Im not surprised by this and turn slowly in place to take in my surroundings. Draco attends his final year at Hogwarts after a falling out with his parents, hoping that Hermione will finally notice him. Sounds happy, right? Three times. Insecure Hermione 3. They seem like they would totally work because Fred would help Hermione loosen up and teach her not to take life so seriously, while Hermione would help Fred learn how to act more mature. Fics where Draco's been obsessed with Hermione for years When he finally came downstairs, he called out in a hushed voice. Do you have a favorite Harry Potter fanfic relationship? With a gun. Almost Perfect, Almost Yours by BelleOfSummer - M, 50 chapters - A Language: English Under this throne of chaos and the creation of a Half-Blood, the Order will fall and the New Reign shall defeat the Old. Do you agree to keep the identity of these women a secret? Snape and Harry are not blood related. COMPLETE. She couldnt even breathe. Sorry. But it turns out Draco has been secretly obsessed with her for years in a real creepy way. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! Hermione develops an unspoken fascination for the young Malfoy heir and spies on him. Finished, just adding chapters weekly- two more left! the ministry annual fundraiser is always something to look forward to. Snape may seem like a hard shell on the outside but once you get to know the true Severus, you will discover that he's got the heart of a hopeless romantic. Draco challenges Harry and friends to play EROS & PSYCHE, a scandalous card game with a dark, mysterious history. D/HG Veela. He must have been walking up the stairs leading to the second level of the dungeons. Redemption by aRiddikulusRavenclaw- T, 20 chapters, complete, Mid DH. Her jaw was set. Please consider turning it on! The rest of the tags will be added below. What I remember: Draco and Hermione are professors at Hogwarts. Between his family and her friends. are both Apprentices and sparks fly. Yet miraculously he seems to have a sincere soft spot for Luna, even if she is quite different from the rest. You may now see our list and photos of women who are in your area. The only thing I own is the plot , Dramione fanfic. Her feet dance with the song of unsung constellations, until she sees a man striding down the corridor. Her final wish is to drag Malfoy down to hell with her. It had led her to choosing Hogwarts, getting placed in Slytherin, and meeting her best friend Luna. Thank you! In this first one Draco saves Hermione from Bellatrix during the 7th year Horcrux Hunt. This site is just perfect for me. Harry is one of the snakes, dumbles sucks, and snape is realising he cares more for Lord Potter-Slytherin then origionally anticipated PsaNo slash or Snarry (ew), and the drarry is hardly really there as they are only 11 (will be more prevalent in later years). In this one Draco saves Hermione and brings her to his cabin. Voldemort is in the final stretch of victory due to Harry and Ron's struggle to find Horcruxes. "Dramione" is one of the most passionate pairings out of all the ships created in the Potter universe. The Nargles totally agree with us on this one. Sirius Black never went to Azkaban. Over time, hatred becomes friendship, The Golden Trio becomes The Golden Quartet, rivalry becomes love, and someone shoots the most powerful dark wizard of all time in the face. Even if she hadnt felt the same yet. Non-con situations. It smashed into pieces and the crowd who had parted for him seconds ago gasped. Remember, asks are closed on the weekends! I read sold and it kind of scarred me.. but I like kinda liked it. Draco, Pansy's brother is in a very complicated relationship with his co-worker Harry. This time they Her chin was resting on the limited space between her knees. For some reason, the idea of Fred and Hermione as a romantic pairing seems so strangely right despite the fact that there isn't much evidence of these two having any passionate feelings for each other. One Way Or Another - NC-17, one shot - Ron would do anything to ensure that he and Hermione end up together, its only what everyone expects, right? They are obsessed with one another. After Narcissa Malfoy makes a deal with the Order of the Phoenix for protection and for a probational dismissal of charges regarding her sons role in the death of Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts for a seventh year. With her coffee brown eyes. There are hundreds of unique "ships" that can be found in HP fanfiction, yet here are the ten that have grabbed our attention the most. She couldnt even breathe. Malfoy only looked at her. It became so popular and well-known, that the hit stage play A Very Potter Musical incorporated Draco's crush on Hermione into the show. Click on the "Continue" button and search on the basis of your answers. I hope yall like this ending better than the last, even though its super short.