Wolf Pack Firecrackers, 2,000 Count Strip. Another difference between the K98 and the Yugo M48 is that the Yugo uses what's called a "Safety Breeching" system where the protrusion on the left bolt face is omitted allowing the boltface to fit closer to the barrel breech therefore more of the cartridge is supported by the chamber. M for military and 80 for volume equal to 80 grains of ordnance gunpowder (known today as "black powder"). An M-80, a "real" M-80, was a military training munition they threw at the privates during exercises. Its just a ball stuffed with flash-paper with a wick hanging out of it and its sole purpose is to blow up and make a loud bang for drunken Cletus to hoot and holler over. Nature has an answer for everything. M-80s are an American class of large powerful firecrackers, sometimes called salutes. One new winner* is announced every week! Lets take a moment to recognize defective fireworks, great and small. The M stood for military, or military-issue. [Clarification needed][9]. M-80s can still be legally manufactured in the United States by those holding a federal explosives license. For comparison, the Quarter stick contains ~35grams of powder. Dynamite is basically nitroglycerine or TNT bound in sawdust or diatomaceous earth, isn't it? They produce varying strengths of shock waves. From the same wiki excerpt on the M-80. There have been documented cases of users losing their fingers or hands. A typical firecracker, like a Black Cat has just a sharp 'BANG' as the black powder explodes all at once. [10] The operation was by far the largest-known illegal fireworks operation, and the initial blast was heard as far away as 20 miles (32km) from the site. Not only did it require warning labels on all products intended for children or household use, whether packaged or unpackaged, but it also enacted a ban on toys and other articles intended for children that were so hazardous that simple warning labels were insufficient to prevent harm. Illegal M80s sometimes contain compositions that are sensitive to shock and can injure or kill people. The M stood for military, or military-issue. Im just saying, chances are you not a medieval Chinese genius or a renowned master chemist, so you probably should let someone else build your fireworks. I work at and manage a phantom fireworks we sell m98 brand and silver salute brand fire crackers these are nothing like m80s or actual silver salutes . Back in the day, M-80's = 1/8 stick of dynamite and M-100's = 1/4 stick. Thats right, kids. Back in the day, they used to be even more dangerous, as up to a full gram of flash-paper was used, as opposed to the max amount of 50 milligrams used today. Just like George Washington and the boys envisioned. M-80s were designed by the United States military early in the 20th century. SEAT OPTIONS - Only the M98 and the M10 models are designed to be fitted with seats (the cushion seat is an option in the M98). Today what they're selling that they claim are m-80's are nowhere near what an m-80 really happened to be. The most dangerous of all Roman Candles is probably something known as the G-Man Mobster Killer. Forget sounding like the name of a gun. A person with a federal explosives license, issued by the ATF, may be allowed to purchase M-80s. It went off and blew that metal pail straight up about 12 feet into the air, when it finally hit some limbs on the tree it was flying at. And none are as dangerous as these eight fireworks, all of which will leave you with a stump for a hand if youre not careful, and in some cases, a stump for a head. F-012F. Every year, dumbasses around the world blow their fingers off with M80s, all so they can take dumb joy in the sound of something blowing up. Copyright 2008-2023 BroBible. ), may still have significantly more, up to 130mg, or more, depending on device and classification, and can be legally purchased by any American civilian citizen, except where prohibited by state law. 3.23-30, Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals, Chapter 5-5d, September 2003. Apparently their housekeeping, etc. Those differ significantly from the actual "M-80" as they are subject to the regulations with regard to the sale of explosives and fireworks to the general public. Genuine M-80s have paper endcaps, and contain 5060 times more powder. Illegal quarter sticks can contain compositions that are extremely sensitive to shock and can injure or kill without warning. I was very surprised at how loud they were. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. There have been documented cases of users losing their fingers or hands. I am looking to buy my first bolt action surplus rifle, as I like the how a military bolt action surplus rifle can be good for recreational use. *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. Hurt my hand when it somehow collided with the tosser's nose. What can I Buy as a Pennsylvania Resident. Joined: Nov 2003. M-80s are an American class of large powerful firecrackers, sometimes called salutes. m98 firecracker vs m80cost of natural swimming pool. We also provide the information you need to know to use them responsibly, legally, and safely. rattler. This subreddit is all about Fireworks and things going boom in the sky! [1] M-80s were originally made in the mid 20th century for the U.S. military to simulate explosives or artillery fire; later, M-80s were manufactured as fireworks. Mitchell's has a good explanation on their website as well as a manual that is downloadable which contains more information. Meanwhile, public interest in the United States was pushing toward better protections for children from hazardous products. http://www.usfireworks.biz/glossary.htm#s, Authorization Guidelines for Consumer and Display Fireworks, "Report of the Committee on Pyrotechnics, NFPA Great to throw in metal garbage cans", https://web.archive.org/web/20070221212320/http://www.nfpa.org/assets/files/PDF/ROP/1123-A2005-ROP.pdf, "2004 Fireworks Annual Report: Fireworks-Related Deaths, Emergency Department-Treated Injuries, and Enforcement Activities During 2004", https://web.archive.org/web/20060225024514/http://www.cpsc.gov/LIBRARY/2004fwreport.pdf, Articles needing clarification from October 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The workmanship on the M98s varies widely depending on the factory they were . Its a fucking bomb. The freedom to pursue happiness. As I said, there. M-80s are not authorized under the law, thus making importation, possession, transportation, storage or manufacturing illegal in Canada.[4]. On May 24, 1983, a truck trailer being used as a clandestine fireworks factory manufacturing M-80 fireworks exploded outside of Rowesville, South Carolina, killing two, injuring five, and damaging houses up to two and a half miles away. M80s The original M80 was a military simulator that was sold as a firecracker. In 1966, M-80s and cherry bombs were banned by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the Child Protection Act of 1966. Some of these illegal explosives are poorly built using highly volatile compounds. Anytime youre dealing with a firework that sounds like the name of a goddamn Terminator, you know shit is about to get real. Look, anytime a firework is responsible for decapitating people, its going to end up on this list. Are there significant structural or integrity differences between a classsic 98 Mauser action and the M48.? Federal and state officials sometimes distribute them to farmers to scare away wildlife damaging their crops.[5]. These should all be banned. Imagine the recipe for disaster that presents itself when you have an illegal explosive like an M-80 or Cherry Bomb with much more pyrotechnic charge than is permitted by law coupled with a fuse that doesn't burn the minimum three (3 . It is the successor to the "DM12" which contained ~16g flash powder but was considered too dangerous years ago (bangers available for the general public in Germany are not allowed to contain flash powder, only black powder). Note that despite their destructive potential, the M-80 being classified as an explosive is debatable. Believe it or not, things designed to blow up can be dangerous. M-100 vs M-88 vs M-98 vs M-1000 Firecrackers Review THESE ARE NOT M80s DidNotCopywrite 303 subscribers Subscribe 43 Share 25K views 10 years ago Quick review on consumer firecrackers. A brief listing of their differences would suffice. That may sound unbelievable, but think about it: who likes sparklers? These were declared illegal in 1966 by the federal government. I've shot dynamite and I've shot M-80s. M-80s are a class of large firecrackers, sometimes called salutes. I have been fascinated with pyrotechnics, m-80s, and the 4th of July for years now. Archived post. Surrounding the capsule is plaster or a similar material, and finally a red tube and two plastic endcaps. and the Finish Mosin due to its built quality by the finish armoires, plus the 7.62x54r ammo that is compatible with it, so perhaps it would be best to go with this instead due to inexpensive ammo? They have fuses, and are wrapped in a heavy paper casing to contain the explosive compound. Gonzo - I hesitate to ask this here, but what the heck. If you had never heard of fireworks before, youd think that was bat-shit insane. NE Montana. By the mid-1960s, the consumer fireworks market was in a free for all. [12] Hells Angels members Anthony Morabito and John Tannuzzo were charged with second-degree murder in Hussan's death on October 22. If you stop and think about it, that in and of itself should be enough to convince most reasonable people that lighting them in your backyard is not the best idea. On the other hand, a black market in M-80s does exist. A serious student of the "Armchair Safari" always looking for Africa/Asia hunting books. Dont lie to me or yourself here. Your best bet for a legal big boom is tannerite. the serial numbers won't tell much, what we can do is use whatever proofmarks are on the reciever. I almost blew my hand off with an M80 in 1972. On October 10, 1977, during an Aerosmith concert in Philadelphia's Spectrum, a fan threw an M-80 firework that injured singer Steven Tyler's face, and lead guitarist Joe Perry's hand. A number of years ago, there was a small shop in our town that was cutting sheets of magnesium. Do