not dropping physical attackers' defense. Significantly improved memory allocation, reducing memory usage during gameplay. Added Repel, Super Repel, Max Repel. Added QuestObjectiveEvent.Complete - Fires whenever a player completes a quest objective. Added container loot tables to buried graveyard structures. Added a config option to set the success chance of Synchronize. Added ZygardeEvent.New.Start - Fires at the start of assembly of a new Zygarde in a Reassembly Unit. NPC Custom PlayerName textures not properly rendering and displaying as missing texture. Fixed move-relearners doing the exact same thing as the bug just above this because Sponge REALLY has no mercy for idiots like us. Added SMD remodels for Rattata, Raticate, Ponyta (! - Will require an appraised Good Rod, Curry (Base, Spicy, Dry, Sweet, Bitter, and Sour) (All below have these same variations). Evolves to Urshifu when the scroll of darkness is used on it. Fixed Watery Voice not applying type-changes. Pressure no longer takes PP from multi-hit moves multiple times. Fixed not importing items and Pok Balls if they were in another language and other bad language handling. Added graveyards: Church A, Church B, Church C, Haunted Graveyard A and Haunted Graveyard B. Nothing. 'devEnviroment' being spelled wrong! Programming is hard. Contrary and Simple will no longer affect Z-Moves. Added a config to allow/deny juice crafting. All the default quests now use Name Inserters and new quest icons. Added Obscured status effect configuration per move. Those no longer affect anything. Healing a party from an NPC is 50% faster now. Added Alolan forms: Alolan Rattata, Alolan Raticate, Alolan Raichu, Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix, Alolan Ninetales, Alolan Diglett, Alolan Dugtrio, Alolan Meowth, Alolan Persian, Alolan Geodude, Alolan Graveler, Alolan Golem, Alolan Grimer, Alolan Muk, Alolan Exeggutor, Alolan Marowak. Fixed a Fossil Display visual bug. Either small/larger quests that we need to complete to get it, unique and extremely rare structures (or shrines in some cases) where you can find a legendary or a unique biome where certain legendary can spawn like adding a biome similar to the Slumbering Weald from SWSH where you can find Zacian and Zamazenta. Fixed Registeel not being capable of spawning. Added MechanicalAnvilEvent.SetStack - Fires when an item is added to a Mechanical Anvil. how to get lunala in pixelmon - Fixed the Timespace Altar taking your plates. Added Swanna Boat spawning to Ocean biomes. Fixed bell sprites displaying wrong on newer forge versions. Gold and Black Monocle giveaway items are now bundled. Statues will now fallback to the original texture if a custom texture isn't loaded (like normal Pokmon). Removed the fire particle effects from Charizard since we pretty much have animated fire on him anyway. NPC Trainers no longer always return false, allowing success to be returned. Added Valentines' Day catch mechanic: catching certain Pokmon with a Love Ball turns them into their Valentine palette. Phione no longer counts as a mythical. Diglett now has the proper block dust particle trail. Spawn sets no longer need to be suffixed with .set.json. Fixed an exploit with ranch block upgrades where they could be used without being taken from the inventory. Emissive textures for Strike Zubat, Strike Golbat, Spectral Gastly, Spectral Haunter, Ashen Gengar, Strike Vaporeon, Spirit Vaporeon, Alter Porygon, G-Max Blastoise, Shiny G-Max Blastoise, Shiny G-Max Charizard, Halloween Ivysaur, and Spectral Gengar. Fixed an issue where some button click sounds would be louder than normal. Splash, High Jump Kick, and Magnet Rise now correctly fail when affected by Gravity. Answer is yes. Fixed fishing not working when the hook is near the edge of water. Fixed Grass Whistle not being recognised as a sound-based move when a whistle is clearly a sound. Fixed statuses not making Pokmon easier to catch! Fixed Rockruff only evolving to Midday form Lycanroc. Not joking. Added Adamant Crystal to held items for Leafeon, Umbreon and Vaporeon. Fixed an issue where Heavy-Duty Boots were not clearing Toxic Spikes when a poison-type Pokmon was switched in. It was using its Illusion ability? Fixed the /struc command not actually tab completing the structure names. Fixed Pokmon with a different model for each gender