Questions pertaining to the duties of the gabbai (beadle), who takes care of the day-to-day operations of a shul or Beis Medrash (particularly, in choosing who should lead the various parts of the prayer service). What's the most energy-efficient way to run a boiler? Whats in a (Hebrew) name? When the reading is over, do the same point-and-kiss move with a bit of Talit, this time for the end of the reading. Download the Anshe Emet aliyah cards used in the Rose Crown Minyan, by clicking here (PDF). Just remember that this is important, because losing the place during the readings delays the service and creates a less than desirable atmosphere. 684-93 for examples of format and content. If you wish to be given an honor, please arrive before the Silent Devotion begins. Pack of 17 Aliyah Cards. Gabbai (pl. You are responsible for the smooth running of the service, particularly the Torah service. Can anybody read from the torah or prophets in a synagogue? The Torah reader will indicate where the reading will start. You can account for entire branches of a family tree by saying "and his/her whole family." If you're directed to close the scroll and/or hold both handles, do that instead. That usually silences them. on the fathers side of the family only), not maternally (i.e. We've also provided audio files of the chanted phrases used to call different people to the bema for the first aliyah on Shabbat and weekdays. In egalitarian synagogues like Beth El, we like to include the mothers Hebrew name as well. Please use the following structure:, Send me The Times of Israel Daily Edition. During the following Aliya, there may be another book for you to follow along, or you may have to look over the assistant Gabbai's shoulder. Keep your eyes and ears open, and you'll be okay. Which ability is most related to insanity: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution, or Intelligence? If the Gabbai doesn't know your Hebrew name, he may say "Ya'amod " ("Arise ") and then look at you with a questioning expression. Ask the Rabbi to lead if she is present and wishes to do so. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? , pp. )/f Always translate Hebrew terms into English. If your Hebrew is not fluent enough for this kind of spontaneous composition, simply do the middle, personalized part of the blessing in English, and then end in Hebrew. A Jew who does not have a Jewish father is called up by his/her mothers name only. How are High Holiday honors distributed? In a member-led service, you can use (and if you wish, shorten) one of the blessings, both in Hebrew and English, in Kol Haneshamah, pp. The following documents are for assisting young. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Gabbai Rishon calls them up: (for a woman). Jews-by-Choice are called up to the Torah as the son or daughter of Abraham and Sarah (ben or bat Avraham vSara). (For women, wearing a head-covering and a tallis/tallit on the bima his encouraged but not mandatory.). Lesson 4: Be Ready for Change Jaime (who uses they/them pronouns) has enjoyed Anshe Emet Synagogue all their life. Translate this far into English. In other communities, the gabbai collects money for the synagogue. The Synagogue Gabbai Often translated as "warden," the gabbai (or gabba'im plural) helps keep things organized and running smoothly in a synagogue. Didn't have enough fasters at the beginning of the service, now do (or might): do you change over to the fast-day liturgy? How do the interferometers on the drag-free satellite LISA receive power without altering their geodesic trajectory? Click on the name of the file, which will call up an audio program on a new page or will open your defalult audio player, and then play the audio file you have chosen. Here is the list of miscellaneous documents available: Rosh Chodesh cheat sheet for 5783 (2022/2023) from. They are available in 5 different colors, with ornamental crowns in either the color of the letters or gold or silver. To create a meaningful experience for the person receiving the blessing and for the entire community, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the Appendix 2: The Art of the Mi-Sheberakh. Who is a Kohen or a Levi? Grasp the right handle with your right hand. In Sephardic synagogues, the Gabbai may be known as a Parnes (rhymes with "car case"). Some people just ask where it starts and they look and make the Bracha, as if to just take note so they know where to start following when the Baal Koreh starts to read. This manual is designed to assist individuals to perform the function of Gabbai during a Torah service at Congregation Beth Emeth. With narration and stuff? When removed before the reading, it's usually placed at-hand for those called up. 215-493-1707, Privacy Policy Many, though not all, of our members are familiar with the Reconstructionist version, and guests may not be. An Ashkenazi scroll has two wooden poles, known as "etz chaim"s (or plural, "atzei chaim"). Please review this card and bring it with you to the front of the room when you are called up. In the old days you would have been expected to know how to read the Aliya. As the person is sitting down with the Torah, the Golel/Golelet should take hold of the tops of both rollers, then roll the scroll tightly closed. All else being equal, choose right turns over left. Meanwhile, its nice to see our gabbaim in Stamford working again. (If in a Hassidic synagogue or right-wing yeshiva, they may frown on folding a Talit on Shabbat, so just put it back unfolded.). gabbai, (Hebrew: "collector", ) plural Gabbaim, or Gabbais, treasurer or honorary official of a Jewish Orthodox congregation, often placed in charge of funds used for charity. Keshets expert facilitators train participants on concrete strategies and tools for inclusion and participants leave with a robust implementation plan. Because no two communities are alike, no two communities will take the same path towards the core values of dignity and belonging. Then use paper clips to indicate donations on Shabbos and Yom Tov. This is coordinated by the Gabbaim. In any case, never make a person feel bad for preferring not to take the