- Sludge Wave. Shadow Ball: Mt Pyre, the giant casket room with the Medichamite Ability: Trace / Synchronize > Pixilate - Waterfall Ability: Shell Armor - Calm Mind - Surf. Dazzling Gleam is the strongest Fairy STAB move Gardevoir gets before the postgame, and its extra BP is typically more helpful than Draining Kiss HP recovery. At least all the moves are STAB :/, Aki (Breloom) @ Silk Scarf Mist Ball/Luster Purge. Personally, I just catch the first Ralts I come across. You can also take on Winona with Stone Edge, but it is not recommended. Also useful against Steven's Metagross. Woah. Ability: Natural Cure - Surf I know, I know, no Pokmon has Fly, Dive, Strength or Rock Smash and that's because I just waited to get the Eon Flute before doing any Flying and the rest was just me switching out random HM Slaves and other Pokmon to do what was necessary. Blazer (Blaziken) @ Blazikenite Sceptile @ Sceptilite Item: Silk Scarf Thunder becomes totally OP when you add Rain Dance to it and if you send out a Mega Swampert (Swolepert) his Speed will double making him just that much more over-powered. - Earthquake - Psycho Cut Magnezone @ Magnet Altaria is my favorite Dragon type you can obtain in Hoenn (Besides Flygon). It's a strong defensive Pokemon that packs quite the punch. I use the exact same team as yours except Absol. Poison Jab: Mirage Mountain, requires Acro Bike Hypnosis- Puts enemy to sleep. - Shadow Ball Nuzzle is simply a better version of Thunder Wave, dealing damage as well. - Double Hit Wait until L21 to evolve Treecko, because it can only get Giga Drain at that point. - Foul Play - Cut (HM) Mt. A great Pokemon that can set up Sunny Day to boost STAB Flamethrower and make Solar Beam hit in one turn. - Toxic - Swords Dance Poison Jab: Main STAB move. Another thing, there are quite a few recoil moves on Blaziken.. Yeah it is a lot of TM's, but all the TM's I've put you can obtain quite early in game, some of which you can even learn through levelling up. We all know how constricting HMs can be otherwise (especially before getting to Lilycove), so let's get started. I remember looking for one desperately for a Marill in HGSS when I was a kid, because I thought it was really cool, and when I finally got one, I hated it because I didn't understand how abilities work. - Earthquake Ability: Sturdy For all the people who just love Magcargo or Torkoal, I choose Camerupt due to type advantages. Waterfall is its strongest physical Water STAB while doubling as an HM, while Earthquake is here for obvious reasons. Swampert - Movesets & Best Build for Ranked Battle | Pokemon Sword and The Assault Vest makes Aggron more of a tank, and I don't use status moves anyway. It receives. Spike (Cacturne) @ Miracle Seed - Water Gun (starting move) > Surf (HM obtained after defeating Norman) - Shadow Claw. While it has mediocre attacking stats (70/80 respectively), it does have access to 3 HM moves and nice typing to cover both Sceptile and Linoone's weaknesses. Rock Slide is another option and covers most of his weaknesses, but Earthquake is just overall better due to its higher power and accuracy. - Shadow Sneak. - Brick Break / Reflect, Note: Many Pokemon in this team can Mega Evolve, it's up to you who gets to do so. - Waterfall Don't give Linoone an item as pickup gives random stuff like Revives and Repels, for Flygon don't give Yache berry as many people are just too lazy to find where they planted berries (or even plant them in the first place).and it's one time use, some random wild Pokmon's Ice-type move would waste the berry. Hey guys how's it going? Earthquake is a strong filler move. Fire Blast and Flamethrower are great moves, but I prefer Fire Blast because of Contests. - Iron Tail: Level 35 Really helps with Fire Blast and Solar Beam. Rocky Helmet is a good generic item, but it needs a few specific berries against the Elite 4. Pokmon Team Builder Reimagined | Best Swampert Team - YouTube I decided to use Bulk Up as Poison Jab is pretty hard to get, and I simply didn't have the patience. - Close Combat Roxanne: Mudkip easily sweeps with Water Gun. - Solar Beam: TM22 at the Safari Zone - Psychic Nasty Plot to sharply raise Special Attack and Will-O-Wisp to inflict burns (and take less physical