Arid Land Res Manag 28:410427. All of these threats have put a serious strain on the diversity of species on Earth. However, only around 1.2 million species have been identified and described so far, most of which are insects., Jiang L, Jiapaer G, Bao A, Guo H, Ndayisaba F (2017) Vegetation dynamics and responses to climate change and human activities in Central Asia. From Borneo to the Andes and pole to pole, Earths plants and animals cling to dwindling habitat and edge closer to extinctiona global biodiversity crisis crying out for action. However, the long-term impact of drainage water, most importantly its quality, on the biodiversity of wetlands does not seem to have been thoroughly examined to tell whether the approach can be justified. Species by the NumbersScientists have identified about 1.75 million different species. Antarctica, covered almost entirely by an ice sheet, has low biodiversity. There is a whole state program for the development of the Aral Sea region in Uzbekistan as a zone of ecological innovations and technologies supported by a special Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly (United Nations General Assembly, 2021), which stipulates an increase in the area of afforested lands in the former seabed. Restoration of wetlands in the Aral Sea basin would not just have an economic value for the local population, but also environmental benefits (Girardin, et al., 2021), and would substantially contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Seifollahi-Aghmiuni, Nockrach, & Kalantari, 2019). Earth-Sci Rev 161:259278. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. Artemia, which is used as forage for aquatic species, is currently being harvested and represents business opportunities for the local population (Aladin, et al., 2018), (Arashkevich, Sapozhnikov, Soloviov, Kudyshkin, & Zavialov, 2009).<517::AID-AQC383>3.0.CO;2-C,,, Areas with extremely high levels of biodiversity are called hotspots. Bees and other insects carrypollenfrom one plant to another, which enables the plants to reproduce. Biodiversity includes the full range of species that live in an area. Additionally, a warm water temperature promote most species to reproduce, which also has a positive impact in biodiversity. Overall, in our view, the most common possible issues of NbS application in the Aral Sea basin requiring further in-depth research are the following: Resilience of afforested areas to weather changes, temperature fluctuations, water availability and their long-term sustainability., Gmez Martn, E, Giordano, R, Pagano, A, van der Keur, P, & Mez Costa, M (2020) Using a system thinking approach to assess the contribution of nature based solutions to sustainable development goals. What is an ecosystem? Photo credit: NASA Earth Observatory, Google Earth. Some of the activities have direct effects on species and ecosystems, such as habitat loss and degradation, overexploitation (such as overfishing), and the spread of non-native species and diseases. Yao Y, Fu B, Liu Y, Wang Y, Song S (2021) The contribution of ecosystem restoration to sustainable development goals in Asian drylands: A literature review. Biodiversity is a term used to describe the enormous variety of life on Earth. The research, published in the journal Ecological Applications, and the related maps were a partnership between NatureServe and its network of state partners, the geographic mapping platform Esri, and the Nature Conservancy. Annotated List of Wetlands of International Importance: Uzbekistan, 2022), however, there are none located in Karakalpakstan. Plants People Planet 2:587597. Sustainability and cost-effectiveness of wetlands restoration in the Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan., The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics. Adv Sustain Syst 5., Tew ER, Vanguelova EI, Sutherland WJ (2021) Alternative afforestation options on sandy heathland result in minimal long-term changes in mineral soil layers. During dry years these wetlands tend to almost dry out (Schlter, et al., 2013). 2). 