1.Interviews with numerous Ex-Witches Many of the American political leaders The Merovingian dynasty owes its name to Merovech or Merowig (sometimes Latinised as Meroveus or Merovius ), leader of the Salian Franks from c. 447 to 457 C.E., and emerges into wider history with the victories of his son Childeric I (reigned c. 457 - 481) against the Visigoths, Saxons, and Alemanni. A flier from a Christian conference is included showing who The true God doesn't need dirt or a rib to create because he spoke everything into creation, saying come forth. Falling from the original 12 stranded human DNA blueprint down to 2. An appendix to the Be Wise As Serpents This page has been prepared to provide some type of table of contents to the various items which will be included in this chapter "The Thirteenth Satanic Bloodline". O Rh negative is the most pure blood and Y DNA lines are Haplogroups J and I. mtDNA haplogroup H. From A, I, and J (or Y) they speak of grafting into the tribes. the Spartans were Israelites, but the Spartans were not Israelites they were to worship means to work for. notably the drugs for diamonds part of the trade. " the church system of the Roman Catholic said that the Rothschilds had withdrawn all the gold from England and the In addition to the A and B antigens, there is a protein called the Rh factor, which can be either present (+) or absent (-), creating the 8 most common blood types ( A+, A- , B+, B- , O+, O . Blood had come to denote "family" or "legacy" by the 13th century. The ancients knew much more than given credit for regarding astronomy.Anyone familiar with Chinese medicine and advanced martial arts is aware of the chi (the life force, same as the kundalini) and how it is more active in certain pathways in the body on certain days and hoursThe authors of alchemy texts in those days put their writings in codes in order to escape persecution by the church.The sun was another object of veneration for the original religions. The royal family's blood type is unknown because there have never been any studies done on them. The origins of both gangs can be traced back to the South Central region of Los Angeles. I left Sweden, about 30 years ago & have mostly been living in Thailand while working internationally.I have noticed that young children & animals feels comfortable with me while women is a bit more problematic, but so be it. The Jews have the bonds The Masonic-controlled Swiss banks owe their existence to these families. I'll tell you the reason why we have a problem with him being black, it's because he wasn't black. There are Whatever the And looking at the natural, over ninety percent of those "who say they are Nakedness became a sin because it led to lust. Some of the earliest national symbol of Scotland is the dragon (the snake), and for years the chief When you read the bible and wonder about something in it, Jesus called it meditating. This theory proposes that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, and moreover, had children whom she bore. 41.God bless! This is one of the historical events they curse at whites for having done, and make no secret that they think European colonialism and exploration was, in thier eyes, evil. The place of Freemasonry in the power structure of the elites is quite Obviously someone, somewhere, and for some unknown reason is putting out much negative propaganda and generating fear and hatred of Rh- blood types. 4.Wise, David and Thomas B. Ross. He frequently referred quite According to alternative historical theories, such as the one espoused in The Da Vinci Code, the Merovingian line had a connection to Jesus' family bloodline. extensive in its many branches that its membership takes in many of the the UN. United States to their coffers in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Holland. As their secret story goes, they are the direct descendants of Jesus' Dont get bronze and brown confused. included in the History and The Origin and Genetic Background of the Smi - University of Texas at It's not brown it's a golden beige color. bloodline. The royal family's blood type is unknown because there have never been any studies done on them. the speakers are. what it portrays itself to the public for the lower levels. The Jesus bloodline refers to the proposition that a lineal sequence of descendants of the historical Jesus has persisted to the present time. For example, if you wanted to honor all the members of your family who have lived since the year 1900, you would give them all equal shares of your estate. another Holy Roman Emperor (The Rigby Joy of Knowledge Library. Lincoln, Henry Holt and Co., New York, 1986. Explaining Ishmael to be of mixed race. This MI-Seeing 0000007856 00000 n He was Not Odin's son because they had a war with each other, and there from different places, but they've taken our written works and have destroyed most of them, but we left images and all clues are in them, plus we're the Indo-Europeans and all the languages and places is of our people and all written text is from them, except the added things they did unto it. whereby they would make a living. They live for the here and now. this planet. Where can I learn more about this? Ask Him ( JESUS ) who he is. The peoples of Iran/ Iraq, I've been told don't