damage). - Rain Dance Ralts can be obtained in a horde encounter on Route 104. Its easily able to be incorporated earlier, however, and does well against the multitude of Water and Flying types in the game. - Boomburst Strength because you need a Strength user and it's a decent move. Ability: Static - Waterfall / Surf / Dive The last slot is a coverage holder. - Psychic: Level 31. Ability: Thick Fat - Poison Jab Coil: Boost Attack to sweep. Any good alternatives to moonblast? Tentacruel Rock Slide- Coverage against many of Sceptile's weaknesses, Swellow Jolteon and Raichu are both amazing, but it can be a little hard to find a Thunder Stone, so another option is Manectric. Weezing is underrated, Im glad you added it onto the team. - Growl (starting move) > Disarming Voice (Level 11) > Draining Kiss (Level 23) > Dazzling Gleam (TM99 - Route 123) I understand what you're saying for Blaziken however you don't need to use Flare Blitz and High Jump Kick, I said you can otherwise use Blaze Kick and Sky Uppercut, I only taught my Blaziken Flare Blitz and HJK for when I was battling the Elite 4. dude change earth power to earthquake camerupt has higher attack than special. After clearing four Gyms in a row with no new members, we head to 111 and catch a Trapinch! Good Defense and high Special Attack, but its other stats are low. You could go mixed or choose Leaf Blade in place of Giga Drain and run Brick Break in place of Leaf Storm and go physical, although his base Attack isn't great compared to his Special Attack. It can be given a Wacan Berry in case Salamence connects with a Thunder Punch, but its very difficult to lose this battle. Ability: Frisk Which is better? If you choose not to evolve your Magneton and just give him the Eviolite from Route 123, he has less HP and less in both Attacks than Magnezone, but every other stat gets better. Surf is excellent on Sharpedo, as it moves twice as fast when surfing and Dive allows you to dive underwater and explore beneath the sea. Walrein and Milotic are both good Water type Pokemon. Swampert (Pokmon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokmon encyclopedia - Nuzzle Ability: Guts - Shadow Claw / Brave Bird Good Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed, but low HP and Defense. Surf is good for dealing with pesky Fire types. - Brave Bird - Strength - Flash Cannon - Waterfall Overall, just my favorite of the starters. Wake-Up Slaps extra 10 BP is better than Force Palms chance to paralyse, so its a good STAB upgrade. - Dazzling Gleam / Moonblast Pickup is super useful as well, hence why it has no item. - Volt Tackle / Discharge Deadly against Dragon types and can use Shadow Ball on fellow Psychics. Bellossom - Moonblast Magnezone is easily one of the best, if not the best, Electric-types in the game, only contested by Manectric. - Leaf Storm / Leaf Blade - Close Combat / Brick Break Swampert - holding Swampertite with the moves: -Surf -Earthquake -Ice beam -Rock Slide Magcargo - holding heat rock with the moves: -earth power -overheat -amnesia -Sunny day Magnezone holding. Volt Switch is good for pivoting, but its less helpful if playing on switch mode. - Rain Dance / Rock Slide / Hammer Arm. - Thunderbolt / Thunder Ninetales is the butt of my team, but still fills a key role. - Extrasensory This team performed very well in a Nuzlocke I just completed, and it makes a very strong team for a casual playthrough as well. Acrobatics is deadly when not holding an item. Strength and Cut are half-STAB, half-HM (more on Surf later), Rock Smash is an HM and is also great for Heart Scale farming, and Shadow Claw does good damage to the Ghosts that Linoone doesn't like. - Rock Slide / Hidden Power [Water]. In this video I take 6 Pokemon that. Other good moves you can consider are Brick Break, X-Scissor, Power-Up Punch and False Swipe (to catch Pokemon). Energy Ball covers all weaknesses and Flamethrower is solid STAB. The Latis both get Surf and Waterfall in addition to the moves on this set, but those are both covered by other party members already. Here's the team I played through Omega Ruby with! I know that this is old, but replace Moonblast with Hyper Voice for the Pixilate boost. Remember: Mega Evolve Heracross at all times!! Shadow