*. DISCLAIMER: THE CHARACTERS ARENT MINE, THEY BELONG TO JK ROWLING. Her small figure was sitting in the furthest corner of the cell, with her arms wrapped around the legs she had bent to cover her nudity. The movies introduced a ship that we never knew we needed, and it was the work of pure genius. Where you're dating to meet eligible single woman - story harry potter harry is it a love-hate relationship. It does not suit your reputation as the brightest witch of her age!, he mocked her a bit and came closer with a smooth step, like he was some kind of wild animal, who just fixed an eye on his prey. There is no 'Boy Who Lived'. Supportive Ron because I said so. His smile widened with every step he took. What is real? The muggle-borns will be earned by the high-ranking death eaters through a lottery hosted by the New Ministry. Contains nonconsentual. Hermione couldnt. What type of relationship are you looking for. But is it for her own protection or theirs? His nose was damn near touching hers, his minty breath dancing across her cheekbones as her neck ached from staring up into his molten eyes that were far too guarded for someone who was only twenty-five. It feels like everything is the same until he chooses to change that. ITs FINISHED! Dont play dumb! Years into the war Draco had moved past his initial reluctance and fear of being a Death Eater and accepted his tasks for one reason. Its their sixth year. She consumed him, burned him, and distracted him every second of the day that she didn't notice him. After my divorce I am not looking for a serious relationship. Harry can't cope, especially when his group of peers is sent back to Hogwarts to finish their interrupted Seventh Year. He can recall early childhood, but small gaps in his school years are missing. Jameson glances at one of the Aurors who edges his way closer. Please be discreet. WIP updates 3x a week and finishing November 2023 (Or sooner), , ----------------------------------------------------- ao3 ID: lucky0416 ao3 ID: Eri_awn. ~Granger! His unnatural cold voice lets her freeze and nailed her down on the spot. - "Pet Did you remember that you can't touch what belongs to me? Complications |Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger|, Hermione and Draco, a Forbidden Fantasy (Dramione) - Completed. Because Tom Riddle was granted the position of 'Defence Against the Dark Arts' Professor and still holds it now. Firewhisky and Rain Author: LeKitteh13 Chapters: 1 Words: 12,639 At the end I think she loses her memory and lives like a normal muggle then she's living with Draco. RELATED: Harry Potter: 4 Relationships Fans Were Behind (& 6 They Rejected). this year the aurors really raise the bar (and lower their trousers). Peter Pettigrew never became Scabbers the Rat. questions. Draco and Harry couldnt be together not since Lord Voldemort returned and Draco was forced into his ranks. Malfoys always get what they want. I cant go there, Malfoy says into his knees. "Hermione Granger is about to notice something that, in another world, would have never caught her attention. plot, spice, and sickly sweet fluff. When he finally came downstairs, he called out in a hushed voice. Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy - Works | Archive of Our Own Although Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson fail to interact much in the Harry Potter series, luckily enough, Potter fans have the wildest imaginations when it comes to their fictional pairings. Opposites attract, ladies and gentlemen, and we'd personally love to discover more of a romance between Fred and Hermione. Hermione Granger find themselves at Hogwarts once again. Like a little boy. I would start with the tag for Almost Perfect, Almost Yours first. Can he solve the mystery before the murderer strikes again? Thanks for saving the world, sorry I was a prick, have a nice life.". This simple exchange will lead to many events that even someone as bright as Hermione Jean Granger could have never foreseen, but all that I can tell you for now is that somebody is going to shoot Voldemort.". What have you done? I question myself, and then shut it down. One of the most popular fanfiction ships in Harry Potter is between Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Room of Requirement (Harry Potter) Obliviate | Memory Charm (Harry Potter) The sixth year at Hogwarts has started. I dont know who is doing the grunt work on these, but theyre excellent. Draco is sentenced to solitary confinement for nine years. His Beautiful, Haunting Eyes by thecellarfloor- M, 14 Chapters - Draco pushed her to the wall, kissed her roughly on the lips, then punched the glass window beside her head. "Yesss hatchling, I am Manassha the queen of hell ssserpentsss, and you sssweet little hatchling, are my counter-". Because Dumbledore decided to accept the position of 'Minister of Magic' and wasn't there to turn Tom down the second time he came to ask for the position. Durante aos, se ha estado reuniendo en secreto con un espa dentro de las filas de Voldemort para intercambiar informacin. and