2021. UNEP (2022) Draft resolution on nature-based solutions forsupporting sustainable development. IUCN has set out a Global Standard for Nature-Based Solutions (IUCN, 2020), which defines eight criteria for addressing societal, economic, and environmental dimensions for NbS design and implementation (Fig. Sci Total Environ 599-600:967980. humans are speeding extinction at a disastrous pace, according to the United States Geological Survey, published in the journal Ecological Applications. J Mar Syst 76:359366. Coral reefs are believed by many to have the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem on the planeteven more than a tropical rainforest. Some species have as many as 400,000 genes. Theres the tiny patch-nosed salamander in northern Georgia and across the border in South Carolina. Also, if afforestation is not based on a scientifically sound selection of plant species and is comprised of monocultures only, the efforts may end up being unsustainable in terms of vulnerability to various diseases and a limited carbon capture capacity of an individual plant (Seddon, et al., 2020), as well as limiting potential biodiversity benefits. A wealth of research into the relationships among diversity, stability, and ecosystem functioning has been conducted in recent years (reviewed by Balvanera et al. Core criteria of NbS. To distinguish NbS from other conservation actions, IUCN specifies seven societal challenges, at least one of which needs to be addressed. GISci Remote Sens. As the number of ecological issues associated with biodiversity loss, climate change, food security is expected to grow in the coming decades, protected areas are seen as an effective adaptation and mitigation tool (MacKinnon, Dudley, & Sandwith, 2011). The system is dynamic and thus offers a wide range of species. They're all part of the species biodiversity of this small ecosystem. An ecosystem is a region where a bubble of life is created by plants, animals, and other organisms interacting with the weather, environment, and other factors.Abiotic variables, or nonliving components, coexist with biotic components in ecosystems. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. US Forest Service: Ecoregions of the United States. R Soc Open Sci 8., Aladin NV, Chida T, Chuikov YS, Ermakhanov ZK, Kawabata Y, Kubota J, Zaitzev VF (2018) The history and future of the biological resources of the Caspian and the Aral Seas., Article The desiccation and subsequent almost complete loss of the Aral Sea, once the worlds fourth largest inland water body (Lemly, Kingsford, & Thompson, 2000), having had far-reaching social, economic and ecological implications in all countries of Central Asia aggravated the situation even more. Much of the Earths biodiversity, however, is in jeopardy due to human consumption and other activities that disturb and even destroy ecosystems. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), globally about one third of all known species are threatened with extinction. Environ Manag 25:485512. Nearly half of the Asian continent is covered by drylands, which contributes to an estimated 34% of the worlds drylands., Toderich KN, Shuyskaya EV, Taha FK, Matsuo N, Ismail S, Aralova DB, Radjabov TF (2013b) Integrating agroforestry and pastures for soil salinity management in dryland ecosystems in Aral Sea basin. Information was sourced from two major scientific publication databasesScopus, and Web of Scienceto ensure the most comprehensive capture of articles possible. Being subjected to extensive degradation recently, wetlands in the Aral Sea basin, just like in most parts of the world, are being continuously lost (Thorslund, et al., 2017). Ecol Eng 108:489497. Philosop Transac R SOC B-Biol Sci 375., Schachtsiek T, Lamers JP, Khamzina A (2014) Early Survival and Growth of Six Afforestation Species on Abandoned Cropping Sites in Irrigated Drylands of the Aral Sea Basin., Lw F, Dimov D, Kenjabaev S, Zaitov S, Stulina G, Dukhovny V (2021) Land cover change detection in the Aralkum with multi-source satellite datasets. Another way to measure biodiversity is genetic diversity . You can play a part in protecting the biodiversity of your local community by creating a Certified Wildlife Habitat. Afforestation using native salt- and drought-tolerant species is another alternative to restore degraded desert landscapes, which has direct applicability to the dried-out Aral Seabed (Bakirov, Khamzaev, & Novitskiy, 2020), (Toderich, et al., 2013b), (Shomurodov, et al., 2021)., CBD-UNDP (2021). Arid Land Res Manag 33:3754. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. Its sometimes assumed that wildlife in national forests is automatically protected. Number of studies covering NbS application in global drylands with selected examples., Mills AJ, Tan D, Manji AK, Vijitpan T, Henriette E, Murugaiyan P, Lister J (2020) Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: Lessons learned from a pioneering project spanning Mauritania, Nepal, the Seychelles, and China. The final list was formed based on the recently formalized definition of nature-based solutions by the IUCN neglecting small-scale interventions, which in some cases the authors considered to represent NbS. An exosystem is the system of ecological interaction of different environments and can be on land and in water. This means that millions of other organisms remain a complete mystery. Based on the information in the chart, ecosystem X has the highest biodiversity.Therefore, option B is correct.. What is an ecosystem? The fields, forests, andwetlands where wild plants and animals live are disappearing. As reported by Schlter, et al. In the marine protected area around AustraliasGreat Barrier Reef, no-fishing zones have helped fish populationsthrive. Rome, Feng S, Fu Q (2013) Expansion of global drylands under a warming climate. The sandy desert in the very east of Uzbekistan, covering a territory of about 5,5 million hectares (Summary report on the LDN target setting programme in the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2019), the former Aral Sea left behind, is now widely referred to as the Aralkum desert (Fig. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. 184. Last year, officials announced that eight species had gone extinct. Biodiversity is also an important part of ecological services that make life livable on Earth. This single pixel includes seven species, such as Cockerell's bumble bee, White Mountain false pennyroyal and Sacramento Mountains thistle. Discover Life in America: All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory Database. Rangeland/grassland restoration can reduce net soil CO2 emissions, conserve biodiversity, soil and water resources (Abdalla, Mutema, Chivenge, Everson, & Chaplot, 2022), (Li, Chen, Zhang, & Pan, 2019), and thus have a climate mitigating factor. (S. Alikhanova, Interviewer), Arashkevich EG, Sapozhnikov PV, Soloviov KA, Kudyshkin TV, Zavialov PO (2009) Artemia parthenogenetica (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) from the Large Aral Sea: Abundance, distribution, population structure and cyst production. If we wait a while, we might be able to spot a garter snake, a bullfrog, or maybe a red-winged blackbird. You have not even scratched the surface of the biodiversity within the pond. The World Conservation Congress (p. 106). Considering that the main soil types in the exposed seabed are solonchaks (with high concentration of soluble salts) and takyrs (heavy-textured soils under arid conditions)Footnote 10, that have low organic carbon content (An, Chang, Han, Khamzina, & Son, 2020), monitoring of afforested lands is critical to better examine the impact of tree plantations on soils (An, Chang, Han, Khamzina, & Son, 2020). They also provide food, shade, construction material, medicines, andfiberfor clothing and paper. Annotated List of Wetlands of International Importance: Uzbekistan. 3., Toderich KN, Shuyskaya EV, Rajabov TF, Ismail S, Shaumarov M, Yoshiko K, Li EV (2013a) Uzbekistan: Rehabilitation of desert rangelands affected by salinity, to improve food security, combat desertification and maintain the natural resource base. A new resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan was adopted (effective of 19 January 2022) to increase forest plantations on the Aral Seabed. Tech. CAS, Agol D, Reid H, Crick F, Wendo, H (2021) Ecosystem-based adaptation in Lake Victoria Basin; synergies and trade-offs. The continent of Africa is home to tropical rainforests,alpinemountains, and dry deserts. South Ustyurt National ParkFootnote 5 total area: 14471.43km2, year of designation: 2020. The continent of Africa is home to tropical rainforests, alpine mountains, and dry deserts. First Aral sea basin program (ASBP-1). list the steps that are followed if a suspect's blood is found at a crime scene. The forests of Maine differ from the forests of Colorado by the types of species found in both ecosystems, as well as the temperature and rainfall. Overall, the literature reviewed suggests an enormous potential of wetland restoration with multiple benefits summarized in Table 1. Available at: This article addresses the climate and biodiversity of one of Earth's most diverse and iconic biomes: the tropical . California has the most imperilled biodiversity of any state in the contiguous United States. Springer Netherlands. Regional Environ Change 13:493508. The far-reaching negative consequences of the Aral catastrophe include, but are not limited to: increased number of lung, kidney and thyroid diseases, infant mortality and morbidity, decreased life expectancy, frequent dust storms, loss of aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity, diminished ecosystems (i.e., riparian forests, wetlands, grasslands) and their services, massive job losses due to the collapse of the fishing and tourism industries (Lemly, Kingsford, & Thompson, 2000), (Li, Ma, & Zhang, 2020), (Lioubimtseva & Henebry, 2009), (Schlter, et al., 2013). Curr Opin Environ Sustain 45:4955. D Z Which statements describe the relationship between the area and the biodiversity of an ecosystem? Globalclimate changethe latest rise in the averagetemperaturearound the globe, linked to human activityis also a factor. Sources