honor. But even without aliyah cards, those receiving kibbudim can be told about which aliyah they are getting beforehand and if the gabbai does not have the name readily at hand, he can ask him once he arrives at the bima so he can be called up to the Torah properly. Often a smile, nod, and handshake are all that's needed. If not, ask the assistant Gabbai. The Gabbai will call you to the Torah using your Hebrew name and father's name. Find out more about ShulCloud, Eric J. Marinoff Memorial College Outreach. Cover the scroll with the special cover. This will have been assigned in advance, but you will still need to remind that person that he or she will have the Maftir honor. Children preparing for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah can lead the service for taking out or returning the Torah and recite the Ashrei. See below for the division of aliyot and other honors. Add Location Out of stock Customers bought these together Black Hand-knitted Yarmulke $22.99 NUA 4 Part - Black Yarmulke With Rim $9.99 6 Part Terylene Kippah $5.99 The Gabbai's Handbook $24.99 Building for Eternity $29.99 Most of these documents are in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). Checklist for "Aufruf" AKA "Shabbat Chatan" (in Hebrew). It only takes a minute to sign up. If anyone wants to make a video an post it to Youtube, or wherever, that'd be awesome. The male gabbai should either call out or lead the kaddish derabanan and kadish yatom. )could be individual or group, could relate to themes in the parasha, To express communal or personal hopes, values, aspirations, To enable the community to respond to members who are experiencing joy, sorrow, and/or transitions in their lives, Traditionally, to enable the individual honored with an aliyah to announce a pledge to the congregation. Step 1: Get called up The gabbai (beadle) announces in Hebrew: "Arise, (your name) son of (your father's name)!" Upon hearing your Hebrew name called, rise and walk over to the bimah (reading platform) and stand to the right of the reader, facing the Torah scroll. Same goes for the president or chazan, if they're sitting up there. If you're not wearing a Talit, touch the parchment instead with the belt used to bind the scroll. You will remain there until the next person finishes his Aliya. One of the Gabbaim then hands that person first the binder with the Velcro to wrap the scrolls, then the cover to put on, and finally the Yod (pointer). Go up to the reading table and assemble your materials: tikkun or regular chumash, list of assignments (giving the second copy to the Gabbai Sheini), cards with names of those having aliyot, and the Appendices to this guide if you need them. Walk to the bima via the most direct route. If the Gabbai doesn't already know your Hebrew name, he will beckon you to approach first, so that you can provide it. Do not participate in this declaration yourself. If you have an Aliya card, immediately hand it to either the Gabbai (who will usually be at your left) or the assistant Gabbai (at your right). What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel? God willing, once the COVID-19 vaccine has been distributed widely, our shuls will be filled with congregants again and our gabbaim will be faced with the usual challenges of deciding who should get maftir and daven mussaf. This is usually done between the second and third aliyot. All of these combinations are covered. "Yasher Koach", "Shkoyach", "Yeyasher Kochacha", "Yishar Kochacha", or anything that sounds remotely like that, is a Hebrew blessing for your increased strength; it's used as in "nice job, way to go." stream To give leaders the tools, skills, and confidence in this critical area, Keshet partners with leaders of national and local Jewish groups. Cover the scroll with the special cover. He serves the same role. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Go up to the reading table and assemble your materials: , list of assignments (giving the second copy to the Gabbai Sheini), cards with names of those having aliyot, and the Appendices to this guide if you need them. Instruct the Golel/Golelet on taking hold of the tops, since they often start looking around for the cover rather than steadying the Torah scroll. (Chabad), If your Aliya is the last Aliya of one of the 5 books of the Torah, wait for the congregation, followed by the Torah reader, to recite the "Chazak" declaration. 10. Checklist for Brit Milah (in Hebrew). The following two documents are for making index cards for storing Some of the gabbaim I know keep intricate spreadsheets of the names of all members, with their Hebrew name, whether they are a kohen or levi, all of their familys yahrzeit dates, and their last aliyah which can be sorted any which way you wish! Documents Glossary Jewish Calendar Donations Links Contact Us Hebrew Miscellaneous Documents Most of these documents are in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). When we create spaces that actively affirm and celebrate all people, were living Jewish values in the fullest way and are enriched by the presence and wisdom of all members of our communities. For the reader's sanity, please leave all prompting/correcting/place-pointing to the Gabbai, assistant, or rabbi. There are aliyot cards for each aliyah, peticha, hagbah, and gelilah which are kept on the bima . You still need your name for the Misheberach. The most efficient way to accomplish this is to have aliyah cards that are given to those who will be getting an aliyah before the Torah is removed from the ark. What is a gabbai? The impact of moments like this cannot be overstated. Yamim Nora'im aliyah donation cards, PDF 5.5. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. , pp. I wish more rabbis would insist on adhering to this practice. May the Source of life grant him/her blessing and success in all his/her endeavors. The committee then met with several of Anshe Emets most regular gabbaim to discuss ways to implement this significant and progressive change. You can download the Acrobat Reader from If you were given a card indicating your Aliya, have it in-hand. Gabbai Rishon calls them up: Ya-amod ha-magbiah (for a man) Ta-amod ha-magbihah (for a woman); Ya-amod Ha-golel (for a man), Ta-amod Ha-golelet (for a woman). The Misheberach. Begin in Hebrew through naming the occasion for the blessing. Continue in Hebrew through the end of the blessing. endobj This vitally important work did not cease during COVID-19. (and/or) bat v etc. With the Fort Tryon and Hadar materials as guides, the help of a veteran gabbai, and the skills of a talented graphic designer, new gender-neutral aliyah cards and gabbai sheets were created. Be careful not to run into the person leaving the bima -- usually he'll cede right-of-way to you. All Rights Reserved, Guide to the Synagogue Sanctuary, From Ark to Yad, Highlights of the Shabbat Morning Synagogue Service. The following file was created to save multiple downloads. It is considered an honor and a great responsibility to be the gabbai, or one of the gabbaim, in any community. It's nice to acknowledge family members who are present in the synagogue, your host, if you're a guest, and the synagogue crew. Assign two of the three aliyot for the Torah reading. They may not use the "Ya'amod " procedure as above, and you will just start the blessings after being summoned to the bima. What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? What is a "gabbai"? By making such a small shift in language and ritual practice, Anshe Emet brought about a huge shift in the experience of belonging and dignity for their members. Depending on the volume level of the synagogue, words might be appropriate too. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. The following answer is based on my experience in Orthodox, Ashkenazic congregations, primarily in the United states, and incorporates elements from other answerers. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? ", If you used a borrowed Talit (whether a friend's or one belonging to the synagogue), return it now. Visitors to Beth El are generally the first to be offered honors. Please consider registering your account, so that you can have access to all of mi.yodeya's features. Men are required to wear a tallis/tallit (prayer shawl) when they receive an honor. Please don't take it personally. Two-sided page with prayers for IDF soldiers. Large-print display of the Hebrew alphabet and, Kabballat Shabbat practice sheet for young. Pronounced: GAH-bye, Origin: Aramaic, literally tax collector, but today means someone who assists with the Torah reading in synagogue.The gabbai usually determines who will be called up to the Torah for an aliyah and also assists with other aspects of coordinating worship. Gabbai resources Aliyah donation cards. When Keshet offered its first-ever Chicagoland-Keshet Leadership Project, a yearlong program of learning, action planning, and customized coaching for LGBTQ belonging, Anshe Emet eagerly joined. How many people can share an aliyah? A Sephardic scroll does not have these poles, and so you there is no need to hold onto the Torah. Oh right. The gabbai is responsible for making sure that all of the tasks listed below get done. Similarly, occasionally a reader may make a mistake or pause to jog his memory. If you have questions or would like to learn more about becoming a Gabbai or Super Gabbai at Beth Emeth, please contact David Cerny. endobj My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. The remaining fivealiyot always go to Yisraelim (Israelites). Various combinations of honorees are covered whether the honoree is a man, woman or a couple. Gabbai resources. 3. Gabbai Playbook (Click here to download pdf). Translate this part into English and conclude. Visitors to Beth El are generally the first to be offered honors. He also rips off an arm to use as a sword, Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport. Children of Ashkenazi descent are usually named after deceased relatives (or at least given the same initials), whereas children of Sephardi descent often receive the name of a living relative. The word 'gabbai' is roughly equivalent to 'manager' and the job of the gabbai is to manage the service. Mi Yodeya is a question and answer site for those who base their lives on Jewish law and tradition and anyone interested in learning more. Aliyah donation cards. Wait for someone in charge (either a Gabbai or the Torah reader) to uncover the Torah scroll and open it. The person who has an aliyah may want a personal blessing for a birthday, other life cycle event, or other reason. Besides being an embarrassment to the baal koreh, there are often times where corrections are called out that should not even be made. All the miscellaneous documents in a single "zip" file, Room for aliyah data (date, aliyah name, gift) for 14 aliyot, A passport photo (for visual identification). Take the white loose-leaf notebook, the folder of aliyah assignment cards, and the gabbai box of 3 x 5 cards with member Hebrew names and put these where they will be accessible to you. If there is a Haftarah (a reading from the Prophets), the reader will be the Maftir, which in our case is the fourth aliyah. Some Ashkenazim do not have Hebrew names, but use Yiddish names instead. Typically, when the Torah is taken out to be read before the community, one person reads the Torah, and that person is surrounded on either side with two gabbaim who ensure that the Torah is being read and treated respectfully and accurately. For ark openings and most other honors, members of your immediate family are welcome to join you on the bimah. It is intended to be printed and filled in with the names of the people responsible for each part of the service, a few days before Shabbat). Mi shebeirach avoteinuM'kor hab'racha l'imoteinuMay the source of strength,Who blessed the ones before us,Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing,And let us say, Amen.Mi shebeirach imoteinuM'kor habrachah l'avoteinuBless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimah,The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit,And let us say, Amen. That depends one the ba'al kriah. As the Torah is lifted, one of the Gabbaim should spot the lifter, the way a coach stands by a gymnast who might need steadying.