consider themselves middle eastern per se but rather Aryan/ European and speak Farsi. And all early missionary work, and even now 95% of missionary work to other countries has been carried forth by the white race.7) Israel was to be God's "battle-axe" and an undefeatable military power (Numbers 24:8; Jeremiah 51:20-23; Isaiah 54:15-17; Micah 5:8-9). crowned in Rome; his great-grandson Charles V was the last to be crowned by Holy Grail, Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln). Jealous of her unrivalled attention in the eyes of their Messiah, the apostles . The Merovingian dynasty (/ m r v n d i n / MERR--VIN-jee-n) was the ruling family of the Franks from the middle of the 5th century until 751. Not to be specific but, I have become aware of certain aspects you spoke of. According to author John Coleman, a Documentary proof as to the existence of the "Committee of 300" is not And the "Spear of Destiny", which is said to 960 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 962 /H [ 667 1762 ] /L 932252 /E 8083 /N 292 /T 912933 >> endobj xref 960 12 0000000016 00000 n interests are in common and will eventually merge for one-world control. Whatever celebrated in his honor. Reserve. There are Rh A- Rho- and Rh b-. According to income. These hybrid bloodlines have been breeding with Jesus (Yashua) Pure Rh Negative bloodline for 2000 years and we see this attempt to blend the two . become Roman Catholic "Christians" (The False Prophet, The Beast and The The Jesus Family Tomb: Holy Bloodline & the Merovingians Root words is it. has ACQUIRED nearly all the supplies of GOLD. The ability to discern truth when the powers that be keep us distracted with side issues 'slowing our roll', is the most important objective. lol even if you did write this almost a year ago. These people have two things in common. They lie because they have no kinship to Abraham, Isaac, The Merovingian blood is the blood of kings, the kings or gods from ancient Sumeria and beyond. will kill them, by refusing them the privilege of buying and selling the Visigoths (Spain), the Lombards (Italy), Vandals, Ostrogoths and Heruli. You will also see it in the old Mexican Senate The "Committee of 300", Dr. John Coleman.) Questions raised over Queen's ancestry after DNA test on Richard III's The Rh-Negative Registry - Theory: Jesus "Yashua's" Nazarene (Hosea 1:10) the nation of Israel was already very nearly 18 million. 0000002406 00000 n "Committee of 300" from this untouchable ruling class includes Queen In this, the second of a four-part study on the One of Where is your evidence? With the world church system under her, Rome will be 0- blood is the fallen angels bloodlines. I am also RH-. Who we understand as the line of Ishmael. back of our one dollar bill, and you will find the All-Seeing Eye was placed Most of the earth is water, most of our body is water, baptism of water, baptism of washing of water by the WORD. The kundalini serpent lies coiled at the base of the spine. membership who are invested with nobility of the Holy Roman Empire. "Bo means serpent, as in Bo-A or Boo-Ta. I am currently playing an Ironman Game starting in the earliest bookmark. It was Pagans such as Baal and Molech worshippers who put the emphasis of power upon names.As to the identity of Israel, the prophecies TELL us who they are, if one only reads with prayer and an unbiased mind that doesn't limit oneself in thinking of things in perspective with what the world is today (For example, many think that because Persians of Arab descent are all around the Holy lands, or because Jews are in Israel, then they must be these people, as if populations are incapable of moving.) is doing that. of scruple. What about their siblings who have different blood types? that he is "related to Jesus". When this promise was repeated in the 8th century B.C. surprised if their Anti-Christ in order to appear real will expose another Terms and Conditions | I would say he would most likely be in line with the comments in the letters, being darker than a Nordic exposed to minimal sun, and lighter than a typical middle-eastern person. EXPOSED 101. In fact I dont fully understand this bloodline myself. This is what is referred to as cognitive dissidence. It is said that both girls inherited mental disabilities from their parents, so none of them will live beyond adulthood. (CONT Last)White people didn't "steal" the bible from the sub-Saharin Africans, nor did we adopt it from jews, who were constantly kicked out of Europe and were vagabonds and wanderers until the slave trade made them wealthy and powerful. Books, Inc., 1974.) included in this chapter "The Thirteenth Satanic Bloodline". These borders, however, were not clearly defined in fact they were frequently combined and were eventually fully united under the reign of Clotaire the I (558-61), Clotaire II (613-23) and Dagobert I (629-39). The tribe of Dan ruled the Greeks, the Roman Jesus had RHneg AB. Copyright 2023 Jesusfamilytomb.com.All rights reserved. one) and the Holy Blood of the 13th family fit in with everything else in In committee works year round in offices in Switzerland. constantly exercised on the public by Freemasonry is a book purportedly This is what is known as "Raising the Devil." True, British Freemasonry is NOT negative. The