Throughout history, these places have evoked worship and admiration in Istrian people, and their imagination has created many legends about these places. This way, if a dead man would wake up, he wouldnt be able to walk and do evil. = '100%'; He is a spirit that, kind of, forms from chicken droppings that stayed uncleaned for at least seven years (I dont know). If someone discovers a person who is a triga and calls out its name, the triga loses its power or never acquires it. The rooster who crows with the break of down does not only represent the morning, a new day. I'm a maths tutor and a mechanical engineering student with a long time-interest in history. A few moments later he saw before him a small donkey who said: Climb up. This can also be seen in the legend about fairies building the Pula Arena. In the dusk and during the night, especially during bad weather, they fly out to gather at special places, at crossroads, junkyards, mountain tops, or under walnut trees. Divovi would often help people with their housework in return for some food and shelter. But the most common is transforming into a fly and leaving their bodies through their mouths. The helpless fairy agreed and after a while gave birth to a child. This is one of my favourite Croatian legends! If youd like us to research and write about a particular place, get in touch! However, the most common belief is that krsnik fights trigas taking an animal form. Similar to fairies, they also resorted to building several towers, or even whole towns, such as Motovun. The legend tells that, for 16 years after his death, Jure would arise from his grave by night and terrorise the village. Since the furrow was running from the river, water gushed through it and began to flood the Pazin valley. Then he dug another river and named it Mirna, after his beloved wife. He has golden blindfolds over all six of his eyes (remember, he has 3 heads). if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'meettheslavs_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-meettheslavs_com-medrectangle-4-0'); So, when we are talking about Vedi and Giants, we are talking about Slavic, and in particular Croatian versions of these myths. trigas lead normal lives by day, just like any other people. Nevertheless, God left them with their beauty and wisdom, so they kept living in woods, giving birth to their offspring. The horse passed across the graveyard easily until stopping by the grave of the girl whose body had been jumped over by a cat before the burial. But when they heard of an overseas war, the unfaithful Croats refused and grew angry, insisting that they would not leave their families and land behind them. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); According to Poganik, and other supporters of this idea, the people who settled in Mordele and Picugi during the Bronze Age wereresponsible for the construction of other megaliths in Europe. In some, its even sewn onto their skin as babies! He has long horns, claws, and a goat-like beard. Portrait of King Zvonimir by an unknown artist. He is one of the few gods that almost all Slavic people revered, feared, and worshiped. Top 10 Greatest Mythological Creatures and Legendary Creatures of Myth and Folklore. A guardian of the fountains of the water of life, she lives with two or three sisters (all known as Baba Yaga) in a forest hut that spins continually on birds' legs. Krst was also a stone that people in Croatia used to denote village boundaries. Krsniks were the ones who kept them safe from vicious trigas, from droughts, hailstorms, illness and death. In Peroj, outside Pula, people witnessed the creation and killing of a werewolf. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The excavations found a stone groove and a ceramic vessel full of stone knives and bird bones, which led him to the conclusion that this place was the center of spiritual life of an unknown agrarian civilization 4,000 years ago. Croatia: Vampire Country | Croatian Culture | Time Out Croatia Both Vedi and Giants are humongous creatures with bodies covered with hair. On such occasions, fairies are born from certain flowerless grasses that blossom across the meadows, with roots similar to red onion. The most popular is that fairies are the souls of deceased girls, spending time in limbo between this world and the afterlife, because of a violent or sinful death. The model itself was made several years ago for a proof-of-concept mobile AR app about Croatian intangible cultural heritage dating mostly from Pre-Christian times. And much more than that. There was a story in west Istria about a fairy falling in love with a man from Funtana and them deciding to officially marry. It therefore seems that original Slavic beliefs were somewhat changed in the period of great migrations and settling of new areas. If someone would by any chance notice fairys unusual legs and look astonished, the fairy would immediately punish them with one of her vicious spells. This way, name taboos, pretty widespread in the Slavic world (so much that even today a bear is called by a descriptive name med-vjed he who knows where honey is), in fact respect what cannot be said. Orko will get between peoples legs and transport them to some foreign land (like a desert or a swamp), and he would just leave them there. Eventually, Antonio died of old age, but Nera has never stopped loving him. A wise old woman approached the commander, and suggested he launch the rooster from a cannon at their enemy. The vampire according to the folk belief, the vampire is a dead man who rises from his grave at night to suck peoples blood, and has magical and supernatural powers. For now, Croatia seemed like a good place to . The man then said: The bells are ringing for that other black dog which was a triga and wanted to kill you, and I was the white dog who protected you.. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The giant stomped his massive foot down beside the castle, and a huge cave opened up, swallowing all the water. Todays science is nothing but an attempt at classifying random events into known and legitimized models. According to folklore, peace finally returned to the region after Jures decapitation. In the folk beliefs in Croatia (Dalmatia and Istria), people often mention trigas, or witches. The doors to these caves are in fact small holes through which only a fairy can enter transformed into a snake. Peasants used to find such horses in the morning all sweaty, tired and with braided manes. Their backs are hunched, and their arms skinny and bony with creepy long fingers and nasty nails. Such descriptive terms include: [citation needed] Tutelary deity Bannik (banya, sauna) Bolotnik (swamp) Dvorovoi (yard, land) While youre there, be sure to visit Pazin Castle, one of our favourite castles in Croatia. These Croatian myths and legends are a terrific opportunity to understand the culture and traditions that make this Balkan country unique. This Slavic deity represents all three major gods (Perun, Svarog, and Dazhbog) combined into one. Both vedi and divovi refer to giant beings in Slavic and Croatian mythology. Croatia Folk Costume - Etsy Its also not the only rooster legend weve found! In southern Istria (Croatia), there lived a giant as big as a mountain, Ban Dragonja. The first documented use of the word vampire is for a person by the name of Arnold Paola (probably: Arnaut Paul?) This is pretty obvious in the fairy tale of Snow White. Category:Croatian folklore - Wikipedia It seems they have simply disappeared, vanished into thin air, or moved to some other areas. They are very sensitive, vain and vengeful. These myths have been passed on through generations and millennia through stories. Children who have been naughty for the year receive more than just a lump of coal for the holiday season from Krampus. In the period between ancient times and the Middle Ages, a number of variants of beliefs in various supernatural beings were created. They would often find people who were walking by the graveyard dead and bloody. Those who saw a fairy, say this happened at night in woods, a clearing in a forest, a glade, or by a lake, stream, or river. In some stories, they are living women, while in others they are wicked people returned from the dead. He would punish people who break oaths and would bring diseases to their doorstep. People say that this cave was seen many centuries ago by a wise and virtuous man, who managed to get out with Gods help. To their great surprise, the girl was sitting in the grave combing her hair, all covered in blood. Perun is often associated with weapons made from stone and/or metal. Perhaps most strikingly though, these fairies have animal legs hiding beneath their white dresses. If you had been alert enough and took his hat off or caught him, he would be giving you gold coins every day. Transformed into a fly, mora enters through keyholes, holes in doors and windows, and moras entrance to a room is usually marked by something breaking or falling down. Another story refers to a dragon which was imprisoned in a steep cliff somewhere near Rovinjsko Selo, and even to these days some say that two dragons guard the entrances to the underworld below Pian. In most mythological stories, these creatures are depicted as good and kind-hearted souls (although not always bright). At one moment he could serve as an excellent excuse for husbands who would stay in the town or the tavern for too long, and in the next he would become a guardian of the village line, making each night trip outside the village dangerous. Apart from stealing horses, fairies were also known by their night dancing and singing. Meet Krampus, the Christmas Devil Who Punishes Naughty Children Hence, a text is nothing but an economy of events. But, there are also a couple of stories in which they are evil and tend to kidnap people and keep them captive (for entertainment purposes, I suppose).if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'meettheslavs_com-box-4','ezslot_9',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-meettheslavs_com-box-4-0'); Krsnik, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting creatures from Slavic mythology. Vodenjak ("The Newt") is a Croatian folklore creature from Medjimurje County. The village has changed, the country has changed, and most of all, the relation towards fairies has changed, so stories and dreams about them became less and less frequent. Most often krsnik turns into an ox, cat, or a white dog, while trigas and werewolves take forms of black animals. He gave her the wings and the fairy, regaining her freedom, flew away in an instance and disappeared. He wondered what became of them, so he went to Earth to see how they were doing. Good, air fairies, always loved to help people. We can recognize the ghost of the woods in features of the world famous Irish folklore trademark, the leprechaun, while the miners guardian and