to the fact that they were very powerful, many people got hurt due to improper use or just plain carelessness. [1] M-80s were originally made in the mid 20th century for the U.S. military to simulate explosives or artillery fire; later, M-80s were manufactured as fireworks. Quarter Sticks The original quarter sticks were similar to M80s, but were larger in size and contained 10 grams or more of flash powder. Nov 12, 2015 #3 whynot Spike I have a M98 and I love it! From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. Their purpose was to simulate explosives and artillery fire for training exercises. Campfire Ranger. In 1975, U.S. federal regulations were passed to limit all consumer-grade fireworks in the United States to a maximum of 50 milligrams flash powder, down from a previous maximum of 200 milligrams (though firecrackers mounted onto a rocket stick, or other aerial firework devices, such as Rockets, Roman Candles, and Cakes, may have up to 130mg). However, a flurry of new laws based on the spirit of the Child Protection Act quickly made M-80s and similar Salutes illegal in the consumer market. The fuses on the fireworks products must burn a minimum of three (3) seconds and a maximum of nine (9) seconds. And, of course, the most important freedom of them all: the freedom to blow shit up. Larger aerial fireworks, like mortar shells, are more like gunshots, but usually they. These items were banned by the CPSC in 1966, and made illegal by ATF in the 1970s. Also the fuse, at times, protrudes from the ends of these firecrackers, as opposed to the middle of the tube in real M-80s. Thats just a rule I have. [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Fire crackers (M80 VS. M10000, img509.imageshack.us/img509/996/m100gl4.jpg, img509.imageshack.us/img509/9776/m1001qq5.th.jpg, img165.imageshack.us/img165/4213/m1002jr1.th.jpg. The original M-80s were, as you might expect, standard military-issue brown craft paper tubes with a fuse and end caps. The 1986 San Francisco fireworks factory explosion occurred when an illegal machine making M-80s failed, resulting in widespread destruction of a city block, killing at least 8 people, and devastating 125 small businesses. It has no problem with a bag of decoys, a shotgun, and a blind bag. - Besides price difference (499 for the M48) what are advantages of the modifications on the Yugo M48 have to offer besides its original k98 form? The M80 was designed to be paddled in the kneeling position while resting your back against the thwart. Thats because in 2011, this dude blew his own head off while trying to reload an artillery shell firework. Always pay close attention to what you are purchasing, and walk away from anything that does not clearly meet federal, state, and local laws. They have to learn how to appreciate burning and blowing shit up somehow. Happy birthday, America. The 4th of July is all about celebrating freedom. You could probably fight off ISIS with a box of these. They just don't make fireworks like they used to these days. M-80s and similar fireworks are frankly dangerous. Just think about it for a minute. Genuine M-80s have paper endcaps, and contain 5060 times more powder. One is not any more stable than the other. Furthermore, they were then made illegal by the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) in the 1970s. I will be using this for target shooting & hunting (the adjustable sights that allow you to sight from 100 to 200 to 300 yards is a very good feature), however to choose between the original K98 with its metal circle in the buttstock (I believe this is a tool to just or fix the bolt?) actually im sure of it as i was looking for one not long ago before i got side tracked on another project and they were one of two places that made stocks for the 48 i forget the other one. Of course, those are set off by trained professionals, not half-drunk dads and uncles who probably get flashbacks to 'Nam because, well, because there are literally artillery shells and mortars going . Thats right, you can chase around your other idiot friends and shoot them at each other like fucking mini-rocket launchers. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Campfire Ranger. Because an M-80 is a pyrotechnic device containing a charge in excess of 50 milligrams of pyrotechnic flash powder, civilian use requires a license issued by federal authorities. Sure, sometimes its their own hand blowing up, but thats why we have the Darwin Awards. The receiver ring itself is the same diameter as the German large ring, but the action is 1/4" shorter. Original K98 Vs. Yugo M48 Mauser Pros & Cons. Angar Hussan, a fourteen-year-old Indian immigrant, died at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City on July 5, 1990, a day after he was struck in the throat by metal shards from an exploding steel garbage can while watching M-80 firecrackers being set off at a Fourth of July block party sponsored by the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club outside the club's headquarters in the East Village, Manhattan. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. Profi cannon shot big boy is a 100g firecracker sold from Osinow Dolny, manufactured in Europe. To be clear, M-80 fireworks are not military-grade M-80s. Contrary to urban legend, an M-80 that contains 3,000mg of powder is not equivalent to a quarter-stick of dynamite. In Germany there is a military hand grenade simulator called "DM22" containing about 5g of flash powder. Traditionally, M-80s were made from a small cardboard tube, often red, approximately .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1+12 inches (3.8cm) long and 916 inch (1.4cm) inside diameter, with a fuse coming out of the side; this type of fuse is commonly known as cannon fuse or Visco fuse, after a company responsible for standardizing the product. All Rights Reserved. United States Army Field Manual No. m 98 crackers 1 box Firecrackers F-051A M-98 Firecracker, 72 pc In store pickup may vary Find a location $24.99 Add to Favorites Print Information & Details Frequently Asked Questions Description A legal version of the M-80. And why were they banned? While there are currently many firecrackers sold legally in the United States today to consumers under names such as "M-80 Firecracker", "M-8000", or "M-##" (where ## is a number), none of these contain more than 50mg of flash powder, and the name is just a lure to make consumers think they are more powerful than they are. However, in many other countries where regulations are less stringent, large firecrackers such as the M-80 and its equivalents continue to be legally produced, sold, and used. So, youve got millions of dumbass kids every 4th of July waving around small sticks that burn at almost 2,000 fucking degrees. Website by MIND. the #1 difference is the 48 is an intermediate action (8x57, 7x57 length) the 98K is long enough to handle 30-06 length cartridges. Keystone Fireworks2023 All Rights Reserved. This subreddit is for the discussion of Canadian firearms ownership, shooting sports, safety of firearms, Gun Clubs, Firearms groups, advocacy, and the Canadian political effects. It doesnt matter what kind of rinky-dink childrens firework you bought at the grocery store because if that thing backfires on you, youre gonna spend all night at the ER trying to explain to a bored nurse how your dick caught on fire. F-022F. "These things going off today, probably less than 1 in 10,000 is an actual M-80," Wejsa . 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By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It contained two grams of flash powder and was responsible for hundreds of serious injuries due to its powerful blast. Nothing you can legally buy at a stand in the US will compare to an M-80. Unlike the German Mausers, which are large ring Mausers, the Yugoslavian Mausers have FN/Belgium lineage and are intermediate-length Mausers. Firecrackers. Many firecrackers sold legally in the United States to consumers have names and appearances intended to mimic the "M-80", such as for example "M-80 Firecracker", "M-8000", or "M-##" (where ## is a number). Ethical fireworks sellers go out of their way to avoid them, along with cherry bombs and other banned items, but they sometimes show up in unlikely places. Others attempt to relight a device that went out. by Kris Zambo | Jul 24, 2015 | Featured, Fireworks Laws, Questions |. WEAK. Of course, those are set off by trained professionals, not half-drunk dads and uncles who probably get flashbacks to Nam because, well, because there are literally artillery shells and mortars going off around them. Anytime youre dealing with a firework that sounds like it could be the name of a machine-gun, you know you might end up in trouble. [6] These firecrackers most commonly have a small capsule with up to 50mg of powder and a fuse in it. . $4.99 Add to Favorites. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. Re: Differences between K98 and M48 Mauser??? Wolf Pack Firecrackers, 40 packs of 16 crackers. 5. M-80s are a class of large firecrackers, sometimes called salutes. [8] Peter Criss, the drummer for the rock band Kiss, was a victim of an M-80 during a 1976 Richmond Coliseum concert when a fan threw an M-80 onto the stage, nearly knocking him off his drum riser and leaving him with partial hearing loss for the remainder of the night. The tubes often hold approximately 23 grams of pyrotechnic flash powder; one source states that an M-80 has at least 3grams of powder. Wolf Pack Firecrackers, 200 Count Strip. Effect Report You Might Also Like Firecrackers F-018S Wolf Pack Firecrackers M-4000 YES I. -8MM is scarce and a bit costly, and while I don't mind buying a case of 200 rounds for 299, should I just start of with a box of 20 to reload after using it up? The Simulator, Artillery, M80, was originally made in the early 20th century by the U.S. military to simulate explosives or artillery fire; Later, M-80s were manufactured as fireworks. 