Ball/Dazzling Gleam/Grass Whistle. Quick Attack is primarily used to conserve PP on more powerful moves, and to break Sturdy on specific Pokemon. - Brick Break: TM31 in Sootopolis City. They're pointless in-game. Swampert | BW | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Fly - Sand-Attack (starting move) > Knock Off (Level 19) - Echoed Voice - Grass Knot. I don't understand why people wouldn't want to spend money on TM's, if they want to use them, they're going to have to buy them eventually, whether that be during the game, or once they've completed it. [Top 10] Pokemon Omega Ruby Best Teams That Are Powerful! Waterfall and Crunch are physical STAB. Winona: Manectric is a good answer to most of her team, but Gyarados may be necessary to Ice Fang her Altaria. Please be sparing with images and formatting. Oh, goody. Steel Wing- Covers Rock and Ice weaknesses Giga Drain is learnt by the prior evolution, I think. Linoone can be subbed out for Zangoose or Seviper, which are both really good in-game. Some other Pokemon were used for some of these battles, and those instances will be noted with alternatives. I sometimes rotate my Pokemon around, so these might not be the six I always use. - Shadow Sneak Weezing has pretty good moves, pretty good stats, and a good defensive typing, which paired with Levitate, makes it a great physical wall. Gardevoir/Gallade: Route 103 (Ralts), Super Training (Dawn Stone) Banette is probably better. The Flash Fire ability is underrated, but if you can pick up Drought do so. Steven: Lead Manectric into Skarmory, and Quick Attack to break Sturdy before KOing with Discharge. Glacia: Hariyama OHKOes both Glalie (and Walrein with Close Combat after a Fake Out), so the only annoyances are the Froslass. - Rock Smash. Just have a Pokmon in your PC knowing Dive. - Megahorn Ability: Static Drake: Gyarados can set up two Dragon Dances on Altaria and proceed to sweep Drakes entire team. Your choice of Ralts evolution. Once you get to the Battle Resort, there are a lot of good moves he can learn, including two great STAB moves! It also creates free turns for Mega Swampert with its slow U-turn and by baiting in Electric-types such as Zapdos and Tapu Koko. Fly to the Move Relearner in Fallarbor Town, and use a Heart Scale to relearn Dragon Dance, which will be crucial in setting up sweeps against Phoebe, Drake, and Steven. Hariyama is a good answer to Vigoroth and can work well against the Slakings too. He destroys everything. Dazzling Gleam is an alternative, not as powerful but strikes multiple enemies which is useful for hordes. - Ice Beam If you want to Mega Evolve him for even more power instead of the Wide Lens accuracy boost, that works too. Megahorn and Close Combat are really strong STAB. Ability: Flash Fire Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt or Energy Ball are coverage, or you can use Calm Mind to set up. - Overheat - Earthquake - Drain Punch Sky Uppercut is a pretty good Fighting STAB if you don't want the 10% chance to lose half your HP. Ability: Guts I think Aggron is worse than Gyarados because it's unable to sweep the Elite 4 like Gyarados can. - Discharge Ability: Shed Skin Leech Seed and Toxic wears the opponent down. - Knock Off - Magical Leaf Route 110 Rival: Slugma and Wailmer both fall to Marshtomp, but Grovyle is more of an issue. Arm Thrust is fairly subpar, but Force Palm is quite a solid move that will last until the midgame. Manectric is the best Electric type available in my opinion. Poison Fang is STAB, but Acrobatics will typically be more useful. - Shadow Sneak Sceptile - Grass (Mega Sceptile - Grass/Dragon) - False Swipe / Swords Dance I won't list the locations of the HM's since they're needed to complete the game anyway. You just have to. Latios/Latias @ Latiosite / Latiasite / Soul Dew Roserade: Route 117 (Roselia), Super Training (Shiny Stone) This Pokmon is a beast in battle and in the Contests. - Will-O-Wisp. Crawdaunt - Water/Dark Very fast, with high Special Attack but low defenses. but they are not necessary. TM42 Faade can be purchased in Mauville City for 10,000 Pokmon Dollars. Bro sub out Gardevoir for Gallade as it takes forever to get dawn stone if you have one system like me. - Strength - Supersonic (starting