The names breathe the very spirit of Scottish history and every High School boy or Girl should know as much as possible of the story behind the name of each house. There may well be something in this extract for the present if only to make current pupils aware of the traditions behind the School House System. And share During his time the roll of the School rose from 380 to 670, while the number of Group Leaving Certificates gained went up from nineteen in 1935 to sixty in 1946 after six years of wartime conditions! Local pressure led eventually to the appointment in 1885 of a Secretary of State for Scotland, but the Education Department remained in London almost in its entirety until the 1920s, and it was not until 1939 that its headquarters moved north. For centuries, the strongest force in education in Scotland had been the church, and the first school inspections were carried out by representatives of the local presbyteries of the Church of Scotland (CH2). We can only speculate where this early school was situated, as all the buildings, except the castle, of the old town were destroyed by fire in 1406. This arrangement commenced as from the Prizegiving of 1998 when the Duncan McNaughton Bequest will be awarded for the first time this ensuring that Duncan McNaughtons name will live on in the High School of Stirling in the years to come. The Education (Scotland) Act1872 opened formal education to all children, and placed local control and funding of schools in the hands of school boards. The club, which has only just been formed, will rely to a great extent upon the support of the present members of Classes V and VI for the success of its programme next year. We were the first country in the world to provide universal education open to both boys and girls, as early as the 17th century. As well as remembering the pupils of his old school, he endowed a Chair of Engineering and Mechanics at the University of Glasgow, where his memory is perpetuated by the well known Randolph Hall. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. It has long been the desire of those who wish the School to maintain the high position it has held in past years, to develop the athletic side of school life in common with the purely educational side, and thereby to attain the goal of a liberal education, namely a healthy mind in a healthy body. On the right lower portion of the window, is the figure of Queen Margaret, taken from our School badge, and at her feet the wolf of Stirling, traditionally associated with the ancient history of our town. [2], By the mid-3rd century AD, it had acquired a more precise connotation defining the commander of an expeditionary force, usually made up of detachments (i.e., vexillationes) from one or more of the regular military formations. 2021 HSC school duxes reveal future plans. Just recently, it has been converted into a shop and tea room, the Portcullis. As we debate the issue of support for the Associations continuing existence, it is interesting to read that even in earlier pre-war days, support was being sought using similar memory stirring descriptions which we make use of today. The former . Both world wars cost the school many valuable young lives. With shields in the upper portion are placed the emblems of the Services :-. Until the Reformation in 1560, the Abbot of Dunfermline appointed the Magister, buttheTown Council assumed other practical responsibilities, and about 1450, built a thatched single storey school, on the south-east of the Castle Hill, where the school remained until 1856. Only some schools continue with the tradition which usually also features a pupils name inscribed on a varnished wooden board in gold lettering and displayed prominently in the school along with names of previous winners. King Arthur, in one of his earliest literary appearances, is described as dux bellorum ("dux of battles") among the kings of the Romano-Britons in their wars against the Anglo-Saxons. To north and south of the entrance stretched two huge class-rooms, each with a large stone fireplace. During the eighteenth century this second building decayed, but the number of pupils increased. Dux - is a Latin word for "leader." It is more commonly known as the highest accolade in each school year. Hearing the memories first hand from Alex about his time attending the primary school reminds us the importance of the Hills Trust building within the area for our tenants, the community and its former pupils. security jobs paying $30 an hour; dux of school scotland Further details of the Dux Award can be found on the Departments website. In 1948, then aged 12, I was transferred to St. Mirins Academy. Until the Reformation in 1560, the Abbot of Dunfermline appointed the. We have over 65,000 old school photographs from over 7,000 uk schools - search for your old school photo here. On looking through the old School Magazines on another topic, the following article was discovered in the Magazine for 1962. Awarded the biggest trophy, written up in the local paper and immortalised in gold leaf on the school hall honours board. The Dux of the school will be the student who achieves the highest mark in Assessment in the Year 12 program of study. Within its walls have been educated an extraordinary succession of gifted men. That on the left housed Mathematics, that on the right, English. Records of individual schools include Edinburghs John Watsons (reference GD352), Dean Orphanage (reference GD417) and George Heriots (reference GD421) schools. The Scottish Burgh Record Society has published extracts from the records of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Peebles, Stirling, Lanark and Paisley and these are fully indexed. To maintain transparent procedures for the selection and determination of Dux in any particular year. Such schools were established slowly, but by the end of the 18th century most parishes in Scotland had at least one school. Second World War series (ED24) on such topics as Evacuation Schemes (ED24/7-14) and Air Raid Precautions in Schools (ED24/17-24). A chronicle from St Martin's monastery in Cologne states that the monastery had been pillaged by the Saxons in 778, but that it was rebuilt by an "Olgerus, dux Dani" (who may have been the historical person around whom the myth of Ogier the Dane formed), with the help of Charlemagne. A. Simmons, M.D. Later in the century, other properties were added: a byre, a brew house, a yaird and a coalhouse. Closure periods usually apply to these. Thomas Buchannan, nephew of the celebrated George, was master in the Stirling School from 1571 to 1578, and it was one of his boys, Robert Rollock, who became the first Principal of the newly founded University of Edinburgh (1592). That on the left housed Mathematics, that on the right, English. McK.). By adapting to a school with a great tradition, the principle of an Athletic Union as established and maintained in our Scottish Universities, it is hoped to foster among both present and former pupils that feeling of pride and love which the student bears towards his Alma Mater. We desire to bring before your notice the institution of an Athletic Union at the High School of Stirling, and to request the favour of your patronage and support. Former Stirling High Dux to appear in TV documentary The partnership pairs the comfort and luxury of DUX products with the superior service Etihad is known for. 2015 : Sheeba Zahir. This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Inspections and performance of education providers. During the Roman Republic and for the first centuries of the Roman Empire, dux could refer to anyone who commanded troops, both Roman generals and foreign leaders, but was not a formal military rank. Alert me about debates like this. Essentially, the student has the last word. . Registration will then open immediately after the Easter break on Monday 16 April 2012. 6 Sir John Leng Trust Prize for Dux in History Sir John Leng was Liberal MP for Dundee 1889-1906 and founded the publishing empire which The office of dux was, in turn, made subject to the magister militum of his respective praetorian prefecture, and above him to the emperor. The following extract from the 1963 Magazine may serve as a reminder and is quite appropriate at a time when we remember Mr Charles Strachan and his contribution to School life, as it was written by him. 2022-06-30; the dangers of tradition commonlit . Drawing, gymnastics and dancing were new, but popular, subjects. One of the great masters of the seventeenth century was Master David who presided over the Grammar School here from 1624-42, was lured away to Glasgow, but returned to Stirling in 1649. In August 1854, the foundation stone was laid with full Masonic ceremony. We hold the surviving heritors records for the whole of Scotland (our reference HR). Current records of individual schools remain with the schools, but older records of local authority schools are often held on deposit by local archives. He was 74. So if there are pupils out there who dont manage to win but are still interested we would urge them to find out about general open days and other activities for school pupils on university websites. The masters were then paid, in addition to fees, 60 pounds per annum, except for the newcomer, the Modern Language master, who received much less. The site chosen was admirable for the mid-nineteenth century, when Stirlings chief citizens still lived at the tap o the toon in the Broad Street, beside the Tolbooth and the Market Cross still the focal points of municipal life and within sight of the awe inspiring eastern apse of the Church of the Holy Rude. Too few pupils from some state schools get the right grades in the right subjects to apply to leading universities but there is also evidence that even with good grades state school students are much less likely to apply to top universities than those at equivalent independent schools. The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) operates a service for the issue of replacement certificates (from 1995 onwards). Please give feedback here, report any bugs here, and leave suggestions here. Similar awards already exist in a number of other countries, including Scotland, Australia, New Zealand and the US. Elderpark asked its community to share its memories of the Hills Trust School which is to become new offices for the Association. The Art Department under the guidance of Mr. Leonard Baker (1857 1909) began its long and successful career, which has continued to the present day, under such masters as Mr. Edmund Baker (1909 27) (son of Leonard); Mr. James MacGregor (1927 32); and Mr. James Atterson, whose accidental death in July 1961, saddened the whole community. So the portraits now adorn the School, that we may remember our benefactor whenever the Randolph Gold Medal is presented to the Dux of the School.. The Movement has the support of pupils, past and present, the staff and the Rector of the High School, and these are all represented on the Committee which manages the affairs of the Union. From 1919 until the present day the Athletic Union has worthily furthered the aims of its creators , most of whom had just returned from the horrors of the First World War, and it is pleasant to record that its first secretary was Mr E G McHutchon who was to give his services again to his country during the Second World War and who was recently our senior invigilator in the S.C.E examinations, his spare figure as nimble, fit and vigorous as ever. dux of school scotland. His high personal values and first rate character are shinning examples of all that is great about the folks in Scotland. McK.). One fascist motto was "DVX MEA LVX", Latin for "[The] Duce [is] my light" or "[The] Leader [is] my light". Sometimes personal details about specific teachers are included such as their age, period of service, qualifications and former employment.