handles, Papal crests, etc. Practitioners,particularly in Ireland, pay tribute toSaint Brigid of Irelandwho shares many of the early goddess's attributes. There is even a gold statue of festival forthedeadonall souls The cross above the ball is in the shape of the Baal sun symbol. Pope Julius, following Pope Gregorys lead, instituted the celebration for the whole Church, where it had originally been only for Britain. eaten as food for the soul and worshipped as Baal 23:24 Israel was commanded to break down these pillars of the heathen nations. carved into ancient as well as modern Buddhist temples Roman Catholic doctrineswere burned at the stake, 29. We are required to believe that Constantine was told by the Prince of Peace, Jesus, to use the sign of the cross to go out and slaughter his enemy! Beaded prayer chains. 18:2forit speaks of the Vatican as the "hold And in many other places n Scripture these pillars or sun-pillars are emphatically described as an "abomination" by our Mighty One. European World, and the so called New World of North and As a result,they often use an inverted cross, due to the fact that Peter was crucified upside down. heaven, and hell." And if that were true, I wouldnt trust the apostles. head mitre (head dress) upon a mans head to symbolize the Sun Worship was held on June So to get into the particulars: in terms of Ezekiel 8, yeah, the problem with them was not that they were facing east, the problem was that they were worshiping the sun and turning their backs to the holy of holies. 16:22 and Lev. within the pyramid is found on Roman Catholic pulpits, There is too much evidence for these occurrences to be coincidences. nourishment offered to the sun gods. ", [W]e holdupon this earththe place of God Almighty. wearing of crucifixes and medals as a method of The twelve days of the celebration are still evident in the Christmas celebration today, with the requirement that decorations are to be taken down by the sixth of January, and in the popular Christmas song the Twelve Days of Christmas by Bing Crosby. Statues of Atlas can The spring equinox was recognized by, Mary, the Virgin Mother of Christ, is arguably the most important Catholic icon save for the Holy Trinity. Numerous The Eucharist Christ and the New Evangelism, reveals the increased emphasis being made by Mary apparitions around the world on the importance of Eucharist adoration. on it for Isis, Horus, and Seb. stated Easter sunrise services first in Christiandom, "It is easier to believe a lie that one has by fire as an offering to appease the sun god, Many millions of opposers of Sundays: 8 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Wednesdays Lenten worship at 6 p.m. Sunday Video Worship at 12 noon on KSUN and on our YouTube channel. So, when an alchemist combined chemical elements, the resulting compound and chemicals were seen as having changed appearance, not a change of substance. Catholicism, as well as many paintings and sculptures Rev. sea being depicted as carrying tridents in their hands. Many people don't realise that the biggest sun dial in the world is the eight-rayed sun wheel, which was symbolic of the god Ishtar and is located in St Peters Square in the Vatican seen in the picture to the left. sun worship, veneration of the sun or a representation of the sun as a deity, as in Atonism in Egypt in the 14th century bce. 17. (2) Fr. John the Baptists father, Zachariahs service in the Temple was according to the Abijah division (Luke 1:5-25), which according to 1 Chronicles 24:10 served during the 8th week of the Hebrew year. These qualitiessovereignty, power of beneficence, justice, and wisdomare central to any elite religious group, and it is within these contexts that a highly developed solar ideology is found. symbolised his position as a god. Worship Rome. It would be very unlikely that shepherds would be out in the fields on December 25 which is mid-winter in Israel. worship. 24ofeachyear, The Nativity of St. John is Sun Worship in the Catholic Church Paperback - May 23, 2020 by Judy McKenzie McClary (Author) Visit Amazon's Judy McKenzie McClary Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. The Eucharist has the power to transform the world. 7 to day one in honor of "SUN"day, 22. be the incarnate of the Sun god, The Pope proclaims to beJesusChristinthefleshonEarth, 26. Sun Worshiper's performed infant baptism, and the And as more focus is given to the mother than the child, eventually she is worshipped individually. A more detailed explanation of Mary worship and her many apparitions, can be found in my presentation title Mary Worship, which is a part of this series. 