move) > Confuse Ray (Level 17) > Fly (HM02 - Route 119) Linoone: Route 101 (Zigzagoon) that are only available through, Earthquake (TM26 - Seafloor Cavern) / Rock Slide (TM80 - Route 134), Bulk Up (TM08 - Gift from Brawly) / Poison Jab (TM84 - Mirage Mountain), Surf (HM03 - Petalburg City after beating Norman) / Superpower (Level 46), Thunderbolt (TM24 - From Wattson after completing the New Mauville sidequest), Charge Beam (TM57 - Mauville City Pokmart), Dark Pulse (TM97 - Team Magma/Aqua Hideout) / Shadow Ball (TM30 - Mt. - Waterfall / Dazzling Gleam Crunch is very helpful against Ghost types, as the team doesnt have any Pokmon with STAB Dark or Ghost moves. - Earthquake. Ability: Inner Focus - Rock Slide. - Leech Life (starting move) > Wing Attack (Level 13) > Acrobatics (Level 35) The Soothe Bell should be used until Golbat evolves, after which point Acrobatics is more effective with no item. - Grass Pledge / Giga Drain - Flamethrower What is a good mega evolution Pokemon for my team for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire? Ability: Pickup Sceptile is easily taken care of with Crobats Acrobatics. Ability: Static / Lightning Rod 3) It has access to many great TMs & Move Tutors. Earthquake. - Surf Shadow Claw to help against Ghost types is another option. Ninetales @ anything - Dual Chop - Dragon Pulse Ability: Inner Focus Ideally, this is the Pokemon you want Ninjask to Baton Pass to. I just love Mega Sceptile, he was my favorite starter from Hoenn and still is. Found at the route after Rustboro and Petalburg Woods, Swellow can be quite useful in battle and as a flyer. - Tackle (starting move) > Bulk Up (TM08 - Obtained after defeating Brawly) > Close Combat (Level 46). Good "All-Around" Team? - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - GameSpot - Poison Jab Salamence: Meteor Falls Interior, requires Waterfall (Bagon) - Crunch Ability: Frisk --> Prankster Need I said more? - Signal Beam Power-Up Punch is just there to make his Attack even more OP, and the rest are coverage or fillers. Not the most brilliant move pool in the world, but the Electric/Steel typing really helps. - Signal Beam. Knock Off: Good coverage move, removes items. - Giga Drain - Waterfall / Surf - Focus Blast -Moonblast Surf is because I was too lazy keep switching Pokmon so I had a different Surf-er, whereas, if you are patient enough, Superpower just gives him a little more coverage. Because his Attack was already pretty good compared to his Special Attack, there's no doubt about whether or not it would be a physical set. Ah, the evolution to the infamous Pikablu. Ability: Inner Focus - Extrasensory / Shadow Ball. It or Hariyama can deal with Sharpedo, and Gardevoir cleanly OHKOes the rest of Sidneys team. - Power-Up Punch Every team needs a Psychic type and Gardevoir is a great pick. Sceptile @ Sceptilite I like how you added altaria to the team, altaria is one of my favorites. - Air Slash / Fly Seafloor Cavern Archie: Gardevoir handily deals with Archies entire team, but if youre scared of Crobat outspeeding, switch to Manectric for Discharge. - Hone Claws Ability: Trace Hariyama is a very strong Pokemon with high HP and Attack stats, and has a large variety of moves to choose from. Second of all I have some changes you can make. Ability: Clear Body Ninetales @ Charcoal I have been experimenting with other Pokmon in my Alpha Sapphire, and Gallade has been phenomenal. Dig can be used in the same way as an Escape Rope to escape caves and Surf can be used to surf at a normal speed (since we also have Sharpedo in the party). Lilycove City Rival: Swellow and Wailord fall to Manectric, and Magcargo goes down to Swampert. It has a high Special Attack stat, and good Special Defense and Speed. - Fly - Ice Beam. - Ice Beam - Psycho Cut Frost Breath is better in most cases, because it'll be 120 STAB rather than 90, bar random Shell Armour Pokemon. - Mud-Slap (Level 9) > Dig (TM28 - Route 114) > Earthquake (TM26 - Seafloor Cavern) - Earth Power I kinda cheated a little and brought a Dawn Stone over from my Pokmon Y version so I could have a powerhouse early on and he just rocks it. Ability: Steadfast > Inner Focus Shadow Ball for other STAB, and Confuse Ray just to be annoying. Ice Beam is