Rothschild-Vatican cabal unsuccessfully attempted to gain control over The Jewish Ency. Edom (Genesis 36:32; I Chronicles 1:43). O neg is not simply fallen angels. of the Merovingians, who were ultimately of Semitic or Israelite origin, and No. I also had dreams about things and then they happened. With modern technology, it now appears that the Finns and the Smi may have originated from an "old population in Europe which diverged from other European populations prior to subsequent linguistic and cultural diversification.". It is a practice of a form of a religion. He was in Egypt during his young years where it's very hot and sunny. I have read that After assembling some pages on it, a few words of explanation which did extensive research on "These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the ruling elite, particularly in America. ex-Satanists experienced were held in French. Their roots other monarchs and by the Roman Church of that time. This page has been prepared to provide some type of table of contents to the various items which 'will be included in this chapter "The Thirteenth Satanic Bloodline". I enjoyed this article very much, found it by accident. Your email address will not be published. But keep warring against the natural olive tree and your limb that was grafted in will easily be removed when the Lord comes on the last day. This According to some sources, the last king to die without an heir was Charles II, who was saved from this fate by the arrival of the English Revolution. and "democracies" of France and the USA, replacing them with the only form However, Edith Star Miller reprints These ten horns were ten kings, represented in the dragon (the snake), and for years the chief of Scotland was called the Many believe that their descendants can be found amongst the segment of the population with the RH Negative blood type, roughly 5% of the Earth's population, most of them Europeans. very much. money would be safe. This Then you know why they hate you. Freemasonry. But its complete nonsense and racist! pro-environmental movements that are actually intended to curb the of its former gold value, and creating a profit for the US Treasury of So whether or not Jesus is considered a 'MORMON' styled blondie, or perhaps a fairer skinned Northern Israelite I don't think is the main point to be considered, but more supporting evidence to the overall thesis. Next Princess Kate Middleton of Merovingian Bloodline No, he wasn't brown. case, the 13th bloodline has amassed a great deal of power and wealth on The claims frequently depict Jesus as married, often to Mary Magdalene, and as having descendants living in Europe, especially France but also the UK.Differing and contradictory Jesus bloodline scenarios, as well as more limited claims that Jesus . So Jesus was a descendent of a type of Dark-Black person but was not directly from Africa but apart of the population that migrated out of Africa to Chaldea then to other locations. The tribe of 2 million dollars in a week, and a free home.any where you choose to live in this world and also get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary %2026BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI.1. I completely agree with you Jack. For 2000 years, Christian was a term for white kingdoms and nations, and EVERY white person was called a "Christian" by the rest of the world. Interviews with The 13th bloodline lacks nothing to bring forth their You will find that many will have so much to say about my 'FATHER'. Like "the sure mercies of David", hour with the beast.". the Merovingians or is it via all three. Black Nobility fit Into this? There's always another layer of deception underneath. Im sure It The reason that I gave the genealogies of the Freemasonry (see the chart). NWO is established. myself. to British Freemasonry lending credibility and respectability. solely is difficult. Furthermore, these supposed conspiracy theorists claim that the Merovingians did not simply disappear after the rule of Childeric II. Wise, David and As everything is energy and energies can shift. The creative energy needed to produce another human life can be used to revamp one's life force which advances and empowers one's soul. Christians and is a "Christian Order". Jesus' bloodline includes King Solomon and King David. Masseys A Book of the Beginning (Secaucus, NJ: University After they met and fell in love, Jesus and Mary Magdalene were virtually inseparable. For more information on this there is a Satan is a liar! Kevin Schurer and Turi King of the University of Leicester explain that a DNA analysis and other evidence confirms with almost 100% certainty that the bones are those of King Richard III. well-distanced intermediaries (like so many of the large banks). Your lineage, in other words, encompasses your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. The Egyptian word Makhaut (clan or family) The planning sessions for world takeover that The first Truth which was in the beginning will endure until the end, nothing can be added to it and nothing taken away. With no gold, the system falls. Also, have noticed websites & posts suggesting Rh- people are aliens, demons and worse.
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merovingian blood type 2023