being incapable of using the shiny spec. Did the actual wiki for the Better Spawner. Fixed shopkeepers scamming you and taking way more money than advertised when selling you evolution stones. Fixed Friendship not going down if your Pokmon faints during battle. You're welcome! Fixes Transfer tutors using moves from the Tutors move pool. 1 Drops; Fixed Gogoat being part Ghost-type. It is overpowered and unobtainable in the original games. Fixed held items vanishing if a Pokmon is left in a PC. This was supposed to come with the keystone, oops. ): "Hang on a second, what have the devs really been working on all this time?". Vastly expanded customization by utilizing datapacks, ensuring they sync with the client: Custom Pokmon, forms, palettes, genders, moves, abilities, Pokballs, bosses and starter screen, Updated Pokmon hurt sounds to their Pokmon cry, Party selected position is now persistent, Added new party toggling positions by using the [O] hotkey, Added battle-support for Shulker Boxes, allowing you to use them through the in-battle UI, Chisel has now been expanded and it's layout improved, Spawner blocks have been expanded by accepting specs and new spawning settings, Updated Pokmon spawning biomes locations to 1.16.5, Expanded Oceanic, End, and Nether spawns to new biomes, Added group spawning logic for the BetterSpawner, Rebalanced specie spawning across all generations, see, Flattened blocks, converting Pixelmon blocks into 1.16.5 format, Flattened items, converting Pixelmon items into 1.16.5 format, Added useful, interactive potion effects to consumed berries, Simplified Pokball crafting by removing top lids, Updated Exp. Added new models for Farfetch'd, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath. Fixed the 'You picked a starter!' Or is it not in the game yet. Automatically converted all existing Pokball in previous saves to the new Pokball item with their correct NBT effect. Now it's deep underground in medium-temperature hill biomes. Significantly boosts frame-rate when near Pokmon. Fixed Eggs' underlying species being revealed by PC searching. Missing movesets for Alolan Diglett, Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Rattata, Raticate, Vulpix, and Ninetales. No work, just works. Fixed Pokmon not evolving by Rare Candy if they learnt a move during that level-up. Quest overlay in the bottom corner of the screen will now point to quest markers of the shown quest, if any are present. Ground Birds: Grounds nearby flying Pokmon so they're easier to engage in battle. Allows containers with an ItemUIElement in them to listen for key presses by registering a callback method. Fixed a client crash when rendering item sprites and PokBalls. Buzzwole can now spawn on the tops of trees. Use all the Plates on the chalice to get the Azure Flute, then use the Azure flute near the Timespace Altar. Fixed crash involved with searching within Ranch Blocks. Alien Celebi has a new method of acquisition, and Beast Balls no longer work on the Ilex Shrine. Fixed Slowpoke being unable to be sweet scented for at a beach. Fixed temporary abilities being kept after mega-evolution. I hate these bloody trees. Fixed Obsidian not being counted as an underfoot spawning block. Z-moves no longer keep the targeting info from the original move, this will prevent them hitting multiple targets in double battles. Fixed evolution stone boots not giving armour values. Fixed Fly and Teleport (external moves) sending players into the void when used without having used a Pok Healer. Custom Pokball types can now be created via datapacks and resource packs. Fixed fleeing or forfeiting a battle giving back consumed held items regardless of the 'returnHeldItems' config option. They are in Ultra Ball loots now. Milcery not properly evolving into the corresponding form based on the sweets given. Updated zh_TW, es_ES, pt_BR, zh_CN, ru_RU, it_IT, nb_NO and fr_FR. Fixed a bug with the Gender command spec throwing an error when trying to use it. Fixed some spawner config options not taking effect from the config GUI or a /pokereload. We have now merged our very popular sidemod PixelExtras into Pixelmon. Added bikes! Made Pokspecs handle gender forms better - this fixes /pokegive for a gendered form not always returning the correct sprite. Fixed Pokmon in the Drowned dimension being unable to swim at any