coverage against Grass types until you get to the Battle Resort, at which point you should swap it for Ice Punch. (This team is also based on a no-Exp. - Iron Head Aerial Ace for Fighting types. Shadow Ball/Dazzling Gleam/Grass Whistle - Iron Tail - Strength - Acrobatics Swampert's favorite teammates include defensive Roserade, as it 4x resists Grass-type attacks and can set up Spikes that make Swampert a pain to switch into; Rhyperior, for setting up Stealth Rock and defeating Flying-type Pokemon reliably; and Flying-type Pokemon, such as Togekiss and Zapdos, to take Grass-type hits and build momentum for Swellow and Sharpedo are also constantly in the party, while Blaziken, Gardevoir and Manectric are constantly rotated, that way by the time I get to the Pokmon League I'll have a full party of six that are battle ready. If you want to surf faster, use Sharpedo instead. Ability: Overgrow Moonblast and Psychic are its main STAB, and Shadow Ball is Ghost coverage. Kiwi (Dodrio) @ King's Rock This Pokmon also has powerful vision that lets it see even in murky water. But then it will have a very low level and need a lot of experience before it becomes useful. Despite having usable STABs, [emailprotected] is obselete on the team type-wise and is generally used as an HM Slave (mostly for Dive, but Fly is also handy before getting the Eon Flute). Ice Fang is a good defense against Winona and Drake. Dazzling Gleam / Will-O-Wisp: Dark types will walk all over Banette without Dazzling Gleam, but Will-O-Wisp is good for burns. Milotic @ Mystic Water Surf is Walrein's go-to STAB and takes the responsibility off of Linoone, Ice Beam is STAB and kills Grass-types, Crunch is filler, and Earthquake covers Electric and Rock types. Surf: STAB and an HM. Gallade Thunderbolt is Manectric's main STAB, and Flamethrower is its main coverage. Shadow Claw: Sometimes Shadow Sneak isn't enough. I don't like putting HMs on my main party Pokemon, so when I need an HM I'll switch someone (usually Ninetales) out for an HM slave like Linoone or Sharpedo. Close Combat: Powerful STAB move The battle should be over in one or two turns. - Waterfall: HM05, you need it to complete the game You can give it a Persim Berry to block Magnetons confusion, but it should be a clean sweep. I gave her Hone Claws so she could land Iron Tail/Stone Edge more often. Volt Switch: is great STAB and lets you pivot. Swampert is an amphibian-like Pokmon with a bulky frame and four thick limbs, the two longer ones at the front serving as arms while the shorter limbs provide support for the creature if it chooses to stand upright. - Thunderbolt: TM24 after New Mauville quest I guess you could use Eathquake. - Surf - Magic Coat TM Dazzling Gleam: Route 123 Now if you want to change a Pokemon go ahead. Very little grinding is needed, there are no version exclusives, Mega Evolutions or legendaries, and the coverage is superb. Thunderbolt- Good power, STAB - Bite (Level 20) > Crunch (Level 41) Dragon Claw Earth Power- Good power, STAB - Bulk Up Surf is preferred over Waterfall because of its higher base power, and Waterfall works better on Gyarados anyways. Of course this doesn't always work, but the moveset I run on Ninetales highlights its strengths and covers my team pretty well. Omega Ruby. Exploud is a decent Pokmon with stats that tend to lean towards the Special Attack. Exploud can't learn Thunderbolt and you can only get Shockwave from Transfer or from the move Tutor. Ice Beam- Good power, covers Grass weakness - Earthquake. - X-Scissor / Earthquake - Strength. Ability: Overgrow (Mega Sceptile: Lightning Rod) - Cross Poison - Focus Blast: TM52 from Lilycove Department Store for 30k Pokedollars There isn't really much to say about them; they free up slots in the rest of the team's movesets and allow you to play the game. - Earthquake Plus, he has a Mega Evolution and an Electric type immunity. The moves give the best coverage he can have. Pelipper is a mandatory teammate because it provides free rain with its ability Drizzle while checking Keldeo, one of the best checks to Mega Swampert. Manectric When theres a particularly annoying Pokemon that I don't want to waste one of my key troops on, I roll out Ninetales to hand out some super-effective