Rewilding should, however, be locally tailored not only within the context of a region or a continent, but also within the context of one single country (Sweeney, et al., 2019), as the number of factors influencing rewilding success may differ spatially. Note: Green areas reflect federal, state and local biodiversity protections., Fernandes JP, Guiomar N (2018) Nature-based solutions: The need to increase the knowledge on their potentialities and limits. The Cape Floristic Region in South Africa is home to about 6,200 plant species found nowhere else in the world. Available at:, UNEP-WCMC (2023) Protected Area Profile for Sudochye-Akpetki State Wildlife Sanctuary from the World Database on Protected Areas. Scientists have estimated that there are around 8.7 million species of plants and animals in existence. (2013), fluctuations in the water table of wetlands can kill roe that fish lay on the shores with the already shallow water table. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. A multilingual thematic keyword search was conducted in January March 2022 using Boolean operators with the following word combinations (TITLE-ABS-KEY) AND (LIMIT-TO (LANGUAGE, English, Russian)): nature-based solutions AND terrestrial, ecosystem-based and drylands, nature-based solutions AND dryland, nature-based solutions AND heathland, nature-based solutions AND desert, nature-based solutions AND rangeland, nature-based solutions AND grassland, nature-based solutions AND wetland, nature-based solutions AND protected area. Google Scholar, Djalilov BM, Khamzina A, Hornidge A-K, Lamers JP (2016) Exploring constraints and incentives for the adoption of agroforestry practices on degraded cropland in Uzbekistan. You cannot download interactives. Also, considering the ever-ongoing shortage of water resources and degradation of wetlands in the Aral Sea basin, there is a question of sustainability and cost-efficiency of the results achieved for almost three decades now. California has the most imperiled biodiversity of any state in the contiguous United States. The Aral Seaformerly the fourth largest inland lake in the world, and the centre of a thriving fishing industryhas shrunk drastically since the early 1960s due to the misuse of river flow for irrigation, and is now represented by a highly saline southern Aral Sea in Uzbekistan and northern Aral Sea in Kazakhstan. Regions with cold or dry conditions, such as mountaintops anddeserts, have even less.Generally, the closer a region is to theEquator, the greater the biodiversity. They have been seen as a sustainable tool for the provision of benefits both for the environment and for society, which synergizes conservation efforts. We were unable to locate any published management plans associated with the protected areas in Karakalpakstan, and as the effectiveness of a protected area very much depends on how it is managed (MacKinnon, Dudley, & Sandwith, 2011), (Roberts, OLeary, & Hawkins, 2020), it is consequently unclear how these five existing protected areas will fulfil their tasks. The Birds Head Seascape in Indonesia is home to more than 1,200 species of fish and 600 species ofcoral., FAO (2019) Trees, Forests and Land Use in Drylands: the First Global Assessment Full report. Looking at samples of soil or water through a microscope reveals a whole world of bacteria and other tiny organisms. PLEASE ANSWER QUICKLY! Pollution. A groundbreaking bipartisan bill aims to address the looming wildlife crisis before it's too late, while creating sorely needed jobs. rep., United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme. Land Degrad Dev 31:27492762. Many species have gone extinct. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. We go on to specifically consider the possibility of applying selected NbS approaches in the Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan, as a case study of a dryland ecosystem illustrating major environmental and social challenges. Nature-based solutions, as a recently emerged approach for sustainably mitigating and adapting to environmental challenges, have gained considerable attention in the scientific literature recently. As drylands around the world are projected to become more vulnerable under increasing temperature changes, and Central Asia is expected to be a climate change hotspot in the coming years with increased average temperature and decreased precipitation (Li, Ma, & Zhang, 2020), there is an acute need to mitigate and to adapt to the consequences of climate change by applying sustainable and resilient solutions for which NbS qualify. Genetic biodiversity is the variation in genes that exists within a species.
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which ecosystem likely has the highest biodiversity? 2023