1929 wheat penny. At Dynamite Fireworks, we dont only sell top-quality, name-brand fireworks. This is the result of the Child Protection Act of 1966 and regulation by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, with the purpose of limiting the potential property damage and bodily harm M-80s can cause. All rights reserved. The photo below shows our most popular one man boat models. the absolute threshold of hearing graph) and muffled hearing, there's no way of telling how loud a particular firecracker is/was. I used to buy the "full stick of dynamite" and then piece them up into 4 separate M-100's. Dynamite generally contains a stable nitroglycerin based high explosive, whereas M-80s or any other kind of firecracker contains a low explosive powder, like flash powder or black powder. Literally stun grenades. No BS. Due to property damages and bodily harm caused by M-80s, Class C fireworksnow known as Consumer Fireworks (class 1.4G), as opposed to Display Fireworks (which were Class B, and are now 1.3G)[5] civilians are no longer allowed to carry a pyrotechnic device containing more than 50 milligrams of pyrotechnic flash powder. All fireworks have some danger,yet if used with good common sense can be used safely.i have used fire works for over 40 years,and have the most respect for them.I I never came close having any problems with them including m80 back in the 60s.Any one who is so foolish to hold any firecracker in the hand that is lit have no respect to themself or . These go by many names, like Artillery Shells and Mortars, and are the kind of fireworks you see at the big festivals. Traditionally, M-80s were made from a small cardboard tube, often red, approximately 112 inches (3.8cm) long and 916 inch (1.4cm) inside diameter, with a fuse or wick coming out of the side; this type fuse is commonly known as cannon fuse or Visco fuse, after a company responsible for standardizing the product. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. So what if they suffer horrific burns from time to time? M80 Model; M98 Model; M10 Model; M11 Model; M12 Model; Side-by-Side Comparison; Motors; Features; History; Info; FAQ; M-80 Duck Hunting Kayak $585. [3], M-80s are not authorized under the law, making importation, possession, transportation, storage, or manufacture of them illegal in Canada.[4]. and our This side by side comparison will give you an idea of the room inside each model compared to another. How do cracker bombs compare to the old M80's? (Contrary to urban legend, an M-80 that contains 3,000 mg of powder is not equivalent to a quarter-stick of dynamite. But like simple children, were also prone to hurting ourselves. Make no mistake M80s are not fireworks. Quarter sticks were banned by the CPSC in 1966, and made illegal by the BATF (now ATFE) in the 1970s. I am blessed to share my hobbies, enjoy my time with others, and see the joy I create.God bless America and all you amazing people! Right now, even, theres some hillbilly down in West Virginia stuffing gunpowder and flash paper into a bowling ball or some shit, and a couple of days from now, youll read about how his neighbors saw a flying goat shortly after his farm exploded. But thats just how we train our kids in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Yes, every 4th of July, we come together as a nation, and put aside our differences to celebrate the majesty of fireworks. I know countries make modifications to their small arms that they capture or get possession of to improve & upgrade to their own military standards (such as the Finnish with captured Mosins from earlier conflicts before the winter war) so what changes did they make that benefited their soldiers using it, and would be a good selling point for me? [14] Of the two men charged with murder, one was convicted of criminally negligent homicide, and the case against the other was dismissed. You might as well just toss grenades around the campfire. Lots O fun, a tissue box, an upside down bucket or trashcan, watermelons, dog poop.etc. I know it sounds stupid, but according to the insurance industry, sparklers cause somewhere between 15-20% of all fireworks injuries. M-88, M-90, and many other designations are commonly used on legal fireworks packaging today to evoke the nostalgia associated with the M-80. [16], explosion at a clandestine fireworks factory, 1986 San Francisco fireworks factory explosion, "Language selection - Natural Resources Canada / Slection de la langue - Ressources naturelles Canada", "2004 Fireworks Annual Report: Fireworks-Related Deaths, Emergency Department-Treated Injuries, and Enforcement Activities During 2004", "Rowesville, SC Fireworks Truck Explosion, May 1983 | GenDisasters Genealogy in Tragedy, Disasters, Fires, Floods", "Big Fireworks Explosion Etched in Reporter's Memory", Youth, 14, Dies After Fireworks Explode in Can, 2 Hell's Angels Are Charged In Death of 14-Year-Old Boy, Hell's Angels charged in July 4th explosion, Trouble With Angels; Motorcycle Gang Is in a U.S. Court Fight Over Its Clubhouse, "9-year-old girl critical after illegal explosive device detonates inside home, Philadelphia police say", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=M-80_(explosive)&oldid=1146165613, This page was last edited on 23 March 2023, at 04:33. Thats because, for all their capacity for making us clap with idiotic delight, fireworks are dangerous as hell.
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m98 firecracker vs m80 2023