* WHEN I CALL YOUR NAME, YOU MUST COME OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND BY THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF THE LAMB. 11. The problem with yielding to this spirit lies in the fact that according to 2 Corinthians 1021-5, we can ONLY punish every disobedience AFTER our own obedience is fulfilled. Areas We Cannot Bind Someone elses free will Consequences of sin Binding and loosing, like prayer is a means of getting Gods will done on earth, not a means of getting our will done in heaven. Devotion Protect and cover them from all these evils, lust, perversions, drugs and addiction, homosexuality, beastiality, molestation, lying, stealing,cursing, and any others I cannot remember that are attached in Jesus mighty name. I ask that my fragmented soul be restored. Consideration 1. We must hate these spirts and be aggressive about changing the way we do things to be free. 5:19-20). You bind and You Loose. 3. 61:7) in Jesus Holy name (Ps 118:25; Ps 35:27; Isa 61:9).I am making a demand and instructing my seed as well as commanding The Blessing that belongs to me to come forth now, you have no choice but to come to me now. I command the families of demons of the sins of ancestors, and sexual sins and diseases to come out of me as your name is called: Lord I forgive my ancestors for creating bastards and committing incest and sexual sins, now Lord, I lose myself from every demon spirit in the name of Jesus and I command them to leave me now, touching or harming no one. 45:11. Bible Verses About Binding And Loosing Phil 2:1-2, 1 John 3:14) (Pride: Prov 3:34, 15:25, 16:18-19, Prov 29:1, 23, Prov 13:10, 21:23-24, Ja 4:10) (Self Pity: Ne 8:10, Ps 50:23, Phil 4:11-13-19, 1 The 5:18) (Fear: Jos 1:9, Ps 107:2, Heb 13-6, Isa 44:2-3, Ps 56:3) (Fear of Man: Jos 1:5, 10:8, Prov 29:25) (Rebellion: Eph 5:21, 1 The 5:18, Prov 17:11, Ro 12:1-2, Phil 2:5-8, 2 Tim 3:1-3, Ro 13:1-2) (Lust: Isa 52:11, Matt 5:8, 1 Cor 3:16-17, Eph 5:3, 2 Tim 2:22) (Unbelief: Mark 11:23-24, Mark 16:17-18, Gal 2:20, 1 Pet 1:6-7, John 6:29) (Rejection: Ps 16:5-8, Ps 91:1-2, Ps 23, John 4:10, Eph 1:4-6). I dismantle every apparatus of rebellion in my life, in Jesus name Holy Ghost fire, purge my life from every rebellion, in Jesus name. 0000009174 00000 n HOk@{LHzVsqBCI|iEQ$`Ziu\Cx~kXmwp]SHX!bWeNb=D*%e&rB)oWo7~hf We ask the warrior angels to come with their flaming, sharp two-edged swords capable of dividing spirit and soul. Please forgive me for the same sins. He has already given us the strategies that we need in order to succeed. (Acts 17:11), Inclusion on this site does not imply agreement with or endorsement of anything said by that individual or organisation elsewhere, or any links therein. We ask GOD to bless them with spiritual blessings, bring them into truth and meet their needs out of His Riches in Glory through CHRIST JESUS. Example: Jesus asked legion his name. 11. Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, I believe you came to this world in fleshly form (God Incarnate) You were birth of a virgin by the Holy Spirit. * The lesser demon told him of the strong man above him to whom he answer to. Mark 3:27 No man can enter a strongmans and spoil his goods except he will first bind the strongman and then he will spoil his house. 15. 1. If you know that you are about to face a confrontation or a bad situation you start binding and loosing before you even get to the scene. 4. We take authority over Satan and the forces of evil according to the HOLY BIBLE, the complete WORD OF GOD and command that you obey it. WebPrayer Cookbook for Busy People (Book 3) - Elisha Goodman 2009-11-27 From the day you invited the Lord Jesus Christ into your life, there are certain prayers you should have This advice given by Jesus in the middle of a discussion on deliverance and erases any likelihood of Jesus statements being misunderstood. I am dead to sin but alive to God (Romans 6:11), therefore, I remain humble before God and God helps the humble (Phil 2:4-5). I shall possess double for my trouble (Isa. STEP #3 After the forgiveness of sins is taken care of hurts and sins, then break any demonic ties. What does it mean for something to be bound in heaven? And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. What is the immediate context of authority over demon spirits and to bind and to loose? Holy Spirit touch every soul on this prayer line and help us to be set free from the stronghold of rebellion and all his subordinates, in the name of Jesus. 7:14. I RENOUNCE them in Jesus name ______Areas you came into contact with__________. To bind their kings with chains, Subscribe. Father, I ask you in Jesus name to send your warring angels to break, cut and sever (John 14:14) all fetters, bands, chains, ties, and bonds or whatever the enemy has been able to place on my mind by word or deed including all evil curses by witchcraft, in Jesus name. The blood of Jesus Christ is a powerful weapon for protection from the enemys attacks. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:19), Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 18:18), Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19), Binding the enemys plans; loosing Gods plans. Have you been delivered from unclean spirits? AS YOU COME TO DELIVERANCE SESSIONS, OR IF YOU ARE DOING SELF-DELIVERANCE, THE DEMONS WILL BE CAST OUT. Your authority and weapons include: The Blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, the Word/sword of the Spirit (Eph. He was now like an ordinary demon and thus could easily be cast out. Grace Thank you, Lord for dying for my sins; for your glorious resurrection and for making me a new creature in Christ by faith in your precious blood. T@w]J Do you mean angels or do you mean the one true Holy Spirit who ministers all good things to us. * Let every dark arrow of rebellion, bitterness, schizophrenia, rejection, hate, violence, murder, retaliation, resentment, and all your support groups, loose everyone on this prayer line as your names are called, you will leave and be accompanied by the angelic host to the abyss where you will be permanent caged until placed in the lake of fire, etc. 2:12, * I have been given the mind of Christ. So possibly all of them could help. The loosing is setting the captives free. 3:14 and Ephesians 1:3. Dont wait until you get into a situation or things get tense before you do this. 20. 12. 0000002751 00000 n The Scriptures say that Satan is the father of lies. I divorce Baal, Satan! BE ARRESTED BY THE FIRE OF GOD. 12. Jesus Christ paid the full price for our freedom on the cross through his broken body and shed blood. Pray for guidance and discernment and test everything against the word of God. 0000001527 00000 n * As your names are called, the angels are already putting ropes around your necks and hooks in your jaws and tearing you out of every soul present here and whoever partakes in this deliverance session, UP AND OUT, STRAIGHT TO THE ABYSE, EVERY DEMON OF _________________________. 18:18-19 and when I call your names or familys names, you and all your works, roots, fruits, tentacles, links, and all of the spirits that you have working with you must leave the people NOW! (You can add into this prayer, Binding of Spirits). Quickening spirit (I Cor 15:45) 18:9-14), every idle word spoken contrary to Gods original plans and purposes and I reverse the curse associated with these utterances and decree and declare thatthey shall not stand, they shall not come to pass, they shall not take root because I am redeemed from the hand of the enemy (Ps. The Greek word is deo (Stongs concordance G1210). No person can long maintain deliverance apart from the Word of God as a primary factor in his life (Psalm 1:1-3)! There are so many things that we pray for and we wait for God to respond when in fact God has already told us what to do. 2143 0 obj <> endobj Anoint with oil. REFER TO LESSONS #6, 7, 8 OR UNDER THE PRAYER TAB FOR A FULL BREAKDOWN OF THE CURSES, SPIRITS AND PRAYERS. You can bind a demon spirit, much like tying something up with rope or chains. PRAYERS BEFORE DELIVERANCE General When finished praying the prayers you have selected, close them in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Make certain you are properly adorned: put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provisions for the flesh lust, envy, strife, bitterness, fornication, hatred, and so forth (Ro. Breakdown of communications between Earline, Marie and me as I pursued spiritual goals but neglected my family. 5:25-26); it is a two-edged sword, laying bare the heart (Heb. It is mainly used to continue a sentence that could be finished by a full stop, but is too long to have a comma. Pray binding prayers for yourself and others. Thy will be done in earth, asit isin heaven.. I thank you Lord for setting me free. Example: Acts 16:19-20. This morning, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and the authority vested in me, in Luke 10: 18, Jer. This is your position, declare it, stand on the Word, get stubborn with the Devil, this is your heritage (Luke 10:19). 4:6; Cunning plans. All believers who are obedient to the commands of Christ will see themselves carrying out all the scriptural injunctions referred to in this lesson. and then he will spoil his house. (Matthew 12:29), When we are facing an evil stronghold in life, we must first use our inherited authority as children of God to bind the evil forces involved. The following prayers spoken by the deliverance worker are meant to be guidelines, not a firm ritual to be followed, and contain elements we have found to be important: NOTE: For those who have not yet been saved, and anyone else that is unsure of his salvation, it is very necessary to recommit and invite Jesus to take up residence in your life before you engage the enemy in these serious warfare prayers. * Jesus is our Lord and Master and we operate in His authority, COME OUT. WebJesus looses us from the power of sin because he died for our sin. Loosing however, refers to the loosing of a captive or person in bondage. Eph. Develop a life of continuous praise and prayer which silences the enemy. Here we see the church being pictured as a militant body, nothing can stop the church of Christ, not even Satan. (LogOut/ Spirit of faith (II Cor 4:13) If you cannot avoid the spirits that come with the goods, then you become a part of the accursed thing a prisoner of the stronghold. I break unnaturally close friendships, blood covenants, pacts, covenants, promises and allegiances. xA [@* "|F@7$)>qCsh94Csh94w %! WebChristians are told to "resist the devil" but never to bind him. 13:19; l) Sowing the tares. I command the families of demons to come out as your name is called. Prayer For Favor 12. 