Y level. Updated the trading cap of available trades after first purchase from the TCG Trader to 12, configurable. Fixed locked text input fields during NPC editing. Fixed Pokmon initiating a second flee check at the end of a turn. It is no longer possible to remove an entire Moveset. Curry Dex displaying language keys instead of full Curry names. /pokebattle now supports wild Pokmon battles. Oops. Fixed Guardian of Alola not working on the Tapus. Fixed model position errors for Light Gray Armchair and Light Gray Couch. Having an Alolan in your party at the time will evolve them. Updated Tower of Darkness and Tower of Water. Fixed the Strength HM using the wrong icon. Fixed NPC traders being super whacky and not accepting trades if they were edited. Added tab completion to most GUIs that take Pokmon names, move names or item names as text input. Legendary spec requirement not applying properly in command usage. Added MechanicalAnvilEvent.HammerResult - Fires after a Mechanical Anvil creates a new item. Fixed a timeout issue during battles caused by a lack of packets being sent from the client. Experience candy now relays a chat feedback message on item consumption. Fixed an exploit in NPC and Chisel packets. Improved rendering issues under certain circumstances. They now have a 20% chance of growing up one stage, for a total of 3 stages. Fixed many types of PokBalls not shaking or animating. Placed pokloot changes not saving after world reload. Use them on Kyurem with Reshiram/Zekrom in your party. Added all remaining megas: Mega Aggron, Mega Camerupt, Mega Diancie, Mega Heracross, Mega Houndoom, Mega Sableye, Mega Scizor, and Mega Steelix. Don't ask me why. Includes both the Acro and Mach bike! According to Bulbapedia, it's possible but not guaranteed. Reworked the NoticeOverlay and protected the client from bad values. Those were cool. Fat chance of that being possible now. Fixed statues being able to have their animations put above the maximum and causing player crashes. Added Peony to Roofed Forest drops in Forage. Fixed the teleport Move Skill sometimes crashing the game. Added ability to specify "chance" in the "spawnInfos" section of the spawn sets; which is a decimal value specifying a chance of the set not spawning. Updated Apricorn Log plank recipe to yield Yellow Berry Planks. Added "any" as a biome in the Better Spawner to select all biomes without making the set JSON super long. Fixed Pok Editor sometimes wiping EVs/IVs. Updated fr_FR (French) translation (Merci beaucoup, Zangdorx! Fixed No Retreat applying No-Escape to the opponent, and not having targets defined. Added a workaround for fishing not working on servers with a hub. Command feedback which specify a Pokmon now displays name instead of nickname. Fixed the in-battle screen UI appearing when a player is out-of-battle and leveling a Pokmon. Now with wiki pages! Fix the Meteorite item not cycling Deoxys to speed form. Additionally, they will all have the chance to have event-only moves like Relic Song and Dragon Ascent. Many thanks to our lang-masters. It only prevents Pokmon from using the fly and surf abilities. Also fixes the Pokmon sometimes not updating the interact message for the second Pokmon in the ranch. Z-Parting Shot now correctly heals on switchout. Bird Shrines now give a warning when attempting to activate with a fainted party. Removed heaps of unused config options from the Pixelmon hocon. Fix flying models for Pidgey, Pidgeotto's pink forms. If you had one, you now have both. Someone didn't read Bulbapedia properly. Updated Dos Shrine A, Den Swamp B, Graveyard A, Graveyard Church A-B, Gym Grass, Gym Grass PokeCenter, Gym Grass PokeMart, Gym Grass House A-E and Gym Grass Blacksmith. Recipes changed a bit, check the Pixelmon Wiki for updated information! They are sometimes held by specific wild Pokmon, and findable by using Forage in grass. Added the ability to equip the Relic Crown and all badges. There are a couple of those. Added item remapping from fake Pixelmon mods -> 6.0.0. Fixed some Pokmon being too rare and/or having too restrictive spawning conditions, eg. Waypoint rendering when loading up with JourneyMaps. Fixed an issue with Sponge due to Shop Keepers giving items to the player. Ether and Max Ether will now be consumed when used outside of battle. Added loot to the chest in village