helper can be seen in the fairytale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Andre was first confused, but he still climbed on the donkey, which quickly brought him home. The same could happen if a cat or a chicken would jump over a dead man. Her problem is the lack of a wish to change her social role. = slotId + '-asloaded'; Her body is thin as a fir-tree, light as a bird, and she sometimes has golden wings. People therefore say these are now fairies and elves, and today there is as much invisible as there is visible world because the invisible ones have been procreating and dying just as us visible people. In other words, maybe ideological promises are not the best of foundations for building ones own identity and life, even if they pretend to be post-ideological (invisible hand of the market). From green sprites at the bottom of the river, to serpentine dragons and men who cannot die so they kill old people. Baba Roga: Slavic Childhood Story - Meet the Slavs The horse stopped and wouldnt move any further. Ban Dragonja was ploughing a third river in the most difficult part of the terrain, near the city walls. The young man, wanting everyone to see him dancing with a fairy, went to get his wife, but she was all sad and refused to dance. We are the most comprehensive English language resource dedicated to educating the world about ancient Slavs and modern Slavic nations alike. There was also a small house, built of crystals, the floor was laid with pearls and violets, and the table in the house was always full of the best dishes in golden bowls. This is one of those folk stories that makes you ask a question: What the hell happened out there? Slavic, Istrian and Croatian mythology is full of mystical creatures, both evil and good. During such a birth, a midwife, if shes good, has to put the placenta aside, so the baby could have it throughout their life. This myth was and still is a topic of discussion among Croatian people, politicians, and scholars. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-meettheslavs_com-box-3-0'; Croatian art - Wikipedia var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Let me know, and Ill be more than happy to add it. We cant imagine a better way to learn about it than through traveling so thats what were doing. They healed them from deadly wounds, gave them fertility, gold and wisdom, and in general protected them from evil water fairies. Sometimes, the orko would be lighthearted and fun, but usually, it was a creature to be feared. She is especially ashamed of those and always tries to hide them from people. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); In the old tales he had already been known not only as helper, but also the one who knows where the buried treasure lies (a very frequent motif in the legends of Istria). These vicious wolf-creatures come out during the full moon, and in their older myths, lunar eclipses are actually the result of these wolves eating the moon. Arranged marriages extend beyond mankind, evidently. The resulting explosion killed Ahmed Pasha and much of his troops, along with herself. It's the olm, a blind, cave-dwelling salamander, also called the proteus and the "human fish", for. He is, in fact, the last king to rule his native land before a period of anarchy, and eventually a union with Hungary. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. It seems the giants work ethics, one of their key qualities, was an inspiration to story writer Vladimir Nazor, who was the first one to bring them back to public memory. Were Glenn and Katja! Another folk tale makes no mention of the horrid demons, but does say that fairies come from children. As far as the history and the origins of these legends go, there are many unanswered questions. The tale goes that it is most dangerous to fly on an orko just before the dawn, because once the rooster crows orko disappears and the unfortunate rider plummets down to the ground and gets killed. Croatian Tales of Long Ago: The Myths, Legends and Folk Stories of As soon as the saw tore his skin, the vampire screamed and blood started to flow from the cut. He is a god of thunder, skies, storms, and oak trees (a sacred tree in Slavic mythology). Different religious and mythological philosophies of newcomers merged with those of the indigenous people. These are mostly steep cliffs, high mountains, inapproachable pits and large caves. There was a story once about fairies dwelling in a cave full of dripstones. Slavic dragon - Wikipedia After that night, a young woman came to his door and asked to borrow a kilo of salt. As he died, Zvonimir cursed his people, saying that never again would they have a king of their own blood. = '100%'; Every nation and community has its cultural heritage - customs, the way of life, stories and legends that are passed from generation to generation. Ulma-beg led the Turks, believing that this town would be an easy target to defeat and move on. Most of the things that we know about ancient Slavic gods came from oral tradition because early Christians were meticulous in destroying all traces of the old Slavic gods and goddesses. A white one and a black one. But as soon as a human entered the cave, everything turned to plain stone. These creatures are massive and hairy, living on mountains and in forests but in many stories, theyre as big as a mountain themselves, so the physics of this is a bit difficult to pull off. When Andre dismounted, he turned to