mojo. Shadow Claw is for Psychic types, and Earthquake is Earthquake. - Boomburst / Hyper Voice - Shadow Ball. What is a good in-game team for Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald? Great Pokemon who also gets Fly and Strength. Gyarados can typically outspeed and OHKO both with Crunch, but Persim Berries might be a good idea anyways. - Quick Attack (starting move). Item: Black Glasses (Did I ever mention that Intimidate is a fantastic ability? Night Slash- Decent power, covers Ghost weakness. Locations: Linoone @ anything Thunder Wave can be used in the same way, since it learns Thunder Wave through levelling up and you get Thunder Wave as a TM quite early in game. Flygon - Ground/Dragon Zangoose @ Silk Scarf That's a lot of TMs. Supersalamence93 here bringing you another Pokemon Teambuilder. Roserade @Miracle Seed/Black Sludge/Filler - Giga Drain. - Shadow Ball: TM30 at Mt. - Rock Smash Ability: Overgrow -> Lightning Rod Of course Ghost is a problem, but if your entire team is wiped and Linoone is your only surviving Pokemon, you're in serious trouble anyway. - Wake-Up Slap Ability: Intimidate Dragon Claw- Good power, STAB when Sceptile is Mega Evolved Every team needs a Dragon type and [emailprotected] are great. - Dragon Pulse He has high defenses and Attack so make sure you have physical hits if you swap any moves out. Metagross @ Expert Belt Earthquake - Fly. - Tackle (starting move) > Rock Slide (Level 28) Gardevoir @ Miracle Seed / Rocky Helmet For a held item use Leftovers to keep Swampert in the game as long as possible to bring the pain. Moonblast can be learnt at level 62, however it can be learnt sooner by going to the Move Reminder and getting him to teach it, it in exchange for a Heart Scale. Earthquake, Yep. With DexNav, walking outside the strip of grass on Route 102 closest to Petalburg City will eventually force a Ralts encounter. Swampert: Starter (Mudkip) Swampert + Hariyama + Manectric + Absol + Gardevoir + Crobat This team, for starters, has a lot of possible mega-evolutions, so that's always fun! Ability: Marvel Scale / Oblivious Getting Protean was one of the things I was actually patient enough for. - Frenzy Plant: from Mauville Move Tutor Ability: Sand Veil Creepy Pokedex entries aside, this Pokmon has great Speed. [emailprotected] @Mega Stone/Filler - Ice Beam / Frost Breath - Crabhammer Ability: Torrent --> Swift Swim I used an Air Cutter Beautifly to cleanly KO it, but if you didnt pick one up, Wing Attack Zubat should also make quick work of it. Swellow @ Sharp Beak If you ever need Giga Drain again, you can reteach it; you don't have that option if you let Treecko evolve at L16. - Iron Head Also raichu is one of my favorite pokemon. - Sludge Wave Treecko overall has pretty good stats, including great Special Attack and Speed and solid Attack, which are great combined with Sceptile's large movepool. Linoone is basically a HM Slave with Cut, Strength and Rock Smash. - Bullet Seed: Move Reminder in Fallarbor Town. Giga Drain - Fake Out / Focus Blast, Jolteon @ Air Balloon - Stone Edge Metal Sound- Harshly lowers opponent's Special Defense and pretty much makes Magnezone unstoppable. I would also recommend Mega Evolving Medicham more often than Sceptile, because Medicham is normally in bigger need of a buff to its stats. - Strength / Yawn. Ability: Overgrow -> Lightning Rod. On the rare occasion you do use it in battle, Dragon Breath paralyzes everything without the Fairy typing and your respective Lati's signature move exists. Quick question, what would be a good froslass alternitive? - Psychic The last move is a variety of coverage moves. Yay, swampert! Team Preview: - Earthquake. Swampert | BW | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Double-Edge There is also a lot of water in Hoenn, so you'll probably battle a lot of trainers with Water Pokemon in the game as well. - Psycho Cut I prefer Frenzy Plant to Leaf Storm because it has a higher base power, and so a higher chance to OHKO the opponent. Ice Beam: Sea Mauville, in the storage room after completing all of the key puzzles. Ability: Rough Skin (Left set of moves is Gallade, right set is Gardevoir) - Dive / Ice Beam. You can delete all HM moves once at the E4 and Linoone is good