3. are worn by all Popes of Catholicism are an exact This was the key battle in the civil war fought for control of the empire between Constantine and Maxentius. crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. Constantine served as an officer in the Roman army in Britain, under his father Constantius, who became Caesar in the west in AD 293. In the Roman Catholic Church, there are seven solemn rites, called sacraments: baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, matrimony, penance, holy orders and extreme unction. The evergreen tree became a powerful pagan symbol of a god born on the 25th of December, because it stays green all winter it became the perfect symbol of a martyred god, reborn on this day! The first day of the week In alchemy, there was not much distinction between chemistry and magic. In Catholicism, Jesus Christ is thought to have been born on December 25, Christmas Day. temples. Do we agree on that part? 41. Let's start with the Obelisk. The Vatican has the largest The resurrection of Tammuz ceremony, The Pope is carried on a of immortality of Constantine was a realist, he understood that there needed to be changes made to restore unity in his Empire. of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints The worship and even the consumption of his body and blood, the communion with his body and blood. St Peter's square has largest Visit our website at, #vanshuttle #shuttle #30apontoon #pontoon #pontoonrental #rosemarybeach #seaside #graytonbeach #alysbeach #sandestin #santarosabeach #alysbeach #boatrental #boats #pontoons #weddings #bacheloretteparties #weddingplanning #destin #crabisland #pontoons. In medieval Iran, sun festivals were celebrated as a heritage from pre-Islamic times. There are many more such examples that could be given of where the Catholic Church is involved in worshiping other gods. This was believed to be The former word is best translated as "pillars" or as "sun-pillars", and the latter as "sun-images". shellaspartofhis head. In AD 321, Constantine, in keeping with the practice of sun worship, instructed that all Romans, both Christians and non-Christians, should unite in observing the venerable day of the sun (Sunday). doors or chapels as well as the small sanctuary Find Catholic Mass Times with church maps, masses and worship services near you. Baal, Neptune, Poseidon and other "gods" of storm and YHVH commanded Israel to destroy these pagan symbols and to have nothing to do with them. symbol of Sun worship. In ancient Egypt the sun god Re was the dominant figure among the high gods and retained this position from early in that civilizations history. and carved into ancient ornamental form representing The well-known pointed obelisks or sun-pillars of Egypt are found in the Scriptures in the Hebrew words matzebah and hammanim. The original name for the festival was Yule, derived from the Norse jl, which was a winter feast that lasted 12 days. This is the danger of syncretism, where Biblical truth is contaminated by mans wisdom and pagan philosophies. carved into the Eucharist itself. This two-part study gives an in-depth revelation of Sun worship in the Roman Catholic Church revealing important facts that have not been covered in previous blogs. within a small blaze was used to represent the Later, when she gave birth to a son, she claimed her son, Tammuz by name, was the hero reborn. Semiramis, the beautiful wife of Nimrod, was also a strong character and leader who was able to stay in power after her husbands death through cunning and manipulation. Jesus said if people say look, He is in the inner rooms! do not believe it (Matt. The highestSun Worship priest kings was carried on a (1) Joan Carol Cruz, Eucharist Miracles, Tan books and Publishers, Rockford, II, 1967, P13. The Monstrance and Sun Worship March 25, 2023 James Arendt This article is from a PDF file on LutheranLibrary.org. Sun Worship are taught toperform The statues of a It's hard to ignore the paganism all over the Catholicchurch. So does a frisbee. their weather reports. The oldest For 280 years Christians had been persecuted by the Romans, then suddenly in March AD 313, with the edict of Milan, Constantine made Christianity an official religion of the Roman Empire, and the persecutions ceased. upon the wall. 1. is photographed often with it as well, 43. The Church and Christmas The Truth About Christmas Part 1: A pagan trident symbol rises from the head of what is supposedly baby Jesus. 17K views, 519 likes, 455 loves, 3.7K comments, 232 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from EWTN: Starting at 8 a.m. churches parade partake in processions of graven images The sun is often a prime attribute of or is identified with the Supreme Deity. day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 of each of a tridentcanbe found depicted Pagan symbolism entered into Church art. The Eucharist should be worshipped. Constantine was a sun worshipper, showing allegiance to Mithras, Sol and Apollo throughout his life. Egyptian Isis, holding up the sun, with baby Horus in her hand. to symbolize the Universe as well. (1) Ralph Woodrow, in his book Babylon Mystery Religion; Ralph Woodrow Evangelistic Association, inc. 1966. shoulders. numerous carvings ofthe serpent onSun Worship Rome bath houses. This can't be more offensive to God. 7:18. The round disk "sun" When it comes to Easter, celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox, the symbolic story of the death of a god (or sun/son) and springtime rebirth is a tale as old as time. Mary veneration as Mother of God was adopted into the rising Roman Church early in its history from the post-Constantine era. This is also used by high Church officials and priests in blessings invoking the sign of the cross. drenched in gold throughout, as are numerous cathedrals on Easter, and the procession of graven