6:12; Mark 16:17). PRAYER AGAINST AHAB AND JEZEBEL IN MY BLOOD LINE. 6:16-18), the anointing, forgiveness, praying in the spirit, tithing, offerings, love, the fruit of the spirit, marching/walking/stomping/dancing/clapping/silence/shouting (Dr. Cindy Trimm). Goodness Holy Spirit (Psalm 51:11) 6. * Arise and come out in the name of the resurrected Lord according to Lk 10:18, Lk 9:1. Spirit of deep sleep (Isaiah 29:10) We are careful to give you the glory, honor, praise and credit for what is said and done. Bind any spirits that are left in this person, separately in uncomfortable boxes with the angels reading scriptures to them and the shekinah glory of God, shining on them until this person receives more deliverance. It is more important that you learn and practice some positive principles that will enable you to gain ground quickly and hold it. Lk. in fact, list of things that had to do with evil. Lord Jesus, your word says, in Gal. BECAUSE GOD HAS everything against the word of God. Excellent spirit (Prov 17:27) Lord I will lift up your name and give you all the glory, honor and praises due to you for the rest of my days, even as my heart is cleansed from every filthy work of the flesh to serve you in holiness and righteousness, in the name of Jesus. Total: {{shoplist.currency}} {{total_price}}. 3. Another possible location for the strongman, which may be controlling a demon you may be attempting to deliver a person from, can be found in another person. I now release everyone to your O Lord and ask that you forgive them, and I ask that you bless them with salvation and provide all their needs. Loosing Spirits of God. 5:24-25, Heb. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME (OR MY FAMILY) SHALL PROSPER!. We ask God to send the Holy Spirit, the seven-fold spirit of God, warrior angels, ministering angels and twelve legions of angels. 7. Williams the bible translator points out for us the verb form is the perfect passive participle, so the reference is to things in a state of having been already forbidden (permitted). 51:20 You are my battle axes and weapons of war with thee will break in pieces the nations and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. Pray without ceasing (I Thes. 6:12; Judges 4:3, Neh. We are not under a curse of any kind once we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but we still resist any evil that is on the earth by listening and following the Lords teachings then by taking authority over evil (Luke 10:19). I RENOUNCE EVERY EVIL SPIRIT THAT BINDS OR TORMENTS ME AND I CALL UPON THE LORD TO SET ME FREE. Lord your love is everlasting for me, continue to draw us to you with loving kindness. DELIVERANCE/SALVATION PRAYER/OR MEDIUM PRAYER. Patience The blessing of Abraham is mine and it is over taking me. It is the sheep that wanders from the flock that is most endangered. You have this power so God has already given you the ability to take action and all you have to do is use it. Daily prayer. Gratitude Ungodly sexual relationships create soul ties. Amen.. We give Satan his eviction notice and declare that his banners, scrolls and plans assigned against anyone on this prayer line and our family members is burned to ashes, in the name of Jesus. Blessed shall you be in the fruit of thy body, the fruit of thy ground and in all of your endeavors. In the name of Jesus. In Jesus name I pray. Arsenal Prayers of Heaven by John Ramirez. We ask all the above prayers in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, we praise Almighty God from whom all blessings flow. You are common. 0000003326 00000 n 2. https://truthinreality.com/category/general/prayers-for-release/, https://truthinreality.com/2012/08/03/prayers-renouncing-generational-family-iniquity/, Be careful that You are meant by G-D to bind and loose Sincerity The Authority of Binding & Loosing Study Guide - Igniting I renounce and break all ungodly covenants, oaths and vows I made in the name of Jesus. I RENOUNCE every philosophy that denies the divinity of Christ. I cancel all legal rights you have to remain, in the mighty name of Jesus. 1:9-11; h) Inflicting disease. I loose myself from all generational curses and hereditary spirits (Galatians 3:13). 