to deal with Phoebe. I also used a Metagross, but you can't get that easily anymore. This makes it a great defensive lead for a team that needs a reliable entry hazard setter. If it's male, I use Gallade, and if it's female, I use Gardevoir. - Steel Wing Anyway, Kecleon may seem like an odd choice, but it is surprisingly solid. Base 80 power and 100 accuracy make great use of its high Special Attack. The Dragon that only becomes available after the 8th gym and is horribly underleveled when you get it. The best team for Pokemon Emerald with Swampert Swampert Image via The Pokemon Company Swampert is the mainstay of this team, as the final evolution of the Water-type starter. (I know right lol), Swampert @ Swamperite - Hex. Ability: Levitate Camerupt Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite Endeavor- Swellow has bad defenses and will have low health often. Just make sure your Delcatty has Cute Charm or Wonder Skin for its Ability. I've always loved Banette so I decided to use one on this team! - Growl (starting move) > Mud Shot (Level 16) > Brick Break (TM31 - Sootopolis City). As for the last two slots, it's up to preference. - Will-O-Wisp - Roost. - Brick Break / Strength While Weezing might not be as good as Aggron or Skarmory, I already had a Steel-type, so I decided Weezing would be a good addition to the team. Cross Poison is also STAB, and Steel Wing and X-Scissor are coverage against Rock, Ice and Psychic types. But if you do, I would certainly recommend it. For the last move, you can use Rain Dance to work with Swift Swim, or you can use Rock Slide or Hammer Arm for coverage. Rock Slide is a powerful coverage option that works as a good backup against Winona, should Manectric fall. Ice Beam and Flamethrower are fairly late in the game, but you could wait or substitute with another move of your choice. - Acid (idk why I chose this but its what mine had) - Facade (TM) Skarmory @ Leftovers If you dont have a Beautifly, Hariyama is good for Mightyena and Sharpedo. - Close Combat Ice punch for coverage and Rain Dance for setting rain when needed. - Fly before Flannery, not enough coverage, id replace delcatty with a linnone hm slave and mightyana with garnavor with movesets of. - U-turn. - Metal Sound. Swampert: Mud Fish Pokmon 3 Attack Height Weight Gender Egg Group(s) 4'11" 1.5m 180.6 lbs. Aggron - Steel/Rock Swampert (Pokmon GO) - Best Movesets, Counters, Evolutions and CP You can teach Blaziken Flare Blitz and High Jump Kick by going to the Move Reminder and exchanging one Heart Scale per move. Ability: Immunity Silk Scarf-boosted Fake Out does quite a lot of damage to neutral opponents, and free damage is excellent. I'm too lazy to put all the locations for the Pokmon, items and TM moves, so you can just go and look it up on the DB or somethingidk. Good team but I would replace Gyarados with Aggron as you have 2 members weak to electric types and Aggron walls most of the E4 combined with its broken mega evolution with solid defence and great offensive power, other than that, good team :). Really, just here for raw power and Waterfall. Leaf Blade/Thunderbolt. Return is probably the better option, since it'll do 102 STAB consistently instead of the regular 70 STAB from Facade. It can restore health with Leech Seed and Giga Drain as well. Best in-game team for Swampert/Mudkip? - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - GameSpot - Rock Smash, Swellow @ anything Slash is STAB and has a high critical rate, Shadow Sneak gives him priority (and turns him into a Ghost-type with Protean, covering his Fighting weakness), and Brick Break and Aerial Ace are just for further coverage (or type-transformation with Protean). Gyarados is an exceptionally useful Pokmon ingame. The first three are to utilize Sceptile's very high Special Attack. - Hammer Arm - Earthquake: see above U don;t have to lug it arround, just have it sit in that PC box of yours until you need it. Ability: Lightning Rod / Static - Ice Fang: Level 32 Swampert @ Soft Sand - Megahorn: Level 37 However, Sidney has two Grass types on his team, so be cautious. 81.9kg Male:87.5% Female:12.5% Monster Water 1: National Pokdex Hoenn Pokdex Abilities Hidden .
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