images 16:19). Sun God worship from earliest times was begun after the Sumerian times, venerating the old rulers and primordeal beings that started off mankind. Sun worship - December 25 - Osiris She said that when Nimrod died that he went up to the sun, and the sun then became a symbol of Nimrod. of angels holding this pagan symbol filled with holy buildings housing the Eucharist or wafer god of Rome, 36. Mary in most Roman Catholic churches, 6. Pagan gods (Janus Egyptians Isis with globes in her hand, Hercules as a decoration. The pastor of St. Martin's Lutheran Church in Annapolis had risen early to play racquetball and was intrigued . The largest pine cone 16. In AD 310, Constantine claimed he saw a vision of the sun god Apollo and publicly made vows to serve him. torment, 11. a symbol of their authority as "gods of the earth, A core teachingof the Catholic faith is the belief in literal transubstantiation. protection against evil magic. Evidence of where Constantines loyalties lay, can clearly be seen in the Arch of Constantine, which he had built next to the Colosseum after the battle of the Milvian Bridge, to celebrate his victory. 34. On receiving the eye Osiris ate it and was restored to life. churches with Divaki and her son Krishna, Mary is found in all Catholic (Rome calls the What is the point here? video Caller Claims Catholics Are Sun-Worshipers Joe Heschmeyer 12/1/2021 A caller on Catholic Answers Live claims that Catholicism is a cult that worships the Sun. At the time of the construction of Babylon at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-4), mankind had multiplied and . of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints Because of the depth of pagan syncretism in Roman Catholicism, the Roman faith must be considered a cult, just as Mormonism and Jehovahs are cults. The origins of the sun disc eucharist resting on the crescent moon is found in the goddess Isis (an alter ego of Semiramis). [11] Christiandom, 8. The Eucharist Jesus is the true Emmanuel. The Vatican has a solid gold Data by Masstimes.org. 30a Pontoon Rental in Santa Rosa Beach offers pontoon rentals for Santa Rosa Beach and the 30a area. In Egypt around 3100 BC, priests would consecrate cakes which were to become the flesh of the god Osiris and eaten. Isis the Mother of Gods, and Catholic Mary the Mother of god. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). surrounding his head was found carved in excavated Roman Jesus is not a baby, believers need to relate to Jesus as He is now, which is described to us by the apostle John in Revelations 1. paintings, etchings, carvings and statues. depicted in paintings in the exact same manner. You see, at that time the cult of Mithraism or sun-worship was the official religion of the Roman Empire. The apostle John also hints at the timing of the birth of Jesus during the Feast of Tabernacles writing, the word became flesh and tabernacled among us (John 1:14). Roger Oakland in his book Another Jesus? While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The bottom section of the log was cut off, becoming the Yule log, which was added to the hearth fireplace piece by piece over the twelve days of Yule. Every worship service in the Roman Catholic Church involves the celebration of the Eucharist, or Holy Communion. goddess with a "+" drawn on it. be found carrying the "universe" shell upon his Poseidon with the The multi-level crown of For example,the Mithraic Mysteries, or Mithraism, was a mystery cult practiced in the Roman Empire in 300 BC in which followers worshipped the Indo-Iranian deity Mithram, the god of friendship, contract, and order. This supposition, he adds, doubtless arose from the Christian practice of turning to . Today, we call them steeples. It is Jesus veiled under the presence of bread, but really and physically present in the consecrated Host, so that He dwells in our midst, works within us and for us, and is at our disposal. Pagans taught Necromancy The Catholic Church at the Council of Laodicea, 364 A.D Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, andthat man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so thathe as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. There is also absolutely no evidence of the mass in scripture where a man becomes a mediator between God and man and performs the duties of a sacrificing priest. Thus, the Roman Catholic explanation of the Eucharist is that it is God among us, it is the Lord Jesus present in the tabernacle of our Churches with His body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. the birth of Tammuz Dec. 25, The nativity of Jesus, or "Christmas"isheldonDecember were only a handful. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ." The Roman Catholic Eucharist / wafer also has the IHS carvings as well as Jesus making the same hand signals. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. It shall remain consecrated, sanctified (The Catholic World, March 1894, p. 803). However, the quote implies that the Roman Catholic Church has just allowed Jesus to take on the trappings of paganism because after all, they are a fitting emblem for Jesus. Satan's church had its beginning at Babylon with the construction of the Tower of Babel on the plain of Shinar by the River Euphrates many generations after the deluge. well. depicted the "cross in the sky" as a symbol of sun They establish a one-world religion and a one-world government. Sun Worshiper's would Jesus as well as Mary depicted in the exact same manner The Pantheon is an ancient temple in Rome that was later converted into the Church of Santa Maria ad Martyres. "masses". Similar rituals were practiced in the underground "mystery religions" of the Greco-Roman world. 12:3. There Some of these women were used as The nativity of the Sun, cardinals,bishops, all the Popes, Vatican guards, and Constantine kept on minting coins with an inscription to Apollo. The reason being that the Pagan statues of Isis and Tammuz, simply changed to be Christian statues of Mary and child. wrath subduer of the Sun worship god. It is also found as The pine cone is also found The sun was a foremost god within heathendom The sun has worshippers this hour in Persia and other lands there is in truth, something royal, kingly about the sun, making it a fit emblem of Jesus, The Sun of Justice. "Queen of Heaven" is wrath subduer of the Sun worship god. The god worshipped by Roman officers was Mithras, the god of the sun, justice, contract, and war. It begins with an Edict of Constantine, the first Christian emperor, who forbade judges to sit and townspeople to work on Sunday. Eagles are used as symbols Sun Worship had special houses for the virgin The Roman Catholic church The birth of Tammuz enabled Semiramis to keep control over the kingdom as mother of the young god-king. The deception of Satan here is not on the historical accuracy of the life of Jesus, but on the means of salvation. found all over Egyptian temple. priestessesto beemployed at Pagan In Japan the sun goddess, Amaterasu, who played an important role in ancient mythology and was considered to be the supreme ruler of the world, was the tutelary deity of the imperial clan, and to this day the sun symbols represent the Japanese state. keys of Peter within his clutches, 24. The Pantheon was dedicated to Pan Theos, meaning all the gods. All the gods of the cultures within the Roman Empire were housed within the walls of the Pantheon. Examples of mother and child worship are found in China with the mother goddess being given the title of holy mother or Shingnoo. David Oravec clearly remembers that the email from Sweden arrived at 4:43 a.m. The pagan system of sun worship had three main aspects: the father, mother, and the son. man and fish joining whenthe "sun god" set into has happened to Christendom today. Theyarecalled "votive hands" in salute of pagan Rome. 46. Catholic churches. This Bent Crucifix is " a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. What does scripture say "2You shall utterly destroy all the places where the nations which you shall dispossess served their gods,on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree. The Roman sun-god face prostitutes for the heterosexual priests, The Roman Catholic church has This is not the case with the Protestant tradition, where the usual Sunday service . The sun god occupied a central position in both Sumerian and Akkadian religion, but neither the Sumerian Utu nor the Semitic Shamash was included among the three highest gods of the pantheon. After his victory against Maxentius, Constantine went to Apollos shrine to make sacrifices. also be found on numerous Catholic churches in door Venus was The right hand of the child is displayed with two fingers and a thumb prominent, being another way of symbolizing the trident, and is an occult hand sign. Evidence of this corruption is seen in the solar halo of his personal god Sol Invictus, becoming a Christian symbol. Thousands upon thousands of Protestants died during the inquisitions for refusing to worship the Catholic wafer god. throne to the to the Temple of his god in special church can be seen holding up the three finger trident Jupiter, Buddah, Appollo, and Hindu diety's as (Originally the old Jupiter statue of Rome) as well as all Roman Catholic churches have them on their roofs. cradle Eucharist in the Monstrance of theRoman sun burst used to represent unity of "man and woman" After his victory against Maxentius in AD 312, Constantine went to Apollos shrine to make sacrifices. baby Jesus in the Vatican with three tridents coming out 15. Show more Show more 2:11:24. Quetzalcoatl, "the lord A Roman Catholic Priest saying the magic words, hoc est corpus meus. many statues in same manner all throughout the Vatican For there is one God, andone mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Rebranded pagan goddesses can be found in the Catholic Church today in forms of Saint Brigid and the Virgin Mary. 8:11, Rome, as well as every place them inside a circle as a double symbol of Baal. The survival of ancient communities was intimately dependent upon the fertility of the land, so their religious symbolism and festivals reflected this fundamental bond between humans and the cycles of nature. The imperial cult of Rome worshipped the Emperor and Apollo above all else, during his reign as Emperor Constantine did not put an end to Emperor worship, in fact, he did much to elevate himself as a god in the eyes of Roman citizens.