Pokmon Centers. Fixed Eiscue Noice Face not having the right stats. Added IPixelmonBankAccountManager, IPixelmonBankAccount so the Economy Bridge can be optimised for servers. Eternatus is a LegendaryPoison/Dragon-typePokmon. Added a handful (if you have ginormous hands) of new colours to decorative blocks: Added Recipe Book unlocking for machines, water floats, vending machines, clocks, cushion chairs, folding chairs, umbrellas and Pokball rugs. Scrolls, Orbs, the Wailmer Pail, Hidden Door, Pixelmon Paintings, the Pixelmon Camera, Pixelmon Film, and various Pixelmon Minerals are no longer enchantable via anvils and books. Fixed Eviolite working on Phione. Updated sounds for Cleffa, Exeggutor, Onix and Togepi. Legendary and Mythical pokemon are much rarer and stronger than ordinary pokemon. Flynium-Z and Gale Wings. Fixed a bug where Cut and Rock Smash would cause tool damage if you were holding a tool. Added Catch Combos. Added UI element property to rotate the UI element. Fixed the shiny Rotom sprites. Fixed Spewpa evolving into Pokball Vivillon when evolving in forests and forest hills biomes. Fixed shifting around moves in your party GUI on a server causing a huge error and player kicking because Sponge won't tolerate our crap anymore. Fixed more battle issues since battles always have issues: Fixed battles being updated twice as fast as we wanted, causing some lag when a lot of battles are happening. Fixed regular sun and regular rain behaving like extreme sun and extreme rain! Fixed transparency issues on Isi's Diamond Hourglass, Isi's Golden Hourglass, Isi's Silver Hourglass and Isi's Copper Hourglass. Mostly for our own benefit tbh. Pokemon#setOriginalTrainer(EntityPlayerMP) method signature was changed to Pokemon#setOriginalTrainer(EntityPlayer). Fixed losing PP Ups/PP Max levels after using the Rusted Sword or Rusted Shield held items. Reverse condition for a configuration for Ditto x Ditto Breeding. Fixed Thousand Arrows permanently grounding flying Pokmon. Changed RandomObjective, moved PokemonObjective away from storing specs as this breaks things. Fixed Crush Grip Doing only 1 damage if the target does not have full HP. Added a config option for whether the "Drop all" button should delete the drops instead of dumping them on the ground. Added SetBattleAIEvent to make it easy to customise specific opponents' battle AI. (Better Spawner only. Added Max Mushroom. Added the Type and CustomTexture Specs. Fixed the tier names not displaying properly in the drop-down of the Battle Rules GUI. Cancelled egg development on a Pokmon that does not exist in the mod currently. Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed you to add any item to a Pokemon's held item slot. Fixed Weepinbell's dent in his back. He can't be a ninja anymore. Ultra Desert Cactus now can be cooked into Purple Dye. Yeah, I know. Fixed Sketch not being able to copy Transform. Added "egg" and "!egg" Pokmon specs to things like /pokegive. Fixed Chip Away, Sacred Sword and the Unaware ability not ignoring evasion stats. Now it's just big, as opposed to monstrous. Fixed fishing rods being able to drag entities forever. The following External Moves now spawn Pokmon, some exclusive to these moves: Added Spiky Eared Pichu and AZ's Floette. Find some move tutors to teach it Dragon Ascent. Fixed the Pokmon Editor having issues with Gender forms. Corrosion now causes normal effectiveness against Steel-type Pokmon for non Poison-type moves. Form descriptions will now show in the Pokedex, including weight and height. Fixed Water Floats sending you underground if you sneak while trying to sit on them. Fixed a small issue in the NPC trader editing GUI where the wrong Pokmon is shown as shiny. Cramorant's Gulp Missile failing to shoot a missile back when attacked. Fixed Arceus and Silvally being able to be given Plates/Memories in battle. Removed any empty chances on vanilla loot in Loot Tables and increased roll chances. Have an old fisherman assess your Old Rod and Jump! Moves with Obscured effect raising evasion by 5 instead of by 1. Fixed an issue where it was possible for players on a server to be unable to see their PC Pokmon. Enamorus was not marked as being a legendary Pokmon. Fixed Wobbuffet and a bunch of other Pokmon not showing their male/female forms in the Chisel interface. Privacy Policy. Improved rendering with underwater evolution ores. Updated Platinum Base and Silver base to yield 5 bases instead of 1 and 3 respectively. Aggressively improved memory allocation for clients. JUMP Fishing Log specie page button hover being functionally smaller than displayed. From Pixelmon Generations Wiki. Fixed issue with Mold Breaker not ignoring Storm Drain and Lightning Rod. Thanks Sponge. Made single-arg PokemonSpec construction do the string separation itself so PokemonSpec("Ralts lvl:50") works like PokemonSpec("Ralts", "lvl:50"). Fixed Encore only lasting for two turns instead of 3. Candy XS, Exp. The shrine interact events now provide the instance of the tile entity that was interacted with. Fixed a crash when attempting to target an entity that isn't a living entity. Added the config option landMounts. Fix moves that affect all teammates so that they affect the 3rd teammate in raids. Includes options for Specific Day, Hour, and Minute. Fixed Giratina's stats not changing in Origin Form. You can find it in such biomes as a Forest, a Wooded Hills and others. Fix Max Moves doing zero damage to allies in raids. Added Notice Overlays to API after reworking the existing CustomNoticeOverlay. Furnaces and fridges have been updated to allow the transformation of Rotom. Fixed some typos in the BetterSpawnerConfig which led to some of the above issues. Then battle God. Fixed fainted Pokmon still attempting evolution, only to fail and trap you in the evolution screen for eternity. Pokmon Editor party edit screen can now re-order Pokmon by dragging. Fixed the wiki key opening up a wiki page for air whenever your hand is empty. Don't allow the holder of a Shell Bell to heal from damage originating from them. Updated Berry Log plank recipe to yield Green Berry Planks. Like, a LOT: ** Special thanks to Starwarschamp4, Crystal_Missile and Kayouri for the months-long effort ? #720 Table of Contents Pokegive Pokespawn Spawn Drops Level up Moves Tutor Moves TM Moves Transfer Moves Pokegive Command Generator Copy Pokespawn Command Generator Copy Spawn Biomes Drops Other Info Stats Calculator and our Masterball Lid, Ancient Heavy Ball Lid, Ancient Pok Ball Lid, Ancient Great Ball Lid, Ancient Ultra Ball Lid, Leaden Ball Lid, Gigaton Ball Lid, Feather Ball Lid, Wing Ball Lid, Jet Ball Lid, Origin Ball Lid and Strange Ball Lid, Ancient Pok Ball, Ancient Great Ball, Ancient Ultra Ball, Ancient Heavy Ball, Strange Ball, Feather Ball, Leaden Ball, Gigaton Ball, Origin Ball, Jet Ball and Wing Ball, Silver Hoe, Silver Pickaxe, Silver Axe, Silver Shovel, Silver Hammer, Silver Chestplate, Silver Helmet, Silver Leggings, Silver Boots and Silver Sword, Platinum Hoe, Platinum Pickaxe, Platinum Axe, Platinum Shovel, Platinum Hammer, Platinum Chestplate, Platinum Helmet, Platinum Leggings, Platinum Boots and Platinum Sword, Razz Berry, Bluk Berry, Nanab Berry, Wepear Berry, Pinap Berry, Cornn Berry, Magost Berry, Rabuta Berry, Nomel Berry, Spelon Berry, Pamtre Berry, Watmel Berry, Durin Berry, Belue Berry, Payapa Berry, Pumkin Berry, Drash Berry, Eggant Berry, Strib Berry, Nutpea Berry, Ginema Berry, Kuo Berry, Yago Berry, Touga Berry, Niniku Berry, Topo Berry, Kee Berry and Maranga Berry, All existing berries now have blocks for their respective leaves and logs, such as Pomeg Berry Log and Pomeg Berry Leaves, Aisu Badge, Bagu Badge, Dendo Badge, Doku Badge, Doragon Badge, Gosuto Badge, Iwa Badge, Jimen Badge, Kasai Badge, Kurai Badge, Kusa Badge, Mizu Badge, Nomaru Badge, Seishin Badge, Sento Badge, Suchiru Badge, Tobu Badge and Yosei Badge, Coral-Eye Badge, Jade-Star Badge, Sea-Ruby Badge and Spike-Shell Badge, White Apricorn Log, Red Apricorn Log, Blue Apricorn Log, Pink Apricorn Log, Green Apricorn Log, Yellow Apricorn Log and Black Apricorn Log, White Apricorn Leaves, Red Apricorn Leaves, Blue Apricorn Leaves, Pink Apricorn Leaves, Green Apricorn Leaves, Yellow Apricorn Leaves and Black Apricorn Leaves, Thunderstone Ore, Icestone Ore, Shinystone Ore, Leafstone Ore, Waterstone Ore, Sunstone Ore, Duskstone Ore and Dawnstone Ore. Added colored Pokbags as portable backpacks: White Pok Bag, Orange Pok Bag, Magenta Pok Bag, Light Blue Pok Bag, Yellow Pok Bag, Lime Pok Bag, Pink Pok Bag, Gray Pok Bag, Light Gray Pok Bag, Cyan Pok Bag, Purple Pok Bag, Blue Pok Bag, Brown Pok Bag, Green Pok Bag, Red Pok Bag, Black Pok Bag.