3:21. All true believers have been given authority and power over all the powers of darkness. The Devil has a way of making the old times seem rosy to us just like he tricked the Israelites in the desert into missing the leeks and onions that they left behind in Egypt (Jn 10:10; Psalm 37). That curse can no longer manifest or operate in my life. After the people have prayed and been led in prayer, then: MINISTER TO EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER THE MEETING: Satan, we come against all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Use your authority and weapons as you pray this prayer out loud. * We command the lesser spirits to attack the traitors in the camp and throw them out as your names are called, come out. He will in fact be controlling you and not you controlling him. Your analysis is very helpful. I decree and declare that all the enemy has stolen through my generational bloodline is restored one hundredfold now because I have asked for forgiveness and repented for whatever sins that were committed and not dealt with by mythree previous generations in Jesus name. I renounce and bind assignments of distractions that waste precious time or forms of manipulation that would infiltrate my spiritual life. 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8-9. 18:18, Whatever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. especially freemasonry in all its various forms, were kept secret even from close family. Along with loosing us from sin and our betrayal of God, Jesus releases those who are bound by the devil in sickness, oppression by demonic spirits. The strongman is regarded as the gatekeeper of the stronghold; he fortifies the stronghold stationing demons to protect the stronghold and secure its position. I confess them as sin and claim forgiveness in Jesus name. * I renounce all ungodly soul-ties that would give any spirit of rebellion any legal rights over my life, in the name of Jesus. 13:14; Gal. 6. Join and agree with me for this one less than five minute video. 6. We still do, but to bind them will stop them from acting temporarily for some reason so they can afterwards be cast out. 0000004306 00000 n THE SPIRITS ARE RELEASED FROM YOU THROUGH YOUR EXHALATION BREATH OUT, COUGH, OR, EXHALE TO GET THE DEMONS OUT, MINISTER TO PRAY AND CANDIDATE FOLLOW (SEE TAB/PRAYERS IN DELIVERANCE PREP). * Luke adds and to carry away, the very weapons of the owner (occupier) of the house that he was depending on for his defense. Strong in spirit (Luke 1:30) 29 Or else how can one enter into a strong mans house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? WE ACKNOWLEDGE GOD: You are the Lamb of God Advocate, Lord of Lords, Living Water, Author and Finisher of my Faith, First and the Last, our Soon Coming King, Redeemer, Healer and Deliverer, Way the Truth and the Life. We lose legion of angels including the following godly spirits: Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of God, right Spirit, Holy Spirit. I am covered and protected by the blood of Jesus. To deliver the person of all the lesser (weaker) demons, it makes sense to render the power of the stronger man ineffective (bind up his powers) so that he cannot defend his possessions. 27, 28. Spirit of counsel / might (Isaiah 11:2) Rebellion against God and godly authority has led many people into disaster. For us to be saved, we must apply Ro. Specifically, now, I confess the following OCCULT things. 4. 1. 6:12, SOME TRUTHS AND CHARACTERISTICS ABOUT A STRONGMAN. I command the spirit of Mammon to cease your operations in my life and die. 27. I renounce and break all covenants, oaths and vows made by my ancestors, in the name of Jesus. I resist satanic contentions, intentions, provocations, and negotiations concerning my life and my soul, and superimpose prophetic purpose and divine destiny over and against all activities and opposing forces that are contrary to the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning my life. Go to the stronghold you are dealing with, have them renounce the stronghold you are working on and its manifestations and fruits (listed). What did Jesus mean by giving us keys to bind and loose? Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God, as many false prophets are gone out into the world. Lord Jesus I now ask you to forgive me and cleanse me by your precious blood, I accept your forgiveness and I chose to forgive myself, in Jesus name. You are untying something loosening it. I shall be an over-comer over any evil temptation, in Jesus name. For those with Roman Catholic connection: bind spiritual death, mind bondage, harlotry, brain washing, Babylon, false doctrine, religious deception, spiritual darkness, sorcery, quenching the spirit Matt. Haughtiness, Independence, Segregation, Wrath, Separatism, Obstinacy, Insubordination, Defensiveness, Vanity, Strife, Conceit, Loftiness, Non-Compliance, Contempt, Recalcitrance, Unruliness, Waywardness, Rejection of Authority, Defiance, Sedition, Disdain, Selfishness, Self: Centeredness, Importance, Righteousness and Protection, Destruction. Matt. I loose my mind, will, and emotions from every assignment and spirit of darkness in the name of Jesus. A semi colon can be used in the place of a comma. DECLARATIONS AND COMMANDS TO BE USED WHEN CALLING OUT SPIRITS. 16. 39. 2 Peter 2:21. I bind all financial, emotional, physical, associational, political and professional distractions against my private time with God and my prayer assignment.
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a prayer for binding and loosing in the morning 2023