thank the little donkey, but it was already gone, turned into a small dwarf with a red cap, running back towards the forest. They say that her power and her life lie in her hair. The triga would soon die and the village would be free of this plague. Azhdaya The Azhdaya is a version of the mythological dragon known as Zmay or Zmey. In some stories, Vedi are as tall as a mountain (which makes them difficult to miss). For example, the River Mirna was created thanks to the plowing of one of the giants. Where they live and how they are classified. Theyre malicious and vindictive, and can curse people in any number of ways, causing death, barrenness and disease in humans and their animals. = 'block'; This seems to be a case of a dual tradition they originated in, and they owe the common name to their looks. Most often depicted as a giant with one eye, the cyclops (which means 'circle-eyed') first appeared in ancient Greek mythology. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The olm: the blind cave salamander that lives to 100 - National Geographic A Krsnik, a Witch, a Nightmare (or Incubus), a Dragon, a Fairy, a Malik, a Giant, a Vampire read what our acclaimed Croatian ethnologists have to sayabout them. Standing at the centre of Croatia's vampire heritage is the case of Jure Grando, a 17th-century farmer from the inland Istrian village of Kringa. The figures above are the most popular and well-known that I could find. He did that and never saw the fairy or the child again. God therefore decided to deform the fairies balance and beauty, turning their feet into hoofs. The belief in werewolves, or people coming back from the dead to do evil, is very widespread inour lands, including Istria. Several days later, a great wind came, killing women who were doing laundry at sea. Another legend that stands halfway between reality and myth is the story of Mila Gojsali. However, fairies would disappear as soon as noticing them, and in some cases they would also abduct a man if he disturbed their dance. Local folktales and legends around the world, Mongolian mythology | Gods & legends of the nomadic tribes, Greek desserts | 8 Incredible pastries to try in Athens. There are still many beliefs connected to fairies abilities and actions, such as them performing various arts. In case someone turns into a werewolf after all, the most common way of destroying them was to find their grave and hammer in a hawthorn stick into their heart. The old writings about folk life often mention there are no peasants who dont believe in werewolves and that all of the older folk who spoke about them claimed to have seen a werewolf with their own eyes. They come into your room through the keyhole as a fly, before transforming into a beautiful woman. On this branch, a small fairy washes in sun and drinks dew. Baba Yaga | Characteristics, Family, & Mischief | Britannica Krsnik fights vampires, vukodlak or wurdulak (essentially a werewolf of Croatian folklore), and other evil spirits that roam the night. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Because of that, when old peasants would see a fly coming out of someones mouth while sleeping, they would place a rock over their mouth so the soul could not return to the trigas body. Many people talked about encountering a mora at sea, or getting attacked by one from the sea while sleeping. He worked hard ploughing in his fields, and lived simply. Perhaps the most widespread belief is that fairies steal the best, mostly white, horses from stables and ride them all through the night. Today, youll find a lovely statue of Mila Gojsali standing on a mountain above the town of Omi, keeping watch over her people. This is the motif of an object cast into a river or the sea, which will one day resurface and bring luck to people. The people believe a werewolf possesses enormous strength, he scares people and casts spells on them, especially the relatives that got on the wrong side of him or those with whom he has a score to settle. Some researches suggest that his name translates to father of all gods. On the other hand, some suggest that strig (from Stribog) translates to uncle. According to historical records, Jure Grando (1579 1656), a villager from Kringe, a small town in Istria, was the first European vampire. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; Beneath her fairy dresses, she is hiding donkey, goat or ox legs, that is, hoofs. LibGuides: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Languages: Folk Culture It bites and beats people, makes children ill, and messes with childrens diapers to make them cry. They love heroes, as well as smart, wise, tall and handsome boys. Orko can only be reined with a lamb wool thread or a rosary, and the man who succeeds in it becomes fairy-like himself. Almost all cultures and civilizations have some sort of myth about the undead, blood sucking creatures or vampires. In this article, I will talk to you about some of the most famous stories and legends that originated from the minds of the Croatian people. Drekavac (Drekavac or Screamer) is demon from Southern Slavic folklore, created from dead, unbaptized toddlers. Croatian Mythology: Popular Myths and Beliefs - Meet the Slavs Croatia's folklore is understood to be a local variation on the wider grouping of Slavic myths. Much of the intrigue behind Stribog lies in the etymology of his name. Unfortunately, during the Christianization of the Slavic tribes, most of the statues and temples dedicated to the Old gods were destroyed. But, wait until I tell you about Orko. There were many temples and statues made in Triglavs honor (most of them located in modern-day Poland). People therefore highly respected and loved them, but at the same time feared encountering them. Her main feature is that she comes to young people, usually handsome young men, while they sleep, sits on their chest, strangles them and sucks on their nipples. List of Slavic creatures | Myths and Folklore Wiki | Fandom However, people dont consider it a big nuisance, but often say that a malik, turned into an animal, helped them on their way home. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. They're both old and ugly, have a hooked nose and a couple of missing teeth. These myths have been passed on through generations and millennia through stories. Although the blocks eroded over time, and some of them broke off and fell to the foot of the hill, archaeologist Ante onje devoted his time during 1960s to research this mysterious place. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; God asked them how many children they had, and they had twelve. After that moment, a krsnik becomes true fighter against trigas and evil, sworn to help people. Striga can transform into a number of animals, including frogs and cats. Over night it tears down buildings under construction, runs and dances around houses and doesnt let people sleep. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Stop tormenting us!. Whether an unfortunate traveler runs into him or steps on his trail, Orko would hurl them into the air and throw them miles away from their destination. The fortified town of urevac was under attack by the Turkish army in the 16th century. Croatoan - Mythical Creatures Guide Such a method of killing a werewolf was usually done by priests at dawn or in daylight, when it is believed werewolves return to their graves to sleep. The girl stole through the camp, and took a torch to the camps gunpowder stores. The two Slavic siblings, Baba Roga and Baba Yaga, although different, have their share of similarities. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 2. The mystery ofhills Mordele also extends to a nearby set of three hills called Picugi. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It is believed that orko is hatched from chicken droppings untouched for seven years. Orko is a fairy horse cursed by God. It does both good and evil. Striga are magical women who are either old and ugly or extremely beautiful. Myths about giants are commonplace in many different mythologies around the world. I hope youve enjoyed this short excursion into the wonderful world of Croatian mythology. Croatian folklore is very much tied in with the Slavic tradition. Instead, we could try to dodge an ideological interpretation through a reversed, twisted view. One of the peasants then charged at her with a hawthorn stick and she started to shriek and fight. The Croatian people recognised her sacrifice, and gathered the last of their forces to beat back the remaining Ottomans. Croatian myths and folktales have a rich Slavic mythology, but there are also a wealth of Croatian myths and folk tales told in the many Croatian languages that belong to this eastern Europe republic. He ploughed a furrow from the lake to the ocean, and named it Dragonja. While he said it as an insult, the people of urevac have kept this nickname with pride. I studied some ancient mythology in uni, and I love learning about other places and cultures. Out of shame, they escaped to thick woods, where they are still hiding today, ashamed of showing their legs when dancing with other girls. Father Giorgio said: Look, trigon, there is Jesus Christ who saved us from hell and died for us. Over time, Christian influences merged with pagan elements, resulting in a rich and complex folklore that reflects the country's diverse cultural heritage. I cover the travel and myth/legend posts. At the site of the megaliths allegedly sacrifices were offered and priests conducted magicand prophesied the future. They then spend their lives fighting vampires and demons, and healing those cursed by magical creatures. Often benevolent and kind-hearted, giants can also be cruel, stealing humans they come across and keeping them captive. Slavic mythology, and in turn Croatian as well, had its share of gods and goddesses. They can forge weapons capable of cutting through iron and the hardest rock. The Legend And Curse Of King Zvonimir Prints of these monumental animals were found in 1934 in Brijuni, and later on the peninsula Marlera near Medulin as well as on a small island Fenoliga and a small bay in Premantura. Slavic Demons & Spirits - Meet the Slavs Youve got Pegasus, from Greek legends, youve got Unicorns, and so on. Mostly evil. Croatia - Folklore and regional stories | Advertisement feature | The They are described as ordinary women or men with a special, either hereditary or acquired sinister powers. Were from South Africa, and have a keen interest in history, mythology and culture. Nera would not give up on her love, and vowed to give up her immortality and divinity to be with Antonio. This peasant was known all over the country as a good man. She sacrificed her chastity, and when he fell asleep, she slipped out. According to the folk belief, malik is an ambivalent creature. Krampus: the Christmas Devil of Alpine Folklore
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