he has an unhealthy obsession with Hermione and ends up trying to rape her, but she has a chastity charm that prevents it leftover from the war. Not dating. She always did love a challenge. They could be your neighbors or someone you know. But Hermione doesn't give up. Could his jealous over Harry's other much older lover have somehow tipped him over the end? His Gryffindor princess has lost her glow. Make sure you've checked out our Blog Features tag. That hes scared. She soon learns the reason why Draco Malfoy was nowhere to be found after the battle of Hogwarts. Thanks!!!! Character development (people can change, y'know?) AU: Tom Riddle was born fifty years later, and Draco was sorted into Gryffindor. Her hands are shaking, and she is unsure whether she wants to wrap them around his throat and squeeze, or something worse. The Knight. For those who are tired of Tinder. T for violence,language, & some sexual themes. A million things rush through her mind all at once, now completely sober. Haunted by the realisation, he finds out that those he thought were his most trusted are the ones that will hurt him the most. The entire course of history is about to change in the Wizarding World. "Ohh sssweet Lady, I, the queen of hell, isss sssstuck with an innocent child-" The snake said, making Harry pout as he wiggled in the lap. Always wanted to find a mature hot mom. Will Draco turn blood traitor to save the one person he truly cares about? Maybe I dont have faith in you! she said, raising her voice. Hermione Granger returns back to Hogwarts to finish her last year. So he lets her know that his husband won't be happy to hear about it. He never thought that life could be so rich and that she could make him feel the way she does. The blonde Slytherin notices this and tries to keep her away. Drarry. They are one and the same, both fueled by passion and endless tension. With Harry off searching for Horcruxes and Ron still lacking the courage to pursue her, Hermione finds herself becoming increasingly and inexplicably attached to a boy she believes can never love anyone, least of all her. But in the process of ensuring their love for one another, something goes horribly wrong. But when they wake up one morning unclothed with their bodies entangled, they must figure out what their actions will result in. And they have no idea how dangerous their game is to their lives. 8th year = 18+. How different is Harry's life going to be now? Shall I remind you of this?". His mother reveals her, and, therefore, his non-human heritage soon afterward, and they realize they must go into hiding or suffer as all non-humans will when Voldemort comes into power. Watson is dating hermione granger romance is a. Watson and draco and draco malfoy, under the. When she realized that she cannot fully return her parents lost memories, she locked herself away in her old home where she struggles for a single night of uninterrupted sleep. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Dramione smut - Dramione_4_lyf - Wattpad Hope you enjoy:). Draco is a brat and a little shit, Harry is Minister of Magic and too done to deal with it and I wonder how they stayed married all this time. - The Voldemort War has ended and Draco Malfoy and Because Voldemort's rise hasn't happened. When fate puts these together, things they would have never imagined, happens. Before we can show you nude pics of horny women in your area that want to fuck right now, we need to ask a few quick Hello! Thats not your decision to make. For example, he has to be reminded that hed been in the same year as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. When Draco finds Hermione in the Room of Requirements they talk for what seems like forever and Hermione finds out Draco is very sweet when he's alone. Darkish Dramione. One destination for a woman and kissed again. He wanted something that he would never be able to have without the Dark Lords help. Miscommunication. Im not sure what to add as far as details, but having a look at the tags, it is a one-shot, Death Eater Draco, Obsessed Draco. there are two sub tags. Three years after the beginning of the second wizarding war, the battle is coming to an end. She was so immobile that she might as well be under some petrifying spell but, whatever they had done to her, they didnt manage to extinguish the fire in her eyes. Send an ask here! Similar to Draco and Hermione, this relationship reveals how easy it can be to confuse love and hate. As the Knight got more and more familiar with The Golden glow of the day, he realized that she was burning him every step of the way., Desolation- A state of complete emptiness or destruction. Hagrid realises Pansy had many enemies. Mods: @crazybutgood, @fantalfart, @goblinmatriarch, @thehoneybeet. During the train ride after the third year, Harry's world turned upside down. This last one involves a obsessed Draco who wants Hermione as his own. She must pray that she can keep everyone safe. He was clearly enjoying this. Poor witch never stood a chance. With her beautiful facial features. Unexpected by Emara88- M, 34 chapters, complete. *Revision 2.0 complete! He got her. He looked at me expectantly, so full of desire, that I couldn't breathe for a moment. Events pile up and the situation of the two becomes more and more entangled, thus creating an unusual bond between them. Set 3 years after the war ended. It smashed into pieces and the crowd who had parted for him seconds ago gasped. Really dark. What are you trying to pull here? A hint of triumph and mockery was in his ice-cold voice. What begins as a loveless series of trysts wherein Hermione tries to ease the pain of Rons apparent indifference soon becomes inevitably complicated. Without waiting for an answer, he entered the cell that smelled of blood. In this universe, they dont always have classes together every day, and Im not gonna write class scenes every time I set a chapter on a weekday, so if you wanted a lot of public banter, this isn't the right fic for you. Little Blue Potion by Twilight to Midnight- M, one shot. James and Lily Potter are alive. They go to the only person they think might be able to help and also be too noble to use their situation against them: Harry Potter - whose mother may have had more in common with Narcissa Malfoy than anyone expects. A suicidal Harry Potter jumps off the Clock Tower. Harry Potter and his ilk defeated Voldemort last year, and the world is a better place, yada yada yada.. RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Reasons Luna Should Have Been In Gryffindor (& 5 She Was Rightfully Placed In Ravenclaw). Didn't even know there were so many beautiful ladies in my area who text first! However, that isn't the only secret the community hides. When he sees her being tortured by Bellatrix, he risks everything to save her life. (Headmistress Merrythought was so much easier to charm.). It contains Major Character Death, as well, if thats relevant. I have a Dramione story I wrote and I was wondering if it could be added to the index and tags? These women have asked us to not allow men that are seeking a "relationship". Come out, come out, wherever you are A sequel to HBHE, Almost Perfect, Almost Yours By: BelleOfSummer - M, 50 Chapters - A pureblood family abducted Hermione when she was born due to their desperation for a daughter. They were cursed from the beginning. *COMPLETE!*. Book I of This World or Any Other series. The year is 1997. In his final year of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy is determined to claim what should rightfully be his, even if he has to oppose the very girl herself to do it. AU. It was safe to touch, or so they said. Many of these women are desperate single moms and cheating wives looking for some fun. Hi I am looking for a fic where draco manipulates Hermione's dream to make her dream about him and goes by the name "luc". Those who come against the New Ministry will be punished severely. Without waiting for an answer, he entered the cell that smelled of blood. Hi I'm looking for fics where draco is obsessed with hermione and will do anything to get her. There are countless shippers who insist Fleur Delacour is actually the ideal match for HP. Hermione, who he had secretly been seeing until his imprisonment, smuggles a charmed parchment to communicate with him, only the parchment doesn't quite work. But if the two unite, a new era of darkness will henceforth begin. hi! Draco POV. Thing is she doesnt feel the same about him. Harry and Ron are Aurors and show up to arrest him. Admit it. 9 Best Harry Potter Lemon Fanfiction - Project Fiction Lessons and Obsessions by LennaNightrunner - Explicit 30 chapters, complete. Do you agree to use a condom when having sex with a partner you meet on our site? That this is the first time Ive ever heard him say the word please. It isn't until Draco Malfoy pulls the Knight mask off and offers to help The Order that she realizes that she had just signed her own death certificate. Dracos injured. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). That would lead Hermione Granger to the home of the Malfoys. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! The emotion in Draco's eyes was something far different from the need I had grown used to seeing in Ron's eyes. AU. The sixth year at Hogwarts has started. Although oddly enough it was not shown in his facial expression, because his face was sealed, completely unimpressed - without any stirring. Stops walking. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Indeed, ron . Her wrists and her ankles were covered by manacles from which started the chains that ended on the walls. I want to read Almost perfect, almost yours but because it is too long I am not sure. Draco and Harry represent another insanely popular ship in the Harry Potter fanfiction universe. Everything is much easier and cooler